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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:22 am
One day, in the year 2008, a company called Life Gamblers, Inc. (L.G.I. for short) decided to test some mineral water mixed up with Ditto plasma. Tey first tested it on one of their workers while there was a Raichu nearby. After a few seconds, the experiment subject collapsed and then slowly transformed into a Raichu. They thought it had worked, but just to be sure, they manufactured and provided it to several sources that sell and give away bottled water, so that many other people could serve as unwitting subjects. L.G.I. has kept this fact a strong secret. The boss of L.G.I. also sent employees out to spy on the people who drank the water and turned into Pokémon that are their favorite, or that they were trying to catch at the time.
Main Rules:
1. No spamming 2. No G-Modding (examples are one-hit KOs, always hitting your opponent,and you always dodging your opponent's attacks) 3. If you are currently a Pokémon, you use these symbols to talk: {}, but if you are still a human, you use these to talk: "" 4. You can have a max of 4 Pokémon Shifters, but as many trainers that don't turn into Pokemon as you want 5. Follow the following guidelines for Pokémon Shifters and trainers:
Pokémon Shifters Rules:
1. No Legendaries, and no Dittos... 2. To change: Your character drinks a bottle of L.G.I.'s mineral water, and when he or she sees a particular Pokémon, they change into that type of Pokémon. 3. Each character's personal reaction to the Pokémon shifting is different. If you want your character to be stuck as a Pokémon forever, that's fine. If you want your character to be able to shift between Pokémon and human, that's fine too. The only requirement is that each Shifter must spend some time as a Pokémon each day. 4. Your character may have up to 5 Pokémon forms. 5. For hearing, your character may always be able to understand Pokémon if you wish them to. 6. For speaking, your character in Pokémon form can of course talk to other Pokémon, and can talk to humans through 'mind speech'. It's not a requirement, so it's up to you whether you wish to do this or not. 7. Fish Pokémon can hover slightly above land. 8. You have to start as a human first.
Trainer Rules:
1. No Legendaries. 2. You may not start with more then 3 Pokémon (Gym Leaders may have 6). 3. Exact terms for things such as levels, stats, etc. may not be referred to. In other words, don't say "My Pikachu is Level 100 and its Special Defense is 158, so it can kick your Pokémon's tail!" Instead say something more along the lines of "My Pikachu is at a very high level, with awesome Special Defense!" 4. For unofficial, people-controlled battles, the outcome of such battles should probably be generally agreed upon by both participants. 5. Official tournaments will be judged by... well... judges. If you would like to set up a tournament, PM Chaos Dimentio... 6. You may have one main Gym Leader character if you wish, and you may control as many NPC Gym Leaders as you wish. 7. You must start with at least one Pokémon.
Areas and their descriptions:
~~~~~~~~~~ Kingpart Isle ~~~~~~~~~~
An early summer-feeling island with flourishing plant life. It is a large island with thick forests, but there is not very much human life. The only city is Olive City, and it isn't very large.
Soda Town - A decent-sized town with a lot of close friends and a small school.
Soda Forest - A dense forest with a few small streams. It contains a lot of smaller Water-Types, as well as Grass, Bug, and some Poison-Type Pokémon.
Separt Village - A small town that bases its life on the lake, as well as the lovely winds, and the many Bird-Type Pokémon that inhabit the area. Not as many young people live here, but those that do go to Soda Town's school.
Separt Lake - The scenic lake at Separt, which holds many Water-Type Pokémon.
Separt Field - A large field with hardly any trees. It plays host to many Flying and Bug Pokémon.
Olive City - A small city with an adequate college and a park. It is near a mining cave that holds a variety of Pokémon.
Olive Cave - A dark cave that has a lot of Dark and Dragon-Type Pokémon, as well as Ground and Rock. This cave leads to Donsa Village.
Donsa Village - A village with a small population, made up mostly of people that run personal businesses. The biggest business in that area is the Exotic Forest, which serves as a lush, green home to a variety of 'exotic' Pokémon, which you can catch and keep if you pay the price...
Exotic Forest - A jungle-like area with a ton of rare Pokémon.
~~~~~~~~~~ Silk Isle ~~~~~~~~~~
An island seperated by many streams and lakes, with fairly cold climates adorning most of the landscape. It is very cold around Klikan Village.
Klikan Village - A village in the middle of Silk Isle, in a valley of ice. This village is dependent on Pokémon that can help them live in the harsher climate conditions.
Foreverice Cave - A huge cave where Ice, Psychic, and Steel Pokémon wander.
Verosa Town - A town next to a lot of long running streams. Many fishermen live here.
Verosa Stream - The best place on the island to catch 'small body of water' (river, lake) Water-Type Pokémon.
Clisa Village - A very small village on the edge of a beach, next to a waterfall. It is filled with surfers and beach-loving people.
Clisa Beach - The best place on the island to catch the 'large body of water' (sea, ocean)-like Water-Type Pokémon.
