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Super Dimentio

Joined: 07 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:30 am   Reply with quote

Luigi Fan was then suddenly telported to a mysterious part of the Underwhere.

A mysterious being approached him. It looked a bit like tthe grim reaper withoute arms and was floating.

???: I've been waiting for you. Jades is very busy, and I did something that was an accident, but endangered many lives. Everyone thinks that it was on purpose but it was mearly an accident. I was killed, and sent here, and when I went to Queen Jaydes, she took away most of my power. All I can do now is teleport, and teleport others. Now, I can teleport others such as you to be Queen Jaydes first guest. If you can distract her long enough, I can hover over her and then I'll knock her out with my last remaining ounce of power. We can search her for the keys, and get my power back, once we use the keys to get to underwheere road, I'll be past the doors seal, and I can telport us both back to the living world.

So, will you help me???
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The Moon    
Token Nazi?

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HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:22 am   Reply with quote

Quite suddenly, an explosion killed a bunch of cheerleaders, who landed in teh river twygz and managed to form the word "BUMP" before being drabbed off by the creepy hand monsters to japanese...errr.. special sites to be done things with
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:06 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Peach looked at Zelnor with a confused look. "Ya got a point there..." ((dang I'm gonna have to go review fort francis so I can find the stairs XD))
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Paper Peach's Shop    
Token Nazi?

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HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:50 pm   Reply with quote

"Let's see..." Zelnor said, wandering in circles. "Flipping... changing dimension..." But even after looking through the magic book he carried in his cloak he hadn't found a solution yet. His demeanor was Twilight magic, not Dimension bending. Zelnor sighed heavily. "Great, Some evil is taking over the worlds, monsters roam around attacking and being on evil steroids, and we're blocked by a dimension we used to exist in ! Wait a moment... AGH !" It was at this moment that Zelnor noticed that he had missed his three-dimensionality. He was paper-flat, but felt perfectly normal. But as he realized that he lacked depth, he also noticed he watched himself from the front, seeing himself and Paper Peach standing in a corridor in Fort Francis (You know, like the in-front-of scrren-perspective... Ever notices that 2D-Characters shouldn't been able to see other since they lack depth ?)
But the Twilight Magician decided not to freak out, he even kind of expected that to happen. Then a though hit him. "What did Bestovious say in 1-1 ? We must... ARGH. Press the A Button. But there is no freaking A Button he-" He was cut off suddenly when a blinding light engulfed one of his sleeves, and after it left, on the center of one of the traditional markings on his robe, blending rather well with the general design, a black-and-white small button had appeared, bearing a small, engraved "A" on it. With a surprised look Zelnor lifted his sleeve and then, with an interested expression, pressed it. Suddenly, a cursor appeared over his head, pulling a click-and-drag-in-windows style rectangle around him, and the world spun around and flipped.

EDIT: I finally got to scan I rather decent picture of Zelnor. Whilst I don't like the outcome really that much ( because like always my mental picture is much better), it's pretty okay, so here you go:
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:12 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: Wholley Mackeral!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!

IC: Rebekah watched Zelnor pace back and forth with a book in his hand.
"What did Bestovious say in 1-1 ? We must... ARGH. Press the A Button. But there is no freaking A Button he-"

"Yeah, 'What is this a button I speak of? You lack the mustache for comprehension, but I'm sure some supreme being in another dimesion would know.' Something like that." Rebekah looked over at Zelnor to see a flashing light. When it subsided, she saw him pressing something on his sleeve. A cursor appeared over him and without a second thought, Rebekah grabbed ahold of his cloak. The box strentched around them both, and flipped them. Rebekah felt slightly dizzy, and released Zelnor's cloak. "Sorry, I can't believed that worked."
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Paper Peach's Shop    

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:52 am   Reply with quote

Dimentio wrote:
Luigi Fan was then suddenly telported to a mysterious part of the Underwhere.

A mysterious being approached him. It looked a bit like tthe grim reaper withoute arms and was floating.

???: I've been waiting for you. Jades is very busy, and I did something that was an accident, but endangered many lives. Everyone thinks that it was on purpose but it was mearly an accident. I was killed, and sent here, and when I went to Queen Jaydes, she took away most of my power. All I can do now is teleport, and teleport others. Now, I can teleport others such as you to be Queen Jaydes first guest. If you can distract her long enough, I can hover over her and then I'll knock her out with my last remaining ounce of power. We can search her for the keys, and get my power back, once we use the keys to get to underwheere road, I'll be past the doors seal, and I can telport us both back to the living world.

