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Francis, nametags dammit. The Quiet.
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Posts: 122
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:23 pm
All the dimensions are in chaos.
War has spread like a plauge from place to place, infecting nearly everything it touches. The denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom are fighting the beings of Popstar and the worlds around it. The creatures of Zebes and its galaxy are in combat with the populace of the Lylat system. Many more battles are raging everywhere.
And then there are the World Drifters. Men and beasts and everything in between that roam the dimensions and galaxies through Dimensional Rifts, portals to seperate dimensions that had appeared when the corruption of war had started. The nomads of the dimensions are typicaly found battling or fleeing. Most of these wanderers have no true home, or their home has been destroyed by this endless onslaught of death.
The Town Between Dimensions, commonly called Flipside has been declared neutral in all this combat, making the place a refugee beacon. Many gather here to escape all the darkness in other worlds, to find peace when there is none. But even here, in the dark corners of the city there is evil at work.
((Novel style please, and once again, pm me to join.)) |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:55 pm
"Agh! Where am I, what is this place, why do I feel empty insid?." said Vaati as he looked at the many mushrooms and drain pipes.
Vaati got on his feet and began his journey not knowing what fate had in store for him. |
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Francis, nametags dammit. The Quiet.
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Posts: 122
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:37 pm
A large barrage of dark purple spheres flew overhead, and explosions were heard all around. The shrieks of dying beings could be heard from all directions, and droplets of blood were scattered all around the forest.
Just another day on the battlefield.
The Neitherguard stood 8 feet tall, was a dark blue color and carried an enormous axe made of shadow. It had no feet, it was just connected to the ground through a tube-like apendage where the bulky body just seemed to end. He was hunting, and he could smell the fear of a pokemon close by. He sniffed - which was strange, seeing as he had no nose - turned around and sliced an Ivysaur in half with his huge axe.
The commander could feel the Neitherguards feeling of sucess, and could tell that he had scored yet another kill. There were hundreds of these dark hunters scattered through the forest, most of which were doing battle with pokemon. Since this commander shade was connected to all his troops telepathicaly, he could feel all of their thoughts. He decided to tell Him through his mind link that the battle was almost won.
but before the CO could send out a message, an orange object came hurling through the sky, right at the commander unit. The commander managed to frown, even with no mouth. At the last seccond, he realized it was a charmander.
But it was too late. The charmader landed right next to the commanding shade, and let lose a hail of fire. The jets of flame spat from the creatures mouth burned right through the commander, and the dark creation...in every sence of the word...melted. he burned to the ground like a candlestick.
But the battle raged on, even with no CO to give the evil beings orders. They had been coded with one order if the commander unit failed: Kill. Everything. |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:47 pm
Vaati eventually ended up in a world full of pokemon.
"What is my point of being alive what does fate have in store for me-" Vaati was then interrupted by the sounds of dieing creatures.
"Maybe I'm somehow involved in this war that seems to be almost everywhere" said Vaati as his body began to turn into shadowform of himself. |
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