Clisa Waterfall - A waterfall that hides a secret cave, where Steel and Ghost-Type Pokémon roam.
~~~~~~~~~~ Westlyn Isle ~~~~~~~~~~
A vast desert land with few people at all, and little fresh water.
Westlyn Town - A town out in the middle of the desert. A lot of people here hold a sort of 'Old Western' tradition, but with more technology.
Westlyn Desert - A huge desert with nearly all the Ground-Types you could want!
Ivory Village - A small village in the middle of the desert, surrounding an oasis.
Ivory Oasis - A small patch of water and grass, great for discovering Grass and Water-Type Pokémon. The best place to find Psychic-Type Pokémon.
Dotted Town - A small town with a somewhat 'older' essence. No TV, few PC's, and a lot of nostalgic style.
Dotted Volcano - A deep-running cave with water at its darkest depths. The best place on the islands for finding Rock and Fighting-Type Pokémon. The higher areas of the cave are hot, but great places to stumble upon Fire-Type Pokémon.
~~~~~~~~~~ Plantlac Isle ~~~~~~~~~~
The largest and most populated of the Silverdust Islands.
Practice Town - The smallest town on the island, unless you count all of the people that live at Plantlac School (which contains dormitories), one of the largest schools in the world.
Ulta City - A large smog-producing city. It is the most waste-filled city on the Silverdust Islands.
Ulta Dump - The best place to find Poison-Type Pokémon. Some Psychic-Types also linger here.
Life Gamblers, Inc. - ???
Siliar Town - A decent-sized town with a casino! Lots of bright lights. For some reason, a lot of Electric-Type Pokémon are drawn to this place.
Siliar Field & Power Plant - A very large area that seems to captivate Electric-Type Pokémon.
Toproad City - The biggest city on the islands, it has a huge stadium, and some plains outside of the city.
Toproad Field - A field where various Pokémon roam. A great place to find Fighting Pokémon.
Malusic Stadium - A large stadium where tournaments are held.
How to join:
Pokémon Shifters:
Name: Gender: Age: 1st Pokémon Shift: Hometown: Starting Pokémon (optional):
Name: Gender: Age: Hometown: Starting Pokémon:
The Gym Leaders avaiable:
West - Rule A: Three Pokémon, single battle Rule B: Six Pokémon, three-on-three battle Pokémon: Venasaur (fav.), Bellossom, Vileplume, Xatu, Miltank, Lanturn
Alisha - Rule A: Four Pokémon, single battle Rule B: Two Pokémon, double battle Pokémon: Scyther (fav.), Fearow, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Lickitung, Swampert
Carla - Rule A: Six Pokémon, double battle Rule B: Four Pokémon, all-out melee Pokemon: Blastoise (fav.), Lanturn, Swampert, Seaking, Tauros, Magcargo
Sam - Rule A: Five Pokémon, single battle Rule B: Three Pokémon, double battle Pokémon: Misdrevious (fav.), Sableye, Steelix, Aggron, Kangeskan, Houndoom
Cid - Rule A: Four Pokémon, double battle Rule B: Six Pokémon, all-out melee Pokémon: Sandslash (fav.), Dugtrio, Gengar, Charizard, Blaziken, Raichu, Miltank
Omar - Rule A: Six Pokémon, single battle Rule B: Six Pokémon, double battle Pokémon: Blissey (fav.), Lickitung, Tauros, Kangeskan, Eggecutor, Psyduck
Videlia - Rule A: Four Pokémon, double battle Rule B: Six Pokémon, single until first KO, double until second KO, three upon third KO Pokémon: Raichu (fav.), Arbok, Electrobuzz, Nidoking, Lapras, Persian
Daniel - Rule A: Six Pokémon, double battle Bule B: Five Pokémon, three-on-three battle Pokémon: Minun (fav.), Plusle (fav.), Minun, Plusle, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee
That's all the rules! And feel free to develop major plot points on your own, guys. You're directors in this RP as much as I am.
Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:27 pm; edited 5 times in total |
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Francis, nametags dammit. The Quiet.
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Posts: 122
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:14 am
Name: C'yor (pronounced seeyor, but most call him senior because thats what it sounds like.) Gender: male Age: 53 1st pokemon shift: mmm...metagross. Hometown: Westlyn town Starting pokemon: not sure what you mean. like a pokemon that we have in a pokeball?
and...do we start roleplaying right away? |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:11 am
Save me a spot I'll sign up later.... So we can only shift into 4 pokemon in total? |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:45 am
Can I be a Pokemon from the start? |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:57 am
Pokémon Shifters:
Name: Kijara Gender: Female Age: 12 1st Pokémon Shift: .... Dratini or Dewgon. Dratini's live in the sea rught? Hometown: Olive city Starting Pokémon (optional): Kirlia
Could you make a map by any chance? It would sure help alot! If you don't know how just give me a sketch and I'll make one. |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:55 pm
The Quiet. wrote: | Name: C'yor (pronounced seeyor, but most call him senior because thats what it sounds like.) Gender: male Age: 53 1st pokemon shift: mmm...metagross. Hometown: Westlyn town Starting pokemon: not sure what you mean. like a pokemon that we have in a pokeball?
and...do we start roleplaying right away? |
Yes, that you have in a Pokéball. And yep, you can start right away. I'll be jumping in soon, myself. |
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Francis, nametags dammit. The Quiet.
