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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:51 pm   Reply with quote

((Just so you know, this one has it in Abigor's POV))

It seems darkness has overcame my friend too...this is horrible, I feel like staying behind and curing him, somehow, but my other side begs for me not to do this...To keep another hero suffering.

Abigor moved on, ditching the others the forest thickened again...the path ended at a thick amount of trees on a cliff overlooking the beach...But then Abigor saw it...Whispy Woods! The massive tree didn't seem to do anything, it didn't even bother to look at him , it just blinked...

"This is the monster plant I've been talking about...It looks more imposing than I though." Abigor said to himself.
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:12 pm   Reply with quote

The image document, as per usual, seemed to depict the keyword. A shining heart, which, even in just a still photograph, seemed to give off a strange amount of brilliance. This must have been the Pure Heart.

Next, the virus looked over the extended text document.


It happened again, today. I don't see why he doesn't just give it up...that's the eight time, now. Can't he realize that he has no chance of doing it? He's a genius, yes - even I admit that - but he simply doesn't think these things through.

Either way, I've begun work on Project X. I'm using MM as a basis for the project.


He escaped from prison, again. That's the ninth time. Honestly, I don't see why he hasn't gotten the death penalty yet.

Something seems different, this time, though. I can't say what it is, for sure, but it feels like the calm before the storm. Project X is going well, but I'm beginning to have second doubts about it.

Project X...what exactly was it? Who was writing these logs? And who was the one escaping from prison time and time again?

Seeking answers, it read the next text document.

Pure Hearts - Research
By Dr. A.W.

Pure Hearts - also known as World Hearts - are some of the most perplexing objects our world has come across. Indeed, study of Pure Hearts has confirmed it: our world is not the only one with intelligent life out there. Pure Hearts contain a massive cache of energy - magic, if you will, though that word is surely extremely controversial. Nevertheless, there is nothing else in the world which has the same type of energy as this. Theoretically, a mere fraction of a Pure Heart's power could subjugate the entire world - a frightening prospect, to be sure, and one which I intend to take full advantage of.

September 5th...

It looked at its databanks, and realized, with a start, that the log had been written only five days ago.
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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:45 pm   Reply with quote

As Abigor moved closer to the Wise One of the Forest, the tree just kept blinking...and blinking. Staring straight ahead, not concentraiting on anything.

But, in truith, the tree was concentraiting. not on anything outside of it, but rather on the inside. From the ground down the tree took on a dead, black look. corruption was already begining to affect the tree, spread from Shade's path that he had created only an hour ago. The tree was fighting it, however; its inner forces were actualy repelling the death.

The Black Embodiment had smoothly and quietly moved up from behind the tree, emerging from the shadow bit by bit. He slowly slid towards the tree...and when he reached it, just strode right in as if it wasn't there. The tree was losing the fight; the corruption was growing rapidly. and once the tree was entirely grey, and all the leaves had fallen off, the tree's eyes turned dark red, and Shadow was in control.

((i'm gonna get off and go to bed, so can we leave the big tree action till tommarow please? either that or someone can animate my side.))
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:41 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: Bump >_>
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:44 am   Reply with quote

OOC: This RP is too good to be forgotten.

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The Shop on a Hill    
Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:41 pm   Reply with quote

((We need SA pronto!))
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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:57 pm   Reply with quote

((we need someone to respond to meh post. Laughing ))

((going to bed))
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:06 am   Reply with quote

Seaside Forest

As we walked deeper into the forest, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tree change. It didn't sway in the breeze, it didn't rustle from the movement of an animal. The tree itself changed. It was dark in the woods, and as I turned my head to inspect it closer, it looked basically the same as the other trees around it. Not only did I see this transformation, but I felt a cold shiver up my spine, almost as if a cold darkness had descended upon us.

"Did you see that?" I asked Blumiere, who was still helping me walk by the elbow, frantically, making sure I wasn't imagining things.

He seemed distant when he answered. "I witnessed nothing with my sight, but it has gotten colder all of a sudden. I felt you tremble also." He broke his blank stare into the forest to look down into my eyes, his full of fear of what could come next.
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The Shop on a Hill    
Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:07 am   Reply with quote

"Oh my, Chaos Dimentio truly isn't the only darkness in this world...It's the shadows we met earlier..." Said Abigor.
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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:33 pm   Reply with quote

"Bah...you see in terms of good and evil?"

the sound echoed through the forest as if the trees were whispering to one another, just loud enough that if amplified, it could be a hair raising yell.

"There is no "good and evil"in this world...only your perspective. I see you as heroes, but does this stop me from also seeing you as destructive barbarians? I see my master as a ruthless evil villan directly out of the fairy tales, but does that stop me from seeing his true motives?"

There was a snapping as trees in the forest shifted, moved and complied with the wind.

"For the latter, i believe so. As for you all, though, no. you can be good and evil, just like the large, purple monster the one you call Blumere attended to."

"Your bird friend has destoryed my masters plans, and this cannot be alowed. Hand over this...Articuno, and I will alow this wise old forest to live. If you chose to keep the flying monstrosity, however, you and this forest shall forever become tainted with the shadow."

A large, black robed figure slid out of the wise old tree, facing the party.

"make your decision. You have 2 minuites."
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:55 pm   Reply with quote

"Shadow?" the virus repeated. If it was in its programming, it would have laughed.

"I do agree with you about the good and evil argument, but...'tainted with shadow'? Come, now. I doubt any of us have the time for such foolishness."
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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:15 pm   Reply with quote

"I will not lend over my friend for your twisted schemes, you can tarnish this forest, you can bring me over to your side, but he is staying for good cause." Abigor stated.
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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:30 pm   Reply with quote


The dark being glanced at Virus, and even though you could not see it, he smiled.

You do not believe me? How did I come to be? How did the shadows themselved come to be? Ahh, but it 'tis a long tale...so i shall demonstrate.

Shade turned around and looked at a small, young tree. Immediatly the tree began to flush a dark grey color. All the leaves that were on the tree turned black, and the tree grew. and grew. and grew.

When it finaly stopped growing there was no light underneath the tree and it was covered in spines. A bird flew close to the tree and the tree lashed out, grabbing the bird and strangling it with its branches.

Shade turned back to face Abigor and the small Virus.

"you wish to be empowered by the dark and the corrupt?"
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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:33 pm   Reply with quote

"...You are such a sick, sick force...I have no choice, but I cannot allow such a slime like you to wreak more havoc. I ask you to seal yourselves away, or I'll take you by force!" Abigor snatched his scythe into his claws, reading for battle.
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:48 pm   Reply with quote

"Illusions," stated the virus dismissively. "Shadow powers...what foolishness. It defies all logical reasoning. I have had enough of this. Stand down, or I will show you just how destructive a body even such as this can be."

Within the Mettool's body, parts began to rearrange on the virus's whim...
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