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Larry Koopa Sam
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 16957
HP: 35 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:32 am
Winry wrote: | UGH! This is HORRID! My friend Josh brought it over to my house and I played it for about an hour.
This game is definitely a NO! I'll talk about it's many failures in different categories.
Graphics: Normally, graphics don't matter in games... but in this game it's technically one of the most important parts. The only reason to get it is to see what the pokemon look like on a wii, really... and that's not even a good reason. These graphics are horrid! The bodies look like they're made out of clay and the faces look PAINTED on. The animations for the moves are horrid. I used Seismic toss on a pokemon and there is no real tossing... my pokemon just dances around for a few seconds, then the enemy just launches into the air. It then proceeds to go to a view from some hidden camera on the MOON, apparently, and the pokemon just floats up there, does a quick U-turn, and falls like a brick... without so much as struggling. Hell, the pokemon doesn't even move itself! It just flips as if it were some sort of doll or toy. These graphics are pathetic, and the graphics is one of the only reasons to play this game.
Gameplay: It's honestly horrible. In the beginning you are FORCED to listen to the lady tell you what each and every little button does... as if the description you get at the bottom when you highlight it isn't enough... when you finally get past the crappy forced tutorial and designing your lame characters, you get to battle with a battle system that is absolutely no different from any other pokemon game. It's honestly not worth it.
Sound: The music is loud and irritating, and the announcer's voice is extremely annoying. The pokemon don't really speak, and nobody else as far as I know speaks. So far, I am extremely dis-satisfied with the game.
Customization: I think we were all happy to find out you get to choose your trainer and what they wear... what you won't be happy about is that you have to do battle after battle after battle (which is honestly... amazingly repetative, considering you're fighting CPUs who have pokemon who use growl and tackle over and over)... and you get about 300 poke-coupons for the first series of fights (which totals about six or seven), and this is barely enough to buy you a new pair of shoes. Not to mention the fact that you can't see what the items look like before you buy them... and most of them are nothing but COLOR SWAPS! It's horrible! It's a guessing game, and when I have to spend money that I earned through a LONG, ANNOYING series of battles on this guessing game, hoping that I get something that DOESN'T look like vomit... well let's just say I'm fairly displeased.
Fun: This game is NOT fun, at ALL. The only redeeming quality is the fact that you can copy pokemon from diamond and pearl, and it has the same battle system as diamond and pearl. That's all.
My ratings: Graphics: 3/10 - PATHETIC Gameplay: 4/10 - really unsatisfying Sound: 2/10 dissapointing and horrible Customization: 5/10 - you get the items... you just don't know what they are and have to waste long amounts of time to get them Fun: 4/10 - not nearly fun enough to be worth the money you pay for it.
Is it worth the money? NO.. The only real "fun" I had with this game was pointing out it's flaws and laughing at how horribly done it was. The company that made this game was screwed over because they had to make designs for almost five hundred pokemon... and believe me when I tell you that's the ONLY reason it took so long to make this game. Don't buy it. TRUST me. |
well good, i wasnt going to get it anyway |
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Dunno what to put here... UnkNown
Joined: 30 Jul 2007 Posts: 379
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:06 am
That's because you never saw a glitch. If you did, you'd notice even more AWESOMENESS.
Make a review of POKEMON PEARL and shut up. |
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Joined: 08 Aug 2007 Posts: 240
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:22 pm
Well, you guys can think it sucked all you want. I liked it. Customising the trainer was kinda dumb because the girl with the hat couldn't wear pants but the gameplay was cool. 10 colosseums you had to beat and the backgrounds were cool. The music was awesome too. I'd buy it. ^-^ (2 day rental for new release...pfft.) And you know you can turn the announcers voice OFF, right? And...what do you mean the graphics were horrible? They were good. Although Flareons eyes looked...weird. |
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Joined: 27 May 2007 Posts: 3217
HP: 88 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:08 pm
I was disappointed at lack of minigames, stupid method of customization, and not enough base trainer templates, so all the trainers looked the same.
Graphics were pretty okay. I liked how they were really shiny, it gave it a real cartoon-ish feel, so even though it wasn't realistic, it captured what Pokemon is to me - fantasy. I loved how Vaporeon was all sparkly. <3
Battle system was better than it was in Stadium. At least the Pokemon actually ran up and hit each other for physical moves, instead of jumping halfway across the battlefield and suddenly pow! the other one gets hit by air. THAT was lame. There may be a few that don't work well, but most of the attacks are very well executed.