So, will you help me???
"Um, I'm so sure, but if this is pretty much the only way out, then,...I'll do it!" luigifan360 agreed.
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    
Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:03 am   Reply with quote

Zelnor lookes around, his eyes taking a second to focus on the new environemt. Then he looked at his sleeve, and notices that a fitting black-and-white flip gauge had appeared next to the button. Looking behind him, he saw Paper Peach staring surprised at the gauge that appeared on her gloves. "Well, we better get going..." Zelnor said, and he jumped down the 3D-Stairs to the ground floor of Fort Francis. Flipping back with Paper Peach, he asked: "I got my button when thinking hard about it. Maybe you can do it too ? Because my flip gauge seems to run out faster then these things normally do... Because it seems as if you share my flip energy when I take you along."
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
Super Dimentio

Joined: 07 Aug 2007
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HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:42 pm   Reply with quote

luigifan360 wrote:
Dimentio wrote:
Luigi Fan was then suddenly telported to a mysterious part of the Underwhere.

A mysterious being approached him. It looked a bit like tthe grim reaper withoute arms and was floating.

???: I've been waiting for you. Jades is very busy, and I did something that was an accident, but endangered many lives. Everyone thinks that it was on purpose but it was mearly an accident. I was killed, and sent here, and when I went to Queen Jaydes, she took away most of my power. All I can do now is teleport, and teleport others. Now, I can teleport others such as you to be Queen Jaydes first guest. If you can distract her long enough, I can hover over her and then I'll knock her out with my last remaining ounce of power. We can search her for the keys, and get my power back, once we use the keys to get to underwheere road, I'll be past the doors seal, and I can telport us both back to the living world.

So, will you help me???
"Um, I'm so sure, but if this is pretty much the only way out, then,...I'll do it!" luigifan360 agreed.

It went as planned, but what the two hadn't forseen was Queen Jaydes summoning an army of the dead to come after them.

They were cornered, but than the mysterious being used an inredible power. It enclosed the entire army in a huge barrier.

Then the mysterious being said,"For helping me, I shall spare you in creating the perfect world," Then the mysterious being teleported LuigiFan360 to Flipside, but the mysterious being was no where in sight.

Then the entire place started to shake, and some ruble from Flipside Tower knocked LuigiFan360 out for a day. He awoke to another earthquake, and a small dark void appeared in the sky. Then LuigiFan360 realized what he had done.
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The Moon    
Super Crystal King

Joined: 26 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:16 pm   Reply with quote

Hoarfrost Isle
"Hmmm...I really should visit Digibutter. It's been so long. Kingpin!"

A Honchkrow flew over to Crystal King and landed on a shelf nearby.

"Ehhh, whaddaya want? I'm busy, see?"

"It's time to visit Digibutter!"

"I hope there's pizza there. I'm starving, see?

They entered a door which led to a room filled with portals. They walked over to one labeled "Digibutter.nerr". There was a flash of light, and they were gone.

The Hall of Origin
"MuhahaHAHAHAHA!! Now that I have sapped Arceus of its power, I am equivalent to a GOD!!! Superb! Now that wretched Crystal King will never stand a chance."

A once-magnificent creature stood behind the villain, tied up, and spoke into his mind.

"Your plans will fail, demonic thing."

The hideous humanoid whirled around to face Arceus.

"SILENCE! Now that my lackey Mysterion convinced the people of Digibutter all was safe, they won't suspect anything. Now to check on them..."

A crystal ball materialized in his hands.

"Hmmm...Yes...WHAT? WHAT'S THIS? That computer virus is running amok! I'd better send out my shock troops...Shock WAVE troops, that is! Hahahaha!"

NOTE: Crystal King is able to understand Kingpin. And no, Kingpin does not say "Honchkrow" repeatedly. He caws.
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Crystal King's Holiday Shop    
Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:22 am   Reply with quote

Bumped for the reason that Paper Peach should continue the story. Also maybe I'm starting a PM advertising wave so we get more people in here then just us three.
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:52 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: Hopefully that will work
IC: "Really that all?" Paper Peach concentrated on an A button trying to see how it could blend with her clothing. A faint outline of a circle appeared bearing the letter A. The lines became more and more noticeable until they looked solid. "Kinda freaky.... Anyhow come on!" She started to run down the hall.
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Paper Peach's Shop    
Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:07 am   Reply with quote

Finally they were out of the sticky fort. Zelnor was starting to get a bit tired, as he had to sly several MeowMaids who had tried to snuggle and destroy. Then, suddenly, his eyes fixed on what looked like a crowd of other people in the distance. "Hey, Peach, there are other people there... You think somebody else might've been.. huh, teleported here ?"

OOC: Everyone who has chickened out- this is your chance to come back in ! DON'T MAKE ME START A PM ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN !
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:27 am   Reply with quote

"Oh, no! I'd better tell someone!" luigifan360 then looked around and saw the seven colorful doors.

"Hmmm, now which on were they in again?" luigifan360 wondered...

"Man, I wish I could teleport!" luigifan360's wish came true and then all of a sudden was taken to what looked like outside some factory, then he noticed two people near the factory and saw that one of them was looking at him. (Zelnor)

OOC: well, its great to see this active again!
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luigifan360's LUIGIFAN ST00F!    
Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:11 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: Dude, just start it. Seriously. I LOVE this idea, It hasn't died yet, and we need more people in it!
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Paper Peach's Shop    
Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:36 pm   Reply with quote

((What happened while I was gone?))
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