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Eh, wot Super Slim Vampire
Joined: 16 Jul 2007 Posts: 5041
HP: 20 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:01 pm
Gir was walking down the street 1 day he saw a BLUEBERRY MUFFIN!
As he ran toward the muffin though he tripped on a pebble and crashed through the third story window of a nearby house.He rolled through a bedroom and into a closet, and with a large bang,well...lets just say...the three story house, became a 1 story house in less than 5 seconds. After the fire department left and the neighbors stopped screaming at their real estate agents, Gir had found that his sacred muffin had been kidnapped!So Gir set of on a journey, a journey to find the sacred muffin... |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:51 pm
OOC:Must we write in Novel Style? (If so, this is gonna be a pain -_-') |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:57 pm
MALAK wrote: | OOC:Must we write in Novel Style? (If so, this is gonna be a pain -_-') |
((Novel Style is for people who are serious. If you can't, then good luck on finding some actual fun roleplaying.))
((Now then, I haven't watched IZ too much..., however I thought up of a character named Crunchy, the leader of a band of misfits called the Food Fevies, who are seen as domestic terrorists in the view of Irkens, but Crunchy stays on Earth when the Foodening isn't in action on Foodcorta...Hey, he could be the main villain here. )) |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:03 pm
Sandslash wrote: | MALAK wrote: | OOC:Must we write in Novel Style? (If so, this is gonna be a pain -_-') |
((Novel Style is for people who are serious. If you can't, then good luck on finding some actual fun roleplaying.))
((Now then, I haven't watched IZ too much..., however I thought up of a character named Crunchy, the leader of a band of misfits called the Food Fevies, who are seen as domestic terrorists in the view of Irkens, but Crunchy stays on Earth when the Foodening isn't in action on Foodcorta...Hey, he could be the main villain here. )) |
I'm on a Wii. I have limited text space and it's alot. Now if I was on a comp, I would'nt care. |
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Eh, wot Super Slim Vampire
Joined: 16 Jul 2007 Posts: 5041
HP: 20 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:46 am
MALAK wrote: | Sandslash wrote: | MALAK wrote: | OOC:Must we write in Novel Style? (If so, this is gonna be a pain -_-') |
((Novel Style is for people who are serious. If you can't, then good luck on finding some actual fun roleplaying.))
((Now then, I haven't watched IZ too much..., however I thought up of a character named Crunchy, the leader of a band of misfits called the Food Fevies, who are seen as domestic terrorists in the view of Irkens, but Crunchy stays on Earth when the Foodening isn't in action on Foodcorta...Hey, he could be the main villain here. )) |
I'm on a Wii. I have limited text space and it's alot. Now if I was on a comp, I would'nt care. |
ok.right now im on a wii too so just do whatever you like as long as it is readible.When im on my laptop i might write in novel form but you dont have to.oh and any one can jump into the story whenever they like.  |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:11 pm
Novel form then.
MALAK was sitting on his couch at his house, eating a plate of SPAGHETTI! As he pondered about, he had heard a soft sound, and hurried outside to check. "OMG A BLUEBERRY MUFFIN!" He said. As he danced all about, he payed no attention to the fact that it was FILTHY. He quickly grabbed it and flew off to a quiet place, so he could enjoy his BLUEBERRY MUFFIN! |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:17 pm
A somewhat tall, cloaked figure was then just seen, he probably wasn't of interest to Gir (Well, interest that anybody would care about, anyways) but a black, gloved left hand held a delicious, blueberry muffin. Even the suburban streets of planet Earth had food that was easy to get. The robed figure looked in both directions, even the blue planet wasn't safe from the horrid Irken race...Then he spotted Gir, rather unknown to him, a member of the powerful cult he hated so much, and received equal rage from...but he saw it as a green dog, though it had an odd color for Earth, Codename "Crunchy" has seen many things.
