OSNAPZ TEH CROTCH-CHOP!!! I wanna get this game soon, but my mom said I have to be nice to brother before I get more video games. Sooo...I may not be getting it for awhile.
Waluigi is the best character int he game in my opinion. Crotch-Chop+Random Banjo=Epic Win.
The thing about Strikers though is, I hate sports games but I can not stop playing it. It's just so crazy and addictive, it's....Freakin awesome is really the only way to describe it if you haven't played. It's the only Mario Sports game I have ever actually wanted to play this much on. I think it is the next must buy for Wii.
I just got this game and I love it! i ALWAYS play as Bowser with his weird lil' claw things and... WTF is up with that "SUCK IT!" Waluigi pose? What is this game rated again? *Checks label