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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:13 am
Digibutter NerrNews Inc. 13. September 2007 From the Desk of Mr. Zelnor, Anchorman Digibutter Lane 35 Phone 1-800-ANCHORMAN
Hello dear Digibutter residents,
this is my first attempt at writing an RP. And to be honest, I’m just doing it because this is more then just any average RP. It is at the same time what it pretends to be – a news TV show / podcast. As I have told you many times, SPM, the game this forum circles around, will be r eleased in Europe and my home country of Germany in exactly… Two days. Excuse me for a second.
*runs into a nearby cleaning closet* OMG ULTRAMEGAHAPPYNESS ! *squeals and exploded because of being so anxious to play the damn game*
Okay, I’m done. So this is a news TV show, complete with lights, cameras, sounds and some special effects nobody remembers installing. The main purpose of this will be to give me a chance to improve my writing. As I progress in playing Super Paper Mario in… translation *shudders* I will write exclusive experience reports for Digibutter News. And this is were you come into the game. As any successful anchorman, I’d be nothing without my faithful team of cameraman’s, technicians, witnesses or local crazies. I need people who announce the weather, make the costumes, bring the food, anything.
BUT ! When you enter the RP you agree to follow the rules. Commenting on the experience report is allowed outside of the RP, but please, no spamming. No ~~Princess Daisy~~, you may not tell me to shut up.
Now, I will proceed to the rules. I hope that anyone who enters the RP (commenting on my reports does not count as being an active RP member) follows these, as they should keep it running smoothly.
No. 1 – The RP plays in the modern era. No magic, No supernatural powers, play as if you were normal humans that work in a TV station. No. 2 – Please, no spamming or flaming, except it’s canon, like if you have an argument in the RP No. 3 - I will create a general scheme that shows how the show’s gonna run. Please stick to it, and don’t post anything not fitting into the timeline No. 4 – If you want to join, then please PM me as who and what you want to join. Please use only existing media jobs, or jobs that are linked to media or people like visagist, caterer, lottery fairy, etc. No. 5 – If action comes into the RP, then only realistic one, like another corporation wahts to buy out the station or anything. Please no terrorists, no magic invasions, maybe a meteor strike. No. 6 – The show must *naving* go on. So whatever happens, it’s be nice if we could still air the news and the reports. Else it’s defeat the purpose of making an RP for the reports. No. 7 – Most important rule: Please use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling when you post, or at least keep the quality as high as you can. “I went to find the extra camera lens than I found it in some dusty olsd boxyes down in the celler benesath some other junk” wouldn’t be a desired post. “When I was told to find an extra camera lens, I immediately went to the supply cellar, and, after some searching in dusty old boxed full of out-dated equipment, finally found one and returned” would be much better, although it’s probably a too high standart. No. 8 The show itself should be written in script style (A: Bla bla *happening* B: BLA BLA !) whilst the rest should be ego-perspective novel style. (I went out of my chair, yawning and stretching, as…)
Please notice that these rules are a quick and rough draft, so they may be too harsh. However, I’ve seen some awesome RP dissolving into spam in no time, and I want it to last at least until I finish the game.
If you have any better ideas for the rules, feel free to PM me your ideas.
Oh, and if any mod could watch the topic to see if the rules are accepted and not broken, Iäd be very glad.
IDEA FLASH ! I just got an idea – maybe I could ask Francis to make this thread the official SPM Europe Release Party thread / Event Thread, with some special function maybe.
Back to the show. Which brings us to:
The Show Plan This is basically the outline that should be used for any aired “show”.
1. Opening Credits with music (Maybe the Francis theme) 2. Greetings from the anchormen/women, short messages, small stuff 3. Now the big reports, scandals, anything else 4. Experience Report No. XX 5. Commercial Break 6. The Daily Lottery Numbers 7. The Weather (may be used for comedic effect, like something always fails or weird stuff happens) 8. The Speech from Francis (If he wants to participate) 9. Ending Credits.
Please stick to this. Although I heavily considered making this a full-blown Digibutter TV RP, I think that’s be too hard to achieve, and especially impossible to maintain as anyone would want it to go their way. So the guidelines and rules should help this thing keep running. So Digibutter TV, or this RP is basically an all-news channel.