"Hmm, yet another victory for the Food Feeves...hey little guy, how about you celebrate my gain of this fine bakery product, you know, by barkin' or something." By now, Crunchy had a few odd looks from the few passing citizens in this horrible urban sprawl, but they passed on, they had lives. |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:29 pm
Meanwhile, MALAK devoured the Dirty Muffin. Not knowing there were more, he left to his house. Meanwhile, Dib was standing outside of his vicinity. "OMG! AN ALIEN!" Dib said, taking pictures. "THIS IS TH-" Dib was squashed by the Yellow Star, also breaking his camera. "That was a good muffin" said MALAK, as he ignored Dib, who was behind him. Suddenly, Dib attempted to pull MALAK with him. "YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!". This event startled MALAK. "What are you doing? Oh, what do I care?". MALAK threw the kid aside, and entered the house. Dib, outraged by what happened, ran back to his house for another camera. |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:37 pm
Crunchy's strong hearing kicked in, there were invading forces and a figure that wanted to show him to a higher authority...The Irkens have found him? Crunchy then saw the solid city jungle, faded in a hot red sky...But that place was dangerous also, full of many humans...He could handle what was in the suburban streets, right? |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:02 pm
OOC:Hopefully, you noticed the Muffin I aquired was a Different one
IC:The idiotic kid ran back to his house, and toppled over his sister. "GAZ! GAZ! I FOUND AN ALIEN!!" The angry sister, wasted no time knocking him off of her. "NEVER do that AGAIN.". Dib quickly got. "YOU'VE GOTTA BELIEVE ME! I NEED BACKUP, PLEASE?!". "No" Gaz said swifty. She went back to her business. Dib saw he was on his own, and went for his camera. Meanwhile, MALAK was going to sleep, unaware the kid would come back. |
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Champiness Ampy
Joined: 15 Jul 2007 Posts: 1391
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:06 pm
((I think it's pretty obvious what's gonna happen to Ampy))
Ampy was wanderig the RP topic when he found something interesting. "Hmm... a muffin RP? I think I'll check it out..."
He entered and found himself in a dreary city. "Hmm... not exactly the setting I would've picked, but what are you gonna do?"
All of a sudden, he heard a rustling behind him.
"Osnap." |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:31 pm
MALAK wrote: | OOC:Hopefully, you noticed the Muffin I aquired was a Different one
. |
((I noticed, even though Crunchy was made to be fit in an IV universe, he is pretty durn smart. He's just really paranoid and overestimating, he's afraid of even humans when even Gaz has no shit on his skills and powers.))
"Hmm, this muffin, Greasy's hard work will be paid off..."
Crunchy looked around. He wasn't immediately transported to his secret base, and Earth didn't have any space equipment available to hijack without setting off the attention of the power human race, this was going to be difficult. At least nobody saw him...Except for this unusual rabbit...Yes, this was a weak one. Crunchy then whipped up his sweet corn pistol, and aimed it to the rabbit (Really a Mimiga's) head. "Hey, you, furry white little bunny freak-o, gimme all your foodies." |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:01 pm
Meanwhile, MALAK was walking to the store for more food. However, he spotted a Familiar Figure. He stared blankly, as it was the Food Bandit that had gained quite a little attention on Popstar, due to their amount of food. "Crunchy" MALAK said as he ran back to his house. "LAMAK! A FOOD BANDIT IS HERE!". LAMAK jumped up. "IF HE FINDS OUR HOUSE, HE COULD STEAL OUR STASH!". The two Kirbies procceded to their legendary stash, which was also what gave them their reputation. This stash had been growing since the Great Kirby Elders began a collection. MALAK was instructed to keep it safe, so MALAK moved to earth, where nobody would find him. All these foods had no expiration date, and were hard to find. The one to find all 300 Foods would be granted ultimate power. Only 5 Food Items remained. "LAMAK, we must guard this with our lives, lest it fall into the wrong hands" said MALAK, as he turned the house into a maze, and awaited any threat coming. |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:06 pm
"Hmm, it looks like you two mistaken me for my great great great great great great great grandfather Crispy, the greatest of all the Food Feeves, well, there was only him and the rest of us, but that doesn't matter, how about you get whatever snacks you have in your house and hand it to me, there are starving people who need that food so much more than you...And my Corn Gun agrees with me." |
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Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 34747
HP: 10 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:14 pm
"THE FOOD IS NOT TO BE EATEN!" said MALAK. "This food could bring the end of the universe if devoured! The Great Kirby Ancients entrusted us to guard it with our LIVES. If it's going with you" MALAK said with a glare, "You must destroy us first" said his brother, finishing up the sentence. The 2 Quickly got out their Weapons, and prepared to defend the stash. |
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