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TimeFlip Sign-Up! ^^
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:14 pm   Reply with quote

Okay, I'll just get straight down to the plot and stuff.

One day, somehow, time gets utterly screwed. A LOT.

As in, all of the sudden, Villains rule over most of the Marioverse, and are already beginning to conquer the rest, which REALLY sucks for the good guys. But there's a twist...

All but a few people remember what things were like BEFORE the TimeFlip; nearly everyone thinks there WAS nothing before the TimeFlip. There are only a few ways a person could have their memories unaffected.


One:...Bananas? Who knows why, but apparently eating or being near bananas helps prevent time travel related changes. O_o

Two: Being a Robot or a related un-biological species

Three: Magic. Some people use magic to protect themselves at all times.

Four: Being in a different dimension, rather than the Marioverse. This includes Subcon, The Underwhere, and The Overthere, as they're separate from the Marioverse in ways...

Five: For some reason, the villains' memories haven't been affected, other than the fact they've apparently been fused with an alternate dimension that allows them to take full control, but hey...This basically means that they remember past failures, rivalries, etc etc etc.

There are also several groups of people here in the TimeFlip...


Heroes: The people who still have their memories, and want to stop the villains and turn things back to normal.

Villains:...Oh wow. If you don't know this I'm going to thwack you with Mr. Hammy the Ham. -.-;

Rebels: People who don't have their memories, but still want to stop the villains.

Traitors: People who either go from Heroes/Rebels to Villains, or vice versa.

Neutrals: They don't really have a side, and honestly don't care if villains or heroes have control. They can have their memories or not.

Normals: The people who don't have their memories, and dare not go against the villains. There are Peaceful people, who simply warn the Heroes and Rebels to stay away, and the Fighter people, who would be more than happy to take down somebody.

Thieves: Whether they have their memories or not, Theives like...thieving. Ob-vi-ous. Most just steal from the Normals, but a few are bold enough to infiltrate the Villains HQ itself. Some act as bounty hunters, stealing from either Heroes or Villains if they get something they want from it...


The setting is an altered Toad Town. Peach's Castle is replaced by something people like to call the Villains HQ, where the villains do...villain -crag-. ^^


To sign up, make a list describing what chaarcters you'll be using.

Name, Species, Group, Memory (Yes, No, or Partial). I'll show an example with one of the characters I'll be using, Tayl.


Name: Tayl
Species: Mewser {Cat equivalent of a Squeaker}
Group: Thief
Memory: Partial


Post away! ^^

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Cashplx Land!    

Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:25 pm   Reply with quote

Oooooh, Count Bleck wants to join dis.

Name: Count Bleck
Species: Tribe of Darkness
Group: Villain
Memory: Yes
Other: Past Bleck


Name: Blue Takahashi
Species: Luten Alien (my created Alien species)/Fallen Angel
Group: Heroes
Memory: Yes
Other: Has a disability--blindness

Last edited by LordBlumiere on Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bitter Heaven    

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:26 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Scooby
Species: Dog (Chihuahua)
Group: Heroes
Memory: Yes
Other: No owner, but can talk.


Name: Squeebee
Species: Squiglet (Sgoug actually)
Group: Rebels
Memory: No
Other: Has a spike hat he found from a Spiky Goomba.

Last edited by luigifan360 on Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:31 pm   Reply with quote

Yay, people like my plot. XD

This is actually a Mario Rp I've used lots of times on Neopets. Sigh I'm Kitayl there if anybody here actually goes there, I'm really just there for my Mario Guild and using this plot on the boards. XD

Anyways, in the process of making the board...


{Name: Squeebee
Species: Squiglet (Sgoug actually)
Group: Rebels
Memory: Yes
Other: Has a spike hat he found from a Spiky Goomba.}

Rebels don't have their memories, otherwise they'd be Heroes. ^^
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Cashplx Land!    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:34 pm   Reply with quote

Kit Quizmo wrote:
This is actually a Mario Rp I've used lots of times on Neopets. Sigh

I used to go to Neopets...

As therealdeepblue...

But I don't go on anymore. o_o
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Bitter Heaven    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:36 pm   Reply with quote

I shall join as Vaati the master shapeshifter I'm a villain who works for the villians while secretly working for the heroes he has great magic he has a special barrier that protects him from magic effects including time effects

Heres some info

Name: Vaati

Titles: Wind Mage and Master Shapeshifter

Powers: dark and wind magic and shapeshifting

Strengths: can shapeshift into anyone and their attack by the using Dark Eyes on those that he thinks are powerful

Weapons: his blade of Darkness

Weakness: matters on his current form
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:39 pm   Reply with quote

LordBlumiere wrote:
Kit Quizmo wrote:
This is actually a Mario Rp I've used lots of times on Neopets. Sigh

I used to go to Neopets...

As therealdeepblue...

But I don't go on anymore. o_o
same here I was known as Magnet creature(I got it from a card fthat could be found in the case of the game Duelist of the Rose or what ever the game was called)
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:41 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Crystal
Species: Duplighost
Group: Villan (YES She's evil now, Fool. She used to be good.. o.o;; good thing her weakness hasn't changed a bit..)
Weakness: Doopliss (Not kidding on that one, fool.), Weak Duplication powers (She looks like the enemy she chooses to duplicate, but instead, she's pink and her blue eyes remain the same.)
Memory: No
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:42 pm   Reply with quote


Crystal and Doopliss are part of meh Mario Guild on Neopets, but we're usually here because Digibutter screws all other places. XD
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Cashplx Land!    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:48 pm   Reply with quote

It screws everywhere...

But Red Data Forums. Teh awesomesauceums because I made the longest-pages-RP there that is close to being the longest-running--One Year.
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Bitter Heaven    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:56 pm   Reply with quote

Yesness. Due to Teh Timeflip, Crystal's evil now, but has no memory.. xD
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:13 pm   Reply with quote

Make the magical list to join, Crystal. XD
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Cashplx Land!    
Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:15 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Kiba
Species: Human
Group: Good Guy
Memory: Very Good
Other: N/A

This sounds fun!
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Anime and Image Shop    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:18 pm   Reply with quote

Yay. X3

I'm almost done with the board. ^^
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Cashplx Land!    

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:19 pm   Reply with quote

Kiba Inuzuka wrote:
Name: Kiba
Species: Human
Group: Good Guy
Memory: Very Good
Other: N/A

This sounds fun!
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    
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