News Show 101
I will try to whip up an example show of how I think this should go.
*opening music plays* Ladies and Gentlemen, live from Fort Francis, we, the DigiNews Channel present you with *spinning Tippi-Logo with text appearing* The Digibutter NerrNews ! With your Anchormen Zelnor, Flavio and Maiq the Liar, the weather women Paper Peach, Francine’s communist camp story, the Digibutter Lottery (OOC: Maybe this could become a real lottery ?) with ~~Princess Daisy~~, the german experience and, last but not least, the Speech of Peach.. err… Francis. Nerrrr…
And here’s your daily report, here are your high-technicaaaaaaaal news !
Maiq: Good morning, humans. Today, we present you many news. We know many and will tell some. *orders a stack of paper* In the Off-Topic forum, today a new fad has started by Zelnor in disguise. Using a alternate character calling itself “Dark Samus” he proceeded to yell at people “FEEL THE CORRUPTION !!” and spraying them with blue spraypaint. Zelnor: *snickers* Maiq: Maiq finds that confusing and childish. Zelnor: *NAVI* YOU ! (OOC: In the show we’ll use navi censoring) *test image appears* We’re sorry, our station is currently experiencing technical problems Please stand by. *normal image* Flavio: Today there was a mass breach out of Digibutter Prison. Luckily, the Nerr Force V was able to find most of the escaping convict, however some are still missing. *pictures appear* The escaped are naming themselves “Evangel”, “Lord Rattler” and “SAGE”. If you see any of these people sneaking around, fire away. If you manage to catch them, you will be rewarded with ROMANCE ! THRILLS ! EMOTIONS ! and MONEY ! Well, at least the last one. We must however warn you, the escaped are unarmed, highly annoying and retarded – they’re far below stuttering peacock, they’re plain EVIL. *Intro sequence* Now, exclusively for the NerrNews, out anchorman Zelnor faces the horrors of a translated game… crippled jokes.. wrong names… here’s the experience report.
Zelnor: *reports, in the actual RP I’d write about my game progress and character names or quirks here or state an excuse why I couldn’t play*
Zelnor: … And with that I am finished with my report for today. Now it’s time for our commercial break ! Stay tunes for all the hottest Digibutter news ! – after these commercial messages !
*music* *Commercial music* Mama Luigis best, barrel-riped spam… It’s rich, full flavour has inspired and moved generation. Many wanted it, but only the elite could hope to attain it. Now… you all can have it. Order the special gold-plates family can right now… Under 1-800-franisbenmiplx Mama Luigis Spam. The best of canned meat – for you. YA RLY.
*next commercial*
Come to TIPPINGTONS ! Only at Tippingtons you will find Tippi-approved items of best quality. A MUST HAVE FOR ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ADVENTURER ! Tippington. The one and only. (OOC: You may include actual links) *etc., etc.*
*music* And we’re back, folks, with… the DIGIBUTTER NERRNEWS !
And it’s time for the daily lottery number pulling session with Princeeees DAISY ! Daisy: I SAID I WANTED A STRAWBERRY SHAKE ! STRAWBERRY YOU *naving* SONS OF A *naving* *Navi* ! Underlings : *shiver in fear* Daisy: … Wait, the camera’s already on ? *smiles brightly* HI I’M DAISY ! Welcome to our daily weather report ! Today’s weather is… AH ! *a small rumble makes the studio shiver, the camera turns and we see the backstage where the main technician, Chaos Dimentio, is busy fusing a Chaos Heart into the circuit system. Suddendly a void appeard in Daisys weather chart* Daisy: … rather void-ish. Regardless in which Dimension you live, the sun’s not gonna shine very brightly because it’s being consumed by the Void. Aparently, you will do that too, and… *the Void suddendly grows as CD plugs an extra cable into the Chaos Heart, sucking in random things, some of which hit Daisy* Daisy: and because of that, I- OW *rubber duck* recommend that -YEOUCH ! *palm tree* you kepp all win -OUWWIE ! *Ayers Rock model*dows shutted and await vertain – OW ! *an anvil* doom. Have a nice day! *the void grows again and consumes anything, even the camera. White noise is left on the screen*
Now it is time for the Speech of Francis. Francis: *Announces stuff or anything* People : *clap clap clap*
Zelnor: And that’s it for this episode of… the Digibutter Nerrnews. Stay tuned for our next newsflash, which airs – whenever we feel like it !
