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Vaati The Wind Mage
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:26 am   Reply with quote

The heavens poured down their wrath upon Darkwyn City, and still did Vaati dance. As powerful winds blew into the city, the mage of winds danced. He danced atop the Tower of Dome, ziggurat citadel at the center of the hill land city. Dancing with him were the wind sprites, fairies who were living embodiments of the wind. As they twirled in their madcap revelry, the clouds above Darkwyn encircled the tower, the citadel the very eye of the storm.
As the spirits danced, Vaati twirled around, drunk on the bliss of the dance. How long had he dreamed of this, sleeping in that accursed sword? To dance among the fairies, to feel the coolness of the wind, to sense the moisture of the rain. Here he was in his element. Here, he was in tune with the forces of nature, as he had so long ago as one of the little people, one of the Minish.
Taking a spry sprite damsel as his partner, Vaati danced, his royal purple cloak twirling about in huge arcs. As he danced with his companion, Vaati couldn’t help but think of how great his longing, his sensucht, for his kind had been. Humans were adequate. He had known many whose magic powers were impressive. Yet none could compare to those whose very essence was magic.
And yet, it was those very humans who were such a threat to his kind. How often had he seen them, cutting down the forests, hollowing out the mountains, redirecting river flows. Yes, it was for their survival, their own needs at existence, that they did what they did. And yet, Vaati couldn’t help wonder, At what cost?
Vaati shook those thoughts from his mind. There would be time to ponder over such things. Now, however, was the time to celebrate, to dance and sing and laugh at life’s joys and wonders.
The sorcerer took this to heart, and grabbed his companion by the waist. The sprite laughed as Vaati began guiding her in an elaborate dance, spinning around expertly across the tower plateau. This wasn’t a surprise to those who watched. Vaati was known to be friendly to the ladies, at times openly flirting with any woman that struck his fancy.
Several of the sprites had formed two rows by then, stretching out their arms to each other in a mock arc. Those not part of the living gates gaily danced beneath them. Seeing this, Vaati’s partner pulled him after her, urging him to join the others. Vaati smiled, white teeth with a faint purple hue showing. Complying with her demands, Vaati followed, laughing along with the others as he bent down, jumping and dancing beneath the many arcs of arms.
Coming out of the long archway, Vaati laughed, gazing directly at the sky above as he did so. This was what it meant to be truly alive, to share a joyous moment with those that he felt close to; to relish the feeling of freedom so long denied him.
Just then, a small winged orb of light appeared on the sorcerer’s shoulder. From afar, it looked like a simple orb with wings attached to it. Exuding a dark blue glow, the orb sat on Vaati’s shoulders, rocking back and forth to the beat of the music that some of the sprites were playing. Noting the weight on his right side, Vaati turned to the orb. From close-up, he could see that it was actually a woodland fairy. Usually seen as a ball of different colored lights, the light actually emitted from their bodies, similar to a glowbug. Otherwise, they were essentially miniature humans, only with insect-like wings and antenna on their foreheads.
“What is it Tales?” asked Vaati irritably. The little fairy always sat on his shoulder, despite repeat reminders not to do so.
“Oh, nothing,” replied Tales, his grin nearly overtaking his face. Wearing a dark blue sleeved vest over like colored overalls, Tales looked every bit the part of the prankster schoolboy.
Which was why Vaati always took the fairy’s statements with a grain of salt.
Excusing himself from his dance partner, Vaati withdrew to the outskirts of the festivities. “Now,” asked the mage, when they were suitably alone, “what is it?”
“Well,” began the fairy, “you did want to be informed when ‘it’ was ready.”
Vaati’s eyes widened in surprise. “Already?” “Yep,” grinned Tales, his teeth gleaming in the light of a far-off thunder bolt.
“Already...” Vaati mumbled, looking at one of the tower plateau’s obelisks absentmindedly. At four points of the plateau was an obelisk, a giant, square shaped pillar twice the size of Vaati himself. Upon each were ancient Hyrulian runes, the language of a long-lost thought civilization.
Cared for as they were, Vaati easily saw his reflection in the stone’s smooth surface. At six foot three inches, he easily loomed higher than most. His skin and hair, while fair, bore a slight tint of purple, complimenting each other nicely. He wore an open robe of royal purple over a purple tunic lighter in shade. Red pants peeked beneath the tunic, ending just above his red sandals. Vaati looked every part of royalty, no less exuded by his royal purple cap, which held at the front eye-like ruby.
Yet his appearance did not concern Vaati right then. What did was the news that Tales had brought him. Ever since his release from the Sword of Quad, Vaati had sought a way to claim the Light Force. A magic said to bestow upon its wielder godhood, the sorcerer had once claimed most of it for himself. However, he had been interrupted in his draining of the original host, so he had not been able to glean all of it.
After overthrowing the former ruler of Darkwyn City, Vaati had searched for a way to claim the rest of the Light Force. Consulting books, spirits, and various mages, witches and witchdoctors, he had finally come upon a solution. A spell trap that activated when the person meant for it sprung it was required. With it, he would just have to wait, and the Light Force would be his.
Still, Vaati was surprised. The spell had required many components, and he had expected it to take a few days to be ready. Why else would he have started just three days ago with preparing it?
Satisfaction quickly took over, however. If it was finished, then the mage could begin the next phase of his plan. If it was finished, however.
“Tales, are you sure that the process is finished?” asked Vaati of the fairy.
“Would I ever lie to you?” returned the small sprite, his face beaming with feigned innocence.
Vaati simply stared at the fairy, his silence answer enough. Sighing, the sorcerer looked towards the festivities. “I’ll come down later to check up on it. For the moment, just make sure that the spell is bonding properly.”
“Why the worry? Everything is going perfectly. So why can’t I have some fun?” Tales looked wistfully at the party going on, in particular the tables filled with snacks, food and h’orderves.
“Because someone has to watch over it, if nothing else to make sure that no foreign materials get into it. Otherwise, I’d have to start all over again.”
“Then why can’t you do it?” returned the fairy, his voice betraying his dissatisfaction. “I’m hosting this party. The host doesn’t up and leave during the festivities. He waits it out till it is finished,” replied Vaati indignantly, walking over to the snack bar.
“Is it that, or are you just wanting to make sure that you can continue dancing with that sprite girl of yours?” Tales asked cheekily.
Vaati’s face blushed a bit at the question. True, his hosting duties had been on his mind, but he couldn’t deny that he had also thought of the sprite maiden as well.
Anger and indignation soon took over, however. Reaching to swat the pixie off his shoulder, Vaati grumbled, “Bah! Just get back to your job. I’ll join you later on.”
Before he could reach the fairy, though, Tales had already jumped up and away, his bell-like laughter egging the mage to just try and catch him. Flying over the table, the fairy grabbed a cookie almost as big as himself. With snack in hand, he flew out of sight, disappearing to whence he came.
Fuming, Vaati watched the pixie fly off. The sorcerer quickly put his aggravation out of his mind however. Tales, annoying as he was, only spoke the truth, and it was pointless to deny it. “Now then, where is she...” said Vaati to himself, stepping back into the crowd to find his sprite partner...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:53 am   Reply with quote

I'm recording this in speakonia later for no reason see?
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:19 pm   Reply with quote

Anyone read this yet?
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