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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:03 am   Reply with quote

The shadow being laughed a cold, shrill laugh at the two beings preparing to fight.

"Very well. If you want to have a battle, you shall have a battle."

Shade passed into the wise old tree again. The tree, just like the small one, grew, grew, grew, and grew untill it towered over all the others. It colored itself black and the leaves fell off, revealing sharp, pointed branches. Large spikes grew out of the tree and they seemed loose, as if they could be shot out of place if pressure was applied.

"Ah...This tree will have a use, I see. I did not realize that it had control over this forest."

And with that, trees surrounding the corrupted one begain to shift their pointed branches to point inward, so there was no escape route.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:42 pm   Reply with quote

Seaside Forest

As the Shadow closed the infected trees around us, I suddenly became short of breath. It felt like my lungs were collapsing, and I struggled to breathe, as if in a smoky room. Hyperventilating, I coughed and gasped for air. Before I knew it, I was clutching my throat and kneeling on the forest floor. I didn't feel Blumiere take me up, trying to find a place where I couldn't be hurt in the inevitable battle.

I could hardly hear the shifting trees around us, my choking drowning out almost all sound. What rang clear in my mind was a familiar chuckle of a certain jester.

How...? I thought I was pure...
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The Shop on a Hill    
? Block
Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:51 pm   Reply with quote

Enter combat mode.  Analysis: All systems stable.  Enemy analysis: Unknown.  Scans detect unstable energy spikes.  Threat level: Maximum.  Recommended allocation of energy: mobility and weaponry.

The adjustments to the Mettool's body were quickly completed. At the expense of defense, its energy strike was much more powerful, and it could move much more quickly. It fired off a few rounds before engaging its evasion program.
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Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:52 am   Reply with quote

The Large tree quickly whipped up one of its roots, taking the blow of the shots. Then the tree slamed it onto the ground, creating a tremor.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:58 pm   Reply with quote

Seaside Forest

The shake caused Blumiere to stumble and fall flat on his face, launching me at the threatening tree branches. I was nearly impaled by them, though my arm was slashed by the points. Landing hard on the roots of the tree, I coughed up blood, rolling onto my stomach to spit it out, picking up to wheeze again.

I heard over my choking Blumiere groan and get up as quickly as he could, hearing his magic charge up.
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The Shop on a Hill    
Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:41 am   Reply with quote

While the black being was engaged in combat with virus, he just happened to notice Francine and Blumere. Paticularly the first.

He chuckled as he let out a fury of needles at Virus. "So," He thought to himself, "THIS is the one He is searching for. She looks well into the plauge. Her name...ah...Francine. Well, Francine, today is your lucky day- you get to have your mind rotted and your body turned into a very ugly servant of death. There are many like you, Francine, but do not be scared...you are the last addition to our army of undeath."

Shade, inside the tree, let out another volley of razor sharp needles and thought to himself once again, "The worst bit is your soul will still exist, and you will get to watch each and every murder your body will commit. But don't worry...your soul will rot away eventualy...but none of our zombies have reached that point yet. And some of them are a million years old!"

the embodyment of dark let out a cold, evil cackle as it forced the tree to continue to fight against its true will.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:05 am   Reply with quote

OOC: I'm First Person as Timpani in this RP. I just took her off my character list.
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The Shop on a Hill    
Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:57 am   Reply with quote

OOC: okie. We need someone else to post, we lost a bunch 'o people.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:27 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: BUMP. Everyone else needs to pay attention to this again. Not naming anyone. Chaos Dimentio...
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The Shop on a Hill    
Celeste Dimentia

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:47 am   Reply with quote

(( Um... I guess I can come back in on this... but it's shot off in all sorts of new directions pretty quickly. We're now a party of about a dozen characters, apparently. >_> Count Bleck's sudden reunion with the group threw me a little, since Dimentio would never cast him out of the castle, however angry, considering he had a use for the count still... but oh well. I can try and join in. So while heading for Dedede, we got attacked by a being of darkness... many more people suddenly joined us from other worlds, happening to stumble upon the heroes and understand what their quest is, and now we're being attacked by some possessed giant plant thing... right? Just want to make sure I've got my facts straight. Razz ))

Waddle Dee ran around, screaming.

"This is not what I had in mind, POYAH! Somebody help meeee!!!"

Shadow took a step forward, rolling his eyes.

"Hmph... there is no need to be afraid, little pinball. The only thing people fear when they look upon the dark is the unknown. Unlike you, I am not afraid to face it." As he said this, Shadow allowed the Chaos Emeralds to surround him, transforming him in a shower of light.

"Chaos... Control!"

Shimmering with a powerful aura, Shadow flew forward through the air, slamming a glowing fist into the middle of the tree's tall trunk.
I walk this earth, seeking one true challenge. As I tread this path, much blood is left in my wake...
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Dimension D    
Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:33 pm   Reply with quote

((Sorry guys, I just started a comic and I'm working on the next one right now. ^^;; I probably won't have as much time for the RP.))
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A Bucket of Stuff    

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:30 pm   Reply with quote

Seaside Forest

I heard the Shadow's words, saying how I would be a shell that only killed. I stopped coughing and just laid on the tree, feeling the burning in my chest overtake my ability to pass air. My eyes pooled, scared.

No no no... I'm supposed to be the pure light, the one who dispelled Dimentio's take over... Have I really been infected by him, being the only one who can fight his dark mind control...? I thought to myself, deaf to the raging battle in the dark clearing. My arm burned from its bleeding, and from the side of my eye, I saw Blumiere fighting poorly, always glancing at me while defending against the trees.
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The Shop on a Hill    
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