Okay, now where’s my *naving* paycheck ?
*camera zooms out and changes to Digibutter logo* DISCLAIMER : The producers of this news show want to point out that no animals or people or anything living was harmed during the making of this episode. Daisy and anyone else should appear somewhere again in around 10 minutes. We don’t know how it works wither, it’s some sort of randomness curse. Why are you still reading this ? Go and get a life. Seriously. NO GTFO MY DIGIBUTTERS !
So this would be how a show would run. Between this and the next show (I’d like to hold the privilege to start it) the staff members chat, get into their rooms, build and repair stuff, eat, make children, wed, anything. If you want, you can even write one page about how your character sits on the toilet screaming for someone to get paper.
Which brings us too…
Please only one per person, so that a) nobody will get confused and b) you have more time to focus on it and it’s development. Possible jobs for your character : - Anchorman/woman (One is me, we have room for two other) - Technician (Light, Sound, Requisite) - Visagist - Caterer - Main Technician - Reporter - Local crazie (must still apply to “No magic”, may run around naked in the studio or something) - Cameraman (needed) - Clothes maker - Water glass refiller - News writer - News searcher - Investigator - Defense attorney for legal cases - Lottery guy/gal - Weather man - People for Commercials (Companys or Actors for the spot) - Francis
If you’d like to join as anything, as stated above, please PM me and I will look at it and update the list.
Please respond to this as fast as possible, and please read it whole.
Discuss. |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:28 am
Arf arf arf? (What job would you suggest for a Chomp?) |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:56 am
((I can be the cameraman.)) |
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Flavio Vampire
Joined: 05 Jul 2007 Posts: 10649
HP: 4 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:01 am
Can Flavio be the reporter? And, does Flavio HAVE to be human? |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:40 am
Cpt Blue: Let's see...*looks at list of jobs* I'll take main technician OR caterer. I can fix anything, including Vaati's sentences! (sorry vaati. Had to make a joke). As for food...hope you like sushi, beef stew, pork cutlets, miso stew, crepe, flan cake, and raspados (snow cones). |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:48 am
Can I be an anchorwomen This is awesome! Great idea I almost died at the Mama Luigi's spam part XD |
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Addicted to linebreaks Plastic Mario Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 20799
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:10 am
I'll watch this for rule stuff if that's what you need. Can I also be the local crazy? |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:18 am
King Chomp wrote: | Arf arf arf? (What job would you suggest for a Chomp?) |
Gate guardian. Or the guy in the suit who gets the crazy people out of the building.
Parabuzzy Queen : You are officially cameraman. But didn't you want to do weatherwomen ? Although the weather is the randomness department, where alway crazy stuff happens because the studio's built on th the grave of a chaos magician
Flavio, you may be whatever you want. Chomp can be a chomp as well, but please nothing too extraordinary. Whatever would be acceptesd on the streets of america (which, after what I heard, accept a LOT) goes. Flavio, you're in. Your part of the NerrNews is hereby officially titled : The R!T!E!M! Report
Captain Blue, I PM'd you, choose one of the jobs and you're in
Paper Peach: Welcome to the NerrNews, my name is Zelnor, and me and you are gonna get this stuff on the air.
Plastic, any destruction and mayhem (hair dye in my shampoo, tuning the main technician's cotton candy machine into a cotton candy cannon, etc...) that doesn't keep us from airing is fine by me. Welcome aboard, local crazie.
(Whoever becomes the main technician, it's be nice if you had a large thing for gadjets and inventions and constantly build, install or test some machinery with and around the studio staff, like super-charged microphones or a cotton candy machine...
With a joyful feeling, Zelnor burst through the doors of the Digibutter channel HQ. Tomorrow, his bog show would begin and the NerrNews Episode one would be aired. Even the great Francis had called in and said he'd program a recordomeow for the grand opening, what an honor ! But Zelnors hopes dropped a tad as he saw that only a part of the full staff was there.
