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Luigi's Dumped his Mansion
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~A color is just a color~

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:43 pm   Reply with quote

"Damn fool" Automns stood at the door of the house.

"He will not be getting far." The Ice ghost popped it's head from behind.

"Hn? What are you talking about?" Frozenwinters waited for a while before looking the same direction his brother was, outside you could hear the gates of the courtyard quickly squeel to a stop.

"Do you not remember? It will that all in, cackle, leaving all unable to come out." Frozenwinters snickered before floating back to the others.
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The Carmadox Party    
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:54 pm   Reply with quote

Entrance to Mansion

"Almost there..." The Koopa said as it ran down the paved road, "Oh look, the gates open!" Once he arrived near the gate, it closed causing him to hit it face front. It feel on his back and began to rub the bump on his head.

"What the heck?" He said as he opened his eyes. The gate had grown. It was at least four times larger than before. He stepped back and gulped. He was stuck, and there was nothing he can do...
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Koopa Kruiser Supply Shop    

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:40 am   Reply with quote

*uses tounge to drag koopa back into the mansion.* Hey, come on. There's a trail of coins on the top floor.
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Greenlight Global Goods    
Parabuzzy Queen

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:38 am   Reply with quote

"A trail of coins?" I adjusted my glasses, narrowing my eyes in thought. "I don't like the sounds of this... it's too much like a trap."
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Buzzy Mart    

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:21 am   Reply with quote

Gregory Edgeworth wrote:
"A trail of coins?" I adjusted my glasses, narrowing my eyes in thought. "I don't like the sounds of this... it's too much like a trap."

Everything always is. Besides, I've been wanting a challenge for a long while. *picks up more coins* you guys coming?
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Greenlight Global Goods    
Shadow Kingdom
Spell Seal

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:16 pm   Reply with quote

how odd, the door is unlocked. *enters* well i suppose this place is pretty nice, but why are all the lights out? *repeatedly flips a light switch* must be broken. best see if someone else is here

((OOC:you are emo))
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Parabuzzy Queen

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:25 pm   Reply with quote

((OOC: I'mma switching to third-person. Because first makes my brain bleed. Razz))

"The lights are dead," said Gregory, glancing over at the newcomer. "Along with most everything else in this place." He adjusted his glasses. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make sure Licorice doesn't kill hiimself."
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Buzzy Mart    
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:45 pm   Reply with quote


They Koopa clutched the bars on the gate and began to violently shake it. It was useless, he was stuck. He looked into the sky and saw that the sun was finally setting and it would soon be night. "What am I going to do?" The Koopa said softly to himself, "Well, flash lights don't make them go away...I've got to find something to get rid of those pesky ghosts..." He sat on the ground and began to think on how to get rid away.
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Koopa Kruiser Supply Shop    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:19 pm   Reply with quote

OoC[[ I guess since no one is joining as E. Gadd I will, Gear since you are trying to get rid of the ghosts you will met him first. ]]

The small swirly man walked contagiously up to the green koopa. "Why... Hello there my friend... Need anyhelp?" His voiced was rather young, and high pitched but the outside was rather old and crusty. Pop-bottle glasses, revealing the eyes that swirled around in confusion, an old lab coat probably a hand-me-down and his gray hair wasn't fooling anyone.


Automns quickly shut the enterance as he noticed E. Gadd Jr. was talking at the gate."He is a lost soul... Anyone willing to help us? We know all the ways for you not to get eaten by this house.... And for those that wont, let the shadows be your only guild." His face was rather frustrated, if they didn't go quickly E. Gadd Jr. would surely screw up the plans.

"Will you please help us? We will get you king Boo's crown if you do. It will most likely be a fake... but... yeah"
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The Carmadox Party    
Player 2

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:30 pm   Reply with quote


"What- who are you?" The Koopa said as it jumped to its feet, "Yeah...I guess I need some help...You see, there are ghosts in there and they want to rule the world! I think... And they want to make...a sequel! You got to help me!"
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Koopa Kruiser Supply Shop    

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:07 am   Reply with quote

*a rolling sound can be heard from the distance*

Licorice: I'd help you ghosts out IF you give me the REAL king boo's crown.

King Chomp: *crashes through a section of the outside gate, right next to gear and into the house, rolling right over Licorice and then stopping in the main room.*
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Greenlight Global Goods    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:19 am   Reply with quote

Quickly the house's gate sprang back up. "Yes, Yes." The little man started to lead the turtle to a small shack on the other side of the yard. "I am E. Gadd Junior. I have lived in this house for 107 years, I cook up new weapons to repel against the ghosts left in that mansion, but lately they have gotten stronger. So far the only device that has worked so far was a vacuum." E. opened the small buildings door. "This is the one place that ghosts cannot come forth to."


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The Carmadox Party    
Parabuzzy Queen

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:26 pm   Reply with quote

Gregory let out a shriek, jumping three feet into the air and hanging there. "W-what the hell is that thing?" he cried, pointing a shaking finger at the Chain Chomp.

((OOC: Y'see, Greg is sort of clueless as to the workings of the Mario-'verse, so...))
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Buzzy Mart    
Kero Neko

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:51 pm   Reply with quote

ARF ARF ARF!!!!!!!!!!!! Arf? arf arfarf..........arf? Arf. Arf ARF arf....(I LET MYSELF IN ELECTRIC BLOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is here by the way? I was just taking a walk and I found this place.........and who is that floating person? He acts like he's never seen a Chain Chomp before. That is NO way to treat the king of them......)

Last edited by Greenlight on Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Greenlight Global Goods    
Shadow Kingdom
Spell Seal

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:14 pm   Reply with quote

actually, he hasnt. so you are the king of the chomps? pleased to meet you.
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