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Luigi's Dumped his Mansion
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~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:35 pm   Reply with quote

300 years after Luigi came along and re modelled the mansion with his vacuum. People from all around come to see the land mark now, but no really go inside, a straggled few dare to go in, only to find the only ghostly spirits that are left are Ice, Fire, Water, and a new breed; Electric Medallions. The leader of the Ice Medallions has come up to you and asked a simple question. If you anwser yes, then you will come and do as planned, if you say no, then you will try and help stop what ever is being cooked up. The question is; "Do you like Ice cream?"

1) No chatspeak, or what ever it is called, I want more than 1 line of writing.
2) Limite yourself to 3 characters.
3) If you are wanting to be a Portrait ghost on top of that, then you can be, that is one of the few things that will exceed your limite.
4) E. Gadd's Grandson (Who happens to look and act exactly like E. Gadd) Is needed as well as a Luigi.
5) No killing eachother.
6) You are only given one Flashlight, and one Vacuum.
7) You can join as who ever you want.

Setting: Luigi's mansion. Everything is basically the same, except for a new room, set on the main floor. The room contains electrical stuff and spawns Electric Medallians. Also the Back yard is filled with Fresh green grass now, as well as the front, the Exterior of the house is quiet lovely, and all dressed up. But as you get inside, the lights start to flicker and the place turns back to it's old run down self inside. That is when you hear a cold snicker.

Plot: The Followers of the Ice Medallion will be trying to set the ghosts free, while the others trying to stop them. If the ghosts are free'd then a Vacuum will be giving to the non-followers, The Followers will then try to stop them.

Confusing? Ask me about it.

To join, tell me I'm an Emo. (This is according to Popple)

I will be joining as the head Medallions;
Rainysprings and
Sparkyautomns. (I know this breaks my own rule, but oh well.)
I will also be Sir Weston, and any other spots are open.

We can start when ever.
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:59 pm   Reply with quote

(so can we start? BTW, I'm going to be King Chomp and Licorice. and you WANT me to call you emo, emo? There I did it. And BTW, I don't really think you're emo, I just called you that to get on you're nerves. Yes I like ice cream..........duh I'm a yoshi.)
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Greenlight Global Goods    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:08 pm   Reply with quote

OoC// You can join, the time is before you enter the mansion, so you. ENTER THE MANSION. :3
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:15 pm   Reply with quote

*enters mansion*
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Greenlight Global Goods    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:39 pm   Reply with quote

Hey Frozenwinters, can I use Fierysummers and Rainysprings? :3
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Cashplx Land!    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:50 pm   Reply with quote

OoC// Sure, And remember Gear, no one liners. -pokes the rules-
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:51 pm   Reply with quote

frozenwinters wrote:
OoC// Sure, And remember Gear, no one liners. -pokes the rules-

OOC: Gear's not here......
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Greenlight Global Goods    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:54 pm   Reply with quote

frozenwinters wrote:
OoC// Sure, And remember Gear, no one liners. -pokes the rules-


Is it all right if I start in the Foyer, ya know, the room that you're in when you open the door? XD

-burn'd and splash'd-
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Cashplx Land!    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:54 pm   Reply with quote

Licorice wrote:
frozenwinters wrote:
OoC// Sure, And remember Gear, no one liners. -pokes the rules-

OOC: Gear's not here......

OoC// Why did I say Gear, I ment Licorice. Sorry.

BiC// The light blue puff of Ice floated toward the door. "Tonights the night, now just ask them; 'Do you like Ice-cream.' And it will be over in a flash." The Ice ghost said to himself. His plans where so far set, and everything was going good.
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:10 pm   Reply with quote

-posts so you don't have to double post to answer my question-
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Cashplx Land!    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:12 pm   Reply with quote

OoC// Thank you and yes that is fine. You should join as an outside Character, so we can get that part over with.
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The Carmadox Party    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:32 pm   Reply with quote

OCC:Would you by any chance allow a few Dark Medallions(look at avatar for an example) to be added and under my control?
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:35 pm   Reply with quote

frozenwinters wrote:
OoC// Thank you and yes that is fine. You should join as an outside Character, so we can get that part over with.

I may enter with someone else later. ;3



"It's all small in here though! D:"





Fierysummers (Fire) and Rainysprings (Rain) made their way through one of the many secret corridors of the Mansion, which lead from the Backyard to the Foyer. However, many of these hallways were extremely small, not very good for somebody Claustrophobic, like Rain.

Rain was much the crybaby, sensitive and fragile. However, she was pretty smart. Rain was the leader of the Water EG's, or Elemental Ghosts.

Fire, being the leader of the Fire EG's, was quite cruel, and always seemed to be pissed off at something. Usually Rain.

The two were opposites, yet the made a good team in battles.

But there hadn't been many battles in the past 300 years. Just a lot of silence...

Rain was in silence.


The dim light at the end was finally viewable, and the two came out.

{{They're amusing to use. XD}}
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Cashplx Land!    
~A color is just a color~

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:44 pm   Reply with quote

OoC// Dark Medallions are fine. =D -is thinking the house will be over welmed with medallions, but it will just make it more interesting-

Bic// Automn swayed down the stairs that hung over the foyer.

"What are you talking about? He called over to the pacing Ice ghost. Frozenwinters looked over, his enemy in live was looking directly at him. Frozenwinters, was usually the quiet, nervous type, but when called an emo, or hears the word emo, he freaks out. While Sparkyautomns' a complete oppiste. Loud, twitchy and enjoys calling people emos.

I'm just waiting for our geusts, cackle."

OoC// My keyboard is going screwed, Sorry I canèt continue the post... .___.;
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The Carmadox Party    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:51 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: Just to get this taken care of you are an emo(not really for I'm half emo).

Eyez found two of his friends and flew over to them.

"So whats happening right now." said the dark ghost.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
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