"Okay, let's see...", he thought, "we have one cameraman, a half-lemon reporter - Wait, half-LEMON ? I hope he never explains his origins... Well, else we have an anchorwoman a bodyguard who belongs to an unknown species, a basic technician or caterer, wait, he applied TWICE ?" Whilst making a mental list of people lacking (Technicians for light, sound and stage, visagists, people for costumes, news finders and teleprompter writers) Zelnor shifted his gaze abnd lookes at the small crowd running around, making jokes and getting to know each other. He opened the Station a couple of days ago and simply promised anyone coming to apply for a job free caffeine. Then suddendly, he saw a man in some kind of ritual chinese clothing and two plastic daggers. " ... And who the hell is that guy ? Oh, great... Well, the show must go ond... or rather start." And with that, Zelnor turned to his employees and started the show briefing. Minutes later, the whole staff minus some who wanted to apply but hadn't come yet, was seated in the conference room with a bigscreen TV and some high-tech equipment for snazzy presentations. At the moment the holographic projector that Zelnor had installed in the middle of the Table was making the NerrNews Logo rotate.
"Okay, hello, my name is Zelnor, I'm your main anchorman, and I'd first like you to introduce yourselves." |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:38 am
Cpt Blue: I'm Captain Blue, assigned to be the technician and mechanic here. I've got quick and accurate fingers. I'm also great at throwing a random pile of crud together and making something great from it. For example...*pulls out a few pipes, cans, nuts, bolts, screws, a car battery, a camera lens, computer chips, and a pair of training wheels* *puts them on a table and gets his wrench out* *anime smoke cloud*
*smoke clears* *this appears on the table*

Cpt Blue: What do you think? It's a fully-automated machine with a personality of its own. It can use a small taser to power machines or act as jumper cables to a car, roll around through small areas we can't reach, we can see what it sees via a linkup I have to my laptop, and best of all, it speaks through the laptop via text! This is just the first of my creations. I call it Metal Gear Mk II, or REX as a nickname! Hope you'll enjoy REX and the other things I'll make!
REX: *rolls off the table and looks around, then immediately heads to Zelnor and tasers him*
Cpt Blue: Oops...guess he doesn't like you. Don't worry. He'll get used to you.
Last edited by Captain Blue on Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:40 am
Zelnor wrote: | King Chomp wrote: | Arf arf arf? (What job would you suggest for a Chomp?) |
Gate guardian. Or the guy in the suit who gets the crazy people out of the building.
Parabuzzy Queen : You are officially cameraman. But didn't you want to do weatherwomen ? Although the weather is the randomness department, where alway crazy stuff happens because the studio's built on th the grave of a chaos magician |
((I did, but I thought someone else was doing it, for some reason. 'Kay, then, I'll do weather!))
"Um, I'm Sonora, and I'm confuzzled." |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:42 am
Arf.....(um i don't think I'd fit in a suit.....) |
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The book Light Prognosticus Vampire
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 3973
HP: 88 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:43 am
Suddenly, the doors open and a strange figure comes from the door dressed in a gold suit. The doors slam-close.
"Hi everyone! Sorry, I'm late! I'm the prophetic book of prophecies and lottery! Light Prognosticus, the lottery guy, er... book!" |
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Negi-chama Super Tsuki Vampire
Joined: 31 Jul 2007 Posts: 40464
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:01 pm
Shadowmaster wrote: | I'll watch this for rule stuff if that's what you need. Can I also be the local crazy? |
nu! IM TEH LOCAL CRAZY! NOW DANCE! La de dai do do la de dai do do do la de dai do |
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BANJO KA-FREAKING-ZOOIE top minion tails Vampire
Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 13197
HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:03 pm
WAARRK![air gets cold n windy and i make my appearance]Cill penguin reporting for duty! |
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Mandew Manjew
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 4283
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:15 pm
*I was on the street, knowing I was late. I ran the most I could... With a tight drift, I entered the Television Station, and took the stairs. I had no time for the elevator... I made it to the studio, and slammed in the door of the meeting room, before turning the knob to open it, and entering in.*
"Sorry, I'm late. *Uff* I'm Mandew, and I applied for a technician job..."
*I took the nearest empty seat, and started to gain my breath back.* |
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