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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:49 am
Yellow Magikoopa wrote: | Dark Meta Knight wrote: | Yellow Magikoopa wrote: | Dark Meta Knight wrote: | Yellow Magikoopa wrote: | "Oh, I got it now!" Sneasle said, throwing a poke ball. the ball hit the ground, opening up, and shooting out a light that formed a shape of a...
"Shell! Shellder!" The tiny, bivalve Pokemon said. "I think I found my starter." Sneasel said. | "who are you and where is Vaati" asked the Shellder with confusion. |
((Shouldn't the Shellder not talk? We really don't want this topic to be full of talking pokemon.)) | The pokemon speak normal. |
"I don't know how to help you there, Shellder." he said with a confused look on his face. | Vaati appears in a flash "it seems you found my Dark Balls that used to have a ghost form of the pokemon you see now but you can have them." said Vaati as he changed the Dark Balls into Pokeballs |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:51 am
"Holy shit! Who the, what are you?" Sandslash said with a lot of exclamation towards Vaati. |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:54 am
Boshi wrote: | "Holy shit! Who the, what are you?" Sandslash said with a lot of exclamation towards Vaati. | "I'm Vaati I'm the one who owns the pokemon you two have released but I give them to you for free for I only had the two when they were ghosts." said Vaati with a calm voice |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:56 am
Dark Meta Knight wrote: | Boshi wrote: | "Holy shit! Who the, what are you?" Sandslash said with a lot of exclamation towards Vaati. | "I'm Vaati I'm the one who owns the pokemon you two have released but I give them to you for free for I only had the two when they were ghosts." said Vaati with a calm voice |
"Well, you don't seem too bad of a guy. I'll make sure this Torchic will be in good hands..." |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:00 am
Boshi wrote: | Dark Meta Knight wrote: | Boshi wrote: | "Holy shit! Who the, what are you?" Sandslash said with a lot of exclamation towards Vaati. | "I'm Vaati I'm the one who owns the pokemon you two have released but I give them to you for free for I only had the two when they were ghosts." said Vaati with a calm voice |
"Well, you don't seem too bad of a guy. I'll make sure this Torchic will be in good hands..." | At these words Vaati walked through a dark void and disappeared. |
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Yellow Magikoopa Vampire
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 21962
HP: 100 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:02 am
"Huh, thanks, Vaati... let's cross paths again, I hope." Sneasel said as Vaati was walking through the void. |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:04 am
"So then, were to next? The cold here is killing me!" Said Sandslash after Vaati left. |
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Yellow Magikoopa Vampire
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 21962
HP: 100 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:12 am
"I was thinking somewhere easy on your little 'temperature problems'... maybe that town where Prof. Birch lives?" |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:13 am
OOC: Crap 3 new pages overnight.... oh well
IC: Kiri was puzzled at this unusual person, but even so she walked past him and into the lab. "Professor Birch? Hello? Professor?" Kiri walked towards the back of the lab. "Hey, do you know where Professor Birch is?"
"Yeah he's out in the field." a worker from the lab looked over at her.
"No I'm not." Prof. Birch walked through the door and towards them. "I just came back. I take it you want a starter pokemon right?"
"Yep." Kiri said. This was it, what would she get? |
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Jolene Legendary Mashine
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 6998
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:34 pm
(*jumps in randomly without reading the other posts first* ;>> ;<<)
"So, what do we do?" Darien sighed dully, his Eevee sitting beside him as they crouched in the muddy yard of the Daycare Center. It had rained the night before, and one trainer's Magnemite had splashed a lot of mud around, so Darien and Heather were cleaning it up while the Magnemite was given a bath by the Daycare Lady inside. Both of the couple had heavy, dark cloaks over them; they were waiting for the sun to set, as they planned to leave for their journey this evening.
"Well, we start by training up a small team and seeing if we can beat the first Gym Leader," Heather responded, tossing her Pokeball, containing a Cleffa, back and forth.
"Where would that be?"
"There's one in Pewter City, there's one in Violet City, one in Rustboro City, and also one in Oreburgh."
"How can you have four first Gym Leaders? I told you this was too complicated. Which one's the closest?"