Rental teams aren't bad... but it's REALLY fun if you have your own fully trained DP team with awesome stats that have a much better chance against the CPU. It's also fun to battle against your friends in 3D.
All in all, it's really not the best Pokemon game in the world, because Stadium and Stadium2 had more different things to do that made them more fun. However, I think this game is at least worth checking out, especially since it gives you more to do with your D/P Pokemon. |
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darkzero Rusty Shackleford Vampire
Joined: 12 Jun 2007 Posts: 16661
HP: 1 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:10 pm
Kii wrote: | I was disappointed at lack of minigames, stupid method of customization, and not enough base trainer templates, so all the trainers looked the same.
Graphics were pretty okay. I liked how they were really shiny, it gave it a real cartoon-ish feel, so even though it wasn't realistic, it captured what Pokemon is to me - fantasy. I loved how Vaporeon was all sparkly. <3
Battle system was better than it was in Stadium. At least the Pokemon actually ran up and hit each other for physical moves, instead of jumping halfway across the battlefield and suddenly pow! the other one gets hit by air. THAT was lame. There may be a few that don't work well, but most of the attacks are very well executed.
Rental teams aren't bad... but it's REALLY fun if you have your own fully trained DP team with awesome stats that have a much better chance against the CPU. It's also fun to battle against your friends in 3D.
All in all, it's really not the best Pokemon game in the world, because Stadium and Stadium2 had more different things to do that made them more fun. However, I think this game is at least worth checking out, especially since it gives you more to do with your D/P Pokemon. |
Yup, like an awesome pikachu |
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uwnim Dead

Joined: 09 Aug 2007 Posts: 284
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:48 pm
I liked the game. My trainer has the antique specs and the black dress clothes. |
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darkzero Rusty Shackleford Vampire
Joined: 12 Jun 2007 Posts: 16661
HP: 1 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:15 pm
uwnim wrote: | I liked the game. My trainer has the antique specs and the black dress clothes. |
my dude has shoes, cyber shirt, cyber pants, Wild shades, Black hair, and a crown |
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Dunno what to put here... UnkNown
Joined: 30 Jul 2007 Posts: 379
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:45 am
Winry wrote: | UGH! This is HORRID! My friend Josh brought it over to my house and I played it for about an hour.
This game is definitely a NO! I'll talk about it's many failures in different categories.
Graphics: Normally, graphics don't matter in games... but in this game it's technically one of the most important parts. The only reason to get it is to see what the pokemon look like on a wii, really... and that's not even a good reason. These graphics are horrid! The bodies look like they're made out of clay and the faces look PAINTED on. The animations for the moves are horrid. I used Seismic toss on a pokemon and there is no real tossing... my pokemon just dances around for a few seconds, then the enemy just launches into the air. It then proceeds to go to a view from some hidden camera on the MOON, apparently, and the pokemon just floats up there, does a quick U-turn, and falls like a brick... without so much as struggling. Hell, the pokemon doesn't even move itself! It just flips as if it were some sort of doll or toy. These graphics are pathetic, and the graphics is one of the only reasons to play this game.
Gameplay: It's honestly horrible. In the beginning you are FORCED to listen to the lady tell you what each and every little button does... as if the description you get at the bottom when you highlight it isn't enough... when you finally get past the crappy forced tutorial and designing your lame characters, you get to battle with a battle system that is absolutely no different from any other pokemon game. It's honestly not worth it.
Sound: The music is loud and irritating, and the announcer's voice is extremely annoying. The pokemon don't really speak, and nobody else as far as I know speaks. So far, I am extremely dis-satisfied with the game.
Customization: I think we were all happy to find out you get to choose your trainer and what they wear... what you won't be happy about is that you have to do battle after battle after battle (which is honestly... amazingly repetative, considering you're fighting CPUs who have pokemon who use growl and tackle over and over)... and you get about 300 poke-coupons for the first series of fights (which totals about six or seven), and this is barely enough to buy you a new pair of shoes. Not to mention the fact that you can't see what the items look like before you buy them... and most of them are nothing but COLOR SWAPS! It's horrible! It's a guessing game, and when I have to spend money that I earned through a LONG, ANNOYING series of battles on this guessing game, hoping that I get something that DOESN'T look like vomit... well let's just say I'm fairly displeased.
