Jolene Legendary Mashine
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 6998
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:33 pm

Name: Darien Age: 16 Gender: male Starter: male Eevee Home City/Region: Goldenrod/Johto Other Facts: Works at the Daycare Center by Goldenrod. Is very good at caring for Pokemon and getting them to like him. Travels and works nocturnally. Is new at battling, and became a Trainer just because his girlfriend was doing it too. Future Planned Pokemon: Psyduck, Tyrogue, Venonat, Sneasel, Ralts.
Name: Heather Age: 27 Gender: female Starter: female Cleffa Home City/Region: Eterna/Sinnoh (the Old Chateau is her house. >:3~) Other Facts: Crazy, trigger-happy dominatrix. Incredibly violent and moody, with extreme anger management issues. Is Darien's girlfriend. (It's safer not to ask.) Travels nocturnally. Wants to become the Pokemon League Champion. Future Planned Pokemon: Igglybuff, Nidoran-female, Machop, Houndour, Riolu.
Name: Raphael Age: 34 Gender: male Starter: male Meditite Home City/Region: Pewter/Kanto Other Facts: An ex-bodybuilder that has decided to travel the world with Pokemon in self-inflicted harsh conditions, for meditation and self-betterment. Is pretty "out-there" and hippie-ish. Close friends of Heather. Travels nocturnally. Has a boyfriend that runs the Pokemon Center by Mt. Silver. (His boyfriend has a Delibird instead of Chansey.) Future Planned Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Larvitar, Geodude, Onix, Bellsprout.
Name: Lilly Age: 24 Gender: female Starter: female Happiny Home City/Region: Lilycove/Hoenn Other Facts: Kind of a burnout; has never had a real job, her own house, or a boyfriend. Orphaned and lives with her aunt. Tries to work as a paranormal investigator/vampire slayer but hasn't had much success. Wants to take over Morty's job as Ghost-type Gym Leader of Ecruteak. Future Planned Pokemon: Meowth/Skitty/Glameow/Growlithe for traveling team, Gastly/Misdreavus/Shuppet/Duskull/Rotom/Drifloon for settling in as a Gym Leader. |