"From here, Violet City is closest, but if we start from MY house than Oreburgh will be closest, or we could go to Pewter City because Rapi lives there and he'll know all about the place already. I think Lilly lives near Rustboro City too."
"Ugh. This is NO HELP." "Let's flip a coin?" "Coins don't have 4 sides." "Let's flip 2 coins." "Then we'll get 2 answers." "That'll narrow it down better than having 4 answers. Then we can flip between those two." "Whatever. You can do that."
Heather pulled a coin from her pocket. "Okay. On this flip, heads will be Pewter, and tails will be Violet." She flipped it. "Tails. Violet." "Now, on this flip, heads will be Rustboro and tails will be Oreburgh." She flipped the coin again. "Heads. Rustboro. Now we have it narrowed down between Violet and Rustboro." "Now, Violet is heads and Rustboro is tails." She flipped the coin for the last time, and it landed on tails. "Rustboro it is, then."
"So, how do we get there?" Darien asked. "I don't know." Heather pulled a wad of town maps out of her bag, and thrust them in Darien's face. "You can carry me, though." She climbed on to his shoulders, and he groaned and crumpled miserably as he tried to push her off. "Yes, I know I run fast, but you're a foot taller than me and like a hundred pounds heavier than me. I-CAN'T-CARRY-YOU." She got off, but grudgingly. "This thingie here says the boat from Olivine can take us to Lilycove three times a day on Saturdays and Tuesdays." "Today's Tuesday... what are the times?" "One's 8:00. That's doable, right?" "Yeah... we'll leave then, I guess. What do we bring?"
"Well, we need food for us, food for our Pokemon, supplies to catch more Pokemon, supplies to heal them in battle, toiletries for us, sleeping bags for us, money to restock things, a place to keep Berries and other things we find, vitamins, stat enhancers, phones and watches..."
"Remind me why I'm doing this again?" "Because I'll break your little neck if you make me do it by myself." |
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WHO HA HOO HEY HOOM Paper Luigi Vampire
Joined: 09 May 2007 Posts: 6855
HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:38 pm
Steve ran out of the lab. "Wow! My first pokemon! Let's test it out!", he yelled. He ran in the tall grass and sent out Torchic. He heard a rustle in the grass and a Wurmple came out. "Torchic! EMBER!", he yelled. Torchic looked confused. "Ohhh. You don't know that attack. Erm, tackle!?" Torchic tackled the wormple, and it fainted. "Time to catch a Zigzagoon!", he yelled. ((Teh Zigzagoon is teh pwnzorz)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:58 am
Proffesor Birch tossed her a pokeball. Kiri missed it and and it popped open in front of her. The next thing she knew, she was on her back (again) with a ball of fur blocking her vision. Lifting the pokemon off of her so she could see it, Kiri exclaimad "A Growlithe!" The small pokemon smiled as it wiggled from her grasp and began running around her. "Thank you so much Professor, see ya!"
"Hold up there! I haven't given you your stuff yet. Heres a backpack, I'm sorry but we didn't have anymore purses, ("Thank you lord" kiri muttered) 5 pokeballs, and a potion. Oh, I almost forgot, here." The Prof. handed her a pokedex along with the her backpack full of stuff.
"That all?" Kiri asked, she was exited to get going.
"Thanks" and before you could say wait, she was out the door. |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:12 pm
" I hope you don't mind Prof. you don't need to give me anything unless you can point me toward the a place where a contest is being held I have to make sure everyone remembers me as a pokemon contest champion." said Vaati as he made the items he would need appear. |
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Jolene Legendary Mashine
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 6998
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:43 pm
(Let's just lump everyone into a similar place so we can befriend/battle/etc. each other. Actually taking our characters to a similar location takes too long.) |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:00 pm
Jolene wrote: | (Let's just lump everyone into a similar place so we can befriend/battle/etc. each other. Actually taking our characters to a similar location takes too long.) | OOC: Vaati will appear out of nowhere and Ghastly has no pokeball but has immunity to being caught by any trainer for Vaati had enchanted it with a special pokeball repealing barrier. |
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