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TimeFlip; The Rp!
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:28 pm   Reply with quote


Sign up first, plx. Plot there, too. ^^


A shadowy figure roamed the dark corridors of the Villains HQ, as silent as the night itself.

It was none other than Tayl, a Mewser and thief.

The star on the end of her tail began to glow dimly, a signal that someone was approaching. Instincts kicked in as she hid behind a random vase. A Koopatrol and a Hammer Bro were apparently on guard duty.

"Hey, Fred?" the Koopatrol began.

"Yeah, Jeff?" the Hammer Bro asked in return.

"I've been thinking, our job really sucks. We should screw it and go to Sirena Beach. They've got decent hotels, and we get a discount for being evil." Jeff continued.

"Duh, we won't be evil if we quit." Fred rolled his eyes.

"...Why don't we ask for a vacation?"

"Because then you won't get one you retard. Now shut up before I use this hammer on you." Jeff looked at Fred.

"...Where's your hammer?" Fred looked at his empty hand.

"-crag-, where is it?!" he flailed. Suddenly, Tayl popped up and hit Fred with the now stolen hammer.

"FRED!!!" Jeff cried.


No reply.

"Oh Fred...I never got to tell you that I---"

"Shut up, before I bish-slap you." Tayl threatened.

"I SHALL NOT BE---" then Tayl bish-slapped him and moved on.

"It's a good thing that nearly all of the guards here are retarded." she smirked.



It surrounded her.

Her memories were fading in and out, but then she saw it...

It was a crescent shape and bright yellow...


Ki woke up suddenly, and then her face was impacted by a banana milliseconds later.

"OMIGOSHSORRYITHOUGHTYOUWEREDEADORSOMETHING!!" a voice shrieked. Ki glared daggers at the Star Kid floating in front of her.

"TWINKI'LLKILLYOU!" the Shapeshifter screamed, ready to kill Twink, until a female Subcon Fairy stepped---floated in.

"Ki, settle down! You blacked out!" Ki stood up and looked around. Toad Town looked kind of...different.

"Eh...are we in Twilight Town or something?" Feya hung her head.

"THAT would be our problem right now..."



"Squeechy, get your -crag- in here!" an impatient mage yelled. A strange creature, which appeared to be a mix between a Squirpian and a Blooper, made it's way into the room. It's location? Sorry, that's Top Secret.

"Yes, Sawissa?" Squeechy asked, it's voice sounded like it was a baby or something.

"Something's happened...thank Grambi I've got some freaking decent magic."

"What happwenned?" Sarissa's denim blue eyes became obscured by her seafoam green hair.

"Another TimeFlip..." Squeechy looked confused.


"...But this one has a different purpose..."


{{Sorry for my suckish intro. D:}}
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:32 pm   Reply with quote

((Awww, your intro wasn't that bad. My intros sucketh.))

Villains HQ - Black-Room

Count Bleck lazily flopped down onto his bed without a second thought of the squishing of his hat. He had plenty more anyways.

"Count Bleck thinks he is in the Overthere..."

Ever since the TimeFlip, Count Bleck had became one of the leaders of this parallel dimension. And to him, that was Win. Pure Win.

((I'ma gonna introduce Blue sooneth.))
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Bitter Heaven    
Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:35 pm   Reply with quote

{ Its not suckesh}

Just then Kiba and Akamaru heard an explosion.

" What was that!??!," said Kiba.

" Arf!," Akamaru barked.

" Good point! Lets go!" Kiba said as Akamaru Jumped on his back and they race off together.
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Anime and Image Shop    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:39 pm   Reply with quote

I be Squeebee for now!

One day, Squeebee the Sqoug woke up on a beautiful day, he put on his trusty spiked hat and decided to take a stroll through the pasture, then all of a sudden he heard a similar explosion, he actually wanted to see what it was, he actuall likes danger, especially explosions, so he rushed over to the area...

[[[Teh suckiest...Sad]]]
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:39 pm   Reply with quote

Vaati was known as the advisor for Evil but he secretly was a hero he had become the advisor of hero so that the plans the villians had made would always fail but in a flash he saw the villians everywhere and many good people and some of his freinds who knew his secret in chains.

"It seems a time flip has happened." said Vaati as he saw the horrible site.
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Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:42 pm   Reply with quote

" Gah!!!!!" Kiba said as he was caught in the explosion.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:44 pm   Reply with quote

{{Yay, my intro doesn't suck. :3}}

{{Although, it looks like -crag- when you compare it to my "When Digibuttter Becomes Reality" intro. That one took me an hour to write when you exclude procrastination. XD}}
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Cashplx Land!    