Fun: This game is NOT fun, at ALL. The only redeeming quality is the fact that you can copy pokemon from diamond and pearl, and it has the same battle system as diamond and pearl. That's all.
My ratings: Graphics: 3/10 - PATHETIC Gameplay: 4/10 - really unsatisfying Sound: 2/10 dissapointing and horrible Customization: 5/10 - you get the items... you just don't know what they are and have to waste long amounts of time to get them Fun: 4/10 - not nearly fun enough to be worth the money you pay for it.
Is it worth the money? NO.. The only real "fun" I had with this game was pointing out it's flaws and laughing at how horribly done it was. The company that made this game was screwed over because they had to make designs for almost five hundred pokemon... and believe me when I tell you that's the ONLY reason it took so long to make this game. Don't buy it. TRUST me. | Comments: BIIIIIASEED! 100%. Whoever heard of a Pokemon game NOT going over five in at least ONE category? No one! Aw, jeez, I got Pokemon Pearl some days ago and it's AWESOME!! |
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wat u say Ph1r3 Mario
Joined: 01 Aug 2007 Posts: 6727
HP: 90 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:48 pm
This game sucks. I can barely read picking moves and crap. And when they're walking, LOL. So damn funny. |
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Dunno what to put here... UnkNown
Joined: 30 Jul 2007 Posts: 379
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:32 am
Say that in my face? Can you? Yeah, I actually DO have an afro. |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:35 am
What a reliev that I never even bothered to think about buying it. But i bought Harry Potter 5 for the Wii. -.-" |
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Jolene Legendary Mashine
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 6998
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Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:53 pm
.... yes, this game IS that bad.
I bought it, like "oooh, it's like Pokemon Stadium, so it probably has some cute minigames and I can use it to transfer my D/P Pokemon back and forth across games!"
... and neither of those things happened.
I still never beat that Neon Sonofabitch.
... and the Pokemon all look like something I could make out of Sculpey. |
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Joined: 21 Sep 2007 Posts: 11460
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:47 pm
Yellow Magikoopa wrote: | Bridget wrote: | Mister I wrote: | Pokemon Stadium, at least, was a game. This one is a 50 dollar skin for crappy battle animations and 3D online Pokemon, where it takes 10 minutes to get to an error screen if there's an online problem.
Plus, it was the first 3D Pokemon game. [b]Give it some slack.[b] |
Everything but the bold is something I agree on.
Honestly, GameFreak and Nintendo are not doing their jobs well enough. I don't expect this half-assed, rushed crap from a gaming company like NINTENDO! I expect them to re-check the game twice for errors, and play-through it ten different times in order to make sure it's the best it can be.
I really hope pokemon doesn't do this horrible on future games. |
They have this 3rd party developer that made Battle Revolution. I think it was... Genius Sonority? Something like that. |
...Sorry to burst your bubble but Genius Sonoriety makes ALL the 3D pokemon games. |
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Not really Kamek
Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 645
HP: 15 MP: 9 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:59 pm
Woodeh wrote: | Customising the trainer was kinda dumb because the girl with the hat couldn't wear pants | O______________o And this game is E rated? |
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The book Light Prognosticus Vampire
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 3973
HP: 88 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:21 pm
savethewhackas wrote: | Yellow Magikoopa wrote: | Bridget wrote: | Mister I wrote: | Pokemon Stadium, at least, was a game. This one is a 50 dollar skin for crappy battle animations and 3D online Pokemon, where it takes 10 minutes to get to an error screen if there's an online problem.
Plus, it was the first 3D Pokemon game. [b]Give it some slack.[b] |
Everything but the bold is something I agree on.
Honestly, GameFreak and Nintendo are not doing their jobs well enough. I don't expect this half-assed, rushed crap from a gaming company like NINTENDO! I expect them to re-check the game twice for errors, and play-through it ten different times in order to make sure it's the best it can be.
I really hope pokemon doesn't do this horrible on future games. |
They have this 3rd party developer that made Battle Revolution. I think it was... Genius Sonority? Something like that. |
...Sorry to burst your bubble but Genius Sonoriety makes ALL the 3D pokemon games. |
Please don't necropost... X( |
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