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Posts: 122
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:44 pm
Senior walked out of his house, stretched a bit, then ran. It was usual to see Senior running through Westlyn town, and most stayed inside when this happened. This senior citizen was old, but he was physicaly young. He could sprit from one end of the town to another in about a minuite, and that was quite a feat. He ran around the town two times then ran into the general store for some water.
"Hey, neighber. Cud I get me some water here, I just sprinted around teh entir' town."
Senior grabbed a bottle of the new L.G.I. mineral watter from the shelf, downed in in a few seconds and fell over, knocked out cold. |
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Shadow Kingdom Spell Seal Burning
Joined: 04 Aug 2007 Posts: 12201
HP: 80 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:49 pm
sorry, not going ro RP. novel style is too hard.
Last edited by Spell Seal on Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:51 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:31 pm
Name:Steve Gender:Male Age:16 1st Pokémon Shift: Meowth Hometown: Dotted Town
((We need a sign up topic)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:34 pm
Ok, I'll ask again. Could you make a map by any chance? It would sure help alot! If you don't know how just give me a sketch and I'll make one. And Can we only shift into 4 pokemon? |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:50 pm
Kijara grabbed her backpack from it's spot by the door. There was never a day where she didn't use it. The green cloth was worn and the strap had been broken many times, but she still used it and it was still as sturdy as ever. "Mom I'm goin' to the cave 'k"
"Fine don't forget to pack everything."
"When have I not?" Kijara packed a sandwich into her pack. It was already filled with all she needed; a hand crank flashlight, a rope, a portable heater, everything she may need. Kijara ran to the fridge and grabbed several bottles of water. "That'll do. Kirsan, come on! We're leaving!" Even though she was gliding, her Kirlia still managed to trip and tumble down the satirs in her bolt towards Kijara. Kijara dove down and caught her. "Clumsy little thing." She got up walked out the door.
Before long she arived at the cave. "Ready?" She looked down at Kirsta who gave a smile in reply. Together they walked into the cave. "Kirsta, could you use flash please?" The cave lit up revealing the many glittering stones along the walls. Getting out a rope, Kijara let Kirsta climb into her bag. Throughing the rope onto a ledge, she began to climb upwards. |
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Shadow Kingdom Spell Seal Burning
Joined: 04 Aug 2007 Posts: 12201
HP: 80 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:22 pm
do we use novel style or script style? |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:30 pm
So can I just be a pikachu named greenlight abandond by his trainer? |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:48 pm
Name: Cassandra Gender: Female Age: 18 Hometown: Soda Town, moved to Olive City for college Starting Pokémon: Poochyena
Cassandra sat against the rock wall near her dorm, lighting up her third cigarette since calculus. The common place for the smokers in Olive College. The Poochyena that had followed her from the mine entrance yesterday ran around, running through the smoke clouds she blew.
After walking past the cave's mouth to the fast food restaurant, it had jumped out at her, knocking the butt out of her mouth when it hit her leg. It had followed her back to the dorm, and she decided to keep it, even without a Pokeball.
She put out the fag on the rock, not caring about the Litter Patrol on campus. Cassandra got up, and her Poochyena ran to her side, yipping excitedly. Slinging her messenger bag over her shoulder, she decided to train her Pokemon to at least protect her.
"C'mon. To the tall grass." |
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:25 pm
Steve was finally out of the boring, small, ugly inner corridors of his school. It was just going to be another bike stroll through the early 1910s reminiscent streets Dotted Town. He went back to his home, full of what would be considered antiques around in almost any other part of the world, and went to his PC to eat some rather unfitting cultured Ice Cream Dots. However, such a sweet flavor gave him a craving for something to drink...
Steve went back outside, ignoring his Mom's scolds for bringing yet another modern styled product into the house. He got onto his bike, and then got the heck out of there, to his friend who lived in downtown. The one allyway was just the place to go. When Steve came over, a rather sly, untrustworthy and dark skinned being stood before him, checking to make sure nobody could see them. "Alright Steve, I got your cellphone and this new, messed up brand of bottled water." "Just what I needed, I was thirsty..." Soon, the figure vanished into the filthy, smelly alleys. Steve didn't wait to get to his water, then a Meowth suddenly scowled at him, wanting the clean, crystalline water that was seen high above his head. Steve ignored this being, and drank some of the water...He dropped the bottle, there was an odd, drugged up feeling in his head, he stumbled, and started to reel. The Meowth scurried over to the spilt water then grimaced in disgust, and backed off. The young rebellious angst filled teenager took a blank look at the cat, then blacked out. |
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