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:45 pm   Reply with quote

"Crystal, I can't believe you lost it.." A Shady koopa muttered, wandering around Toad town.

"Oh yeah sure, blame the fact that I ended up in toad town.. Wait, I'm lost. Is it Toad town, or Twilight town?" She muttered, looking up at the sky. It reminded her of Twilight town, where she used to live at.

"I never want to go back to Twilight town.. Not even once.." She growled, spinning on the back of her shell before going in one Direction, accidentally crashing into Ki.

"Who the heck are you three?!" Crystal yelled, getting up and glaring at Ki, Twink, and Feya.

(Sorry for my Suckish, short intro.. D=)

Last edited by Crystal on Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:46 pm   Reply with quote

"Well I might as well see how Count Bleck is doing."

Vaati then went to see Count Bleck to see if he had noticed the things he had seen.

"Count Bleck it seems you have heard of the timeflip that has happened." said Vaati in a calm voice.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:48 pm   Reply with quote


{{Major NastasiaxO'Chunks last chapter, and now the author has hinted towards DaisyxFawful. =O}}

{{DaisyxFawful may sound insane, but it's so kawaii! ;-;}
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Cashplx Land!    

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:51 pm   Reply with quote

Squeebee then saw the explosion disappear and then saw something...it was a huge blue dragon-like skeleton monster...Squeebee was very confused at first but when he heard his name...

"Broo ha ha ha, I, Bonechill will now take over this dump!"

Squeebee then became worried and then when he noticed Bonechill freezing everything, Squeebee then decided to run away, but he was too slow, his icy cold breath froze him in an instant! And Bonechill continued his freezing frenzy!
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:54 pm   Reply with quote

mariofan360 wrote:
Squeebee then saw the explosion disappear and then saw something...it was a huge blue dragon-like skeleton monster...Squeebee was very confused at first but when he heard his name...

"Broo ha ha ha, I, Bonechill will now take over this dump!"

Squeebee then became worried and then when he noticed Bonechill freezing everything, Squeebee then decided to run away, but he was too slow, his icy cold breath froze him in an instant! And Bonechill continued his freezing frenzy!
While frozen a Floor Master had grab Squeebee's frozen body and sent him to Hero HQ secretly located in Vaati's castle.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:09 am   Reply with quote


{{I pwned Bonechill in exactly 18 seconds. =D}}


Ki stood back up after being knocked over.

"Hey watch where you're---" Ki noticed the Koopa's crystal blue eyes.



Forever Forest.

A dark labyrinth of dying trees and frightening flowers.

It was named as so because legends said not many people that went in ever came out. But, it was a clever passage to Toad Town.

"Sarissa, nice of you to drop by...?" a leafy creature said, the greeting forming into a question.

"Oaklie, I need the quickest path to Toad Town." the mage replied, her voice was flat and monotone.

"...Are you all right?" Oaklie questioned.

"Shut up Oaklie. Your freaking lucky this forest is protected by magic. There was another TimeFlip." Oaklie looked skeptical.

"How will Toad Town help?"

"I'm looking for The One."

"You won't find The One because last time---"

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" Sarissa refuted, storming off. Oaklie shook his head.

"She's gotten much more adamant since last time..."
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Cashplx Land!    

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:13 am   Reply with quote

"I said, who the heck are you?! By the way, how did you even know my name?" Crystal said.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:30 am   Reply with quote


Ki looked confused.

"Crystal, it's me, Ki? Don't you---" Feya shook her head.

"Ki, the TimeFlip affected her..." Ki blinked.

"Erm...not a good thing...


"FREDDDDD!!! LIVE!!!" Jeff sobbed. Suddenly, Fred woke up. Jeff gasped.

"Fred! My tears of love---I MEAN friendship have brought you back to life!"

"Uh, no. I didn't /die/. I fainted. Then I woke up because I remembered I forgot to turn of the sink."

"Oh, that's taken care of."

"Oh, alright. Hey, where's that intruder?!"


"Heheh, those retards. They didn't even guard the treasure..." Tayl snickered, stuffing coins into a brown sack. Suddenly, a shadow was visible in the doorway, causing Tayl to hide behind a pile of jewels, a couple of which she added to her collection.

Turns out, it was Bombette. She whined.

"I can't find him /anywhere/!"
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