OOC: Hope Vaati has an iron stomach to go with that body.
Cpt Blue: Never heard of Culex, but this should be simple enough. You may be invulnerable to the elements and outside attacks, but lets see how much integrity your mind has. *makes three clones of self* *does the following to the first two clones while the third does the last one* *upon the third one's suicide, he bends backwards and touches the ground behind him with the palms of his hands before bending back*
OOC: You've done it now...btw, what he does to himself is actually just an illusion using ice clones at light speed.
Cpt blue: Time for the worst of the worst then. *rips out all of own body parts, then somehow puts them back together; first all in the wrong places, then in the right spots* And for the coup de grace...*shows vaati the scene from borat where the two guys are naked and beating eachother up*
OOC: Then scratch that bit out. I dont know what I was thinking.
Cpt Blue: Looks like you're pretty stable mentally as well...I've got it! *starts shooting a steady stream of ice at elemental vaati*
OOC: it had no effect.
Elemental Vaati: can't you see I'm unbeatable now.
OOC: CB should notice the strange diamonds that seem to be the color of every element Vaati had fused CB will only be able to destroy 1 diamond at a time for each one has a weakness to a certain element while strong against the other elements example water will damage the red diamond but not the blue one.
Cpt Blue: I give up then, Vaati. I can't win. Sure I could try to destroy the diamonds one by one, but you'd stop me from getting the last one and lowering your defenses. Its impossible. I give up. *bows*
Cpt Blue: I give up then, Vaati. I can't win. Sure I could try to destroy the diamonds one by one, but you'd stop me from getting the last one and lowering your defenses. Its impossible. I give up. *bows*
Vaati: so you see the power I hold you made a wise choice *vanishes*
*CB is instantly teleported to the Glitz Pit but with a rare blade*
OOC: its his normal blade but with all but the fire element when an element is used the blade transforms to the sword that was made by the element.