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Better than yours Myst
Joined: 11 Jun 2007 Posts: 1076
HP: 20 MP: 4 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:34 pm
It'd be almost impossibly difficult to beat an Arceus. Of course, Nintendo had to ruin that in D/P. |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:35 pm
Myst wrote: | It'd be almost impossibly difficult to beat an Arceus. Of course, Nintendo had to ruin that in D/P. |
OOC: Ivan might stand a small chance against that Arceus. It'll be really tough, but he might be able to beat a pokemon god thingy. |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:56 pm
ooc:Perhaps Arceus' evil twin, Suecra?  |
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Better than yours Myst
Joined: 11 Jun 2007 Posts: 1076
HP: 20 MP: 4 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:04 pm
Lol, possibly. But change his name. |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:40 am
"Remember, Pikachu and Matt. You need to be completely calm when I enter the rocket hideout. I can't afford to let you blow my cover. We just walk in, head to Giovanni, take him out SILENTLY, hide him somewhere, and leave. We don't want to make news headlines. Got it?" |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:50 am
[Got it.] said Matt...
Chapter 4 - The Meeting The group pressed on heading onwards and upwards towards the main room of the rocket base.
[When we find him, what are we going to do to him?] asked Matt.
"What ever it takes." replied Styker.
Greenlight remained silent as the group headed closer and closer to the room...
ooc: MEGA plot twist in my next post...  |
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Better than yours Myst
Joined: 11 Jun 2007 Posts: 1076
HP: 20 MP: 4 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:05 am
Ooc: It wouldn't be an rp without plot twists.  |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:38 am
The group reached the door. [What ever it takes?] asked Matt. "Whatever it takes."replied Stryker.
The group pushed through the door, only to find Giovanni and a dozen rockets, fully armed and aiming at them.
LINK: /14---Dimentio
"What the? How did you know?" asked Stryker, confused.
"You did a marvellous job, leading them here." replied Giovanni.
"I did nothing!" said Stryker.
"Not you, fool! Him!" said Giovanni, pointing at Matt. "Thank you."
[It was my pleasure, father.] replied Matt. Greenlight and Stryker simply stared at him, unable to say anything. Slowly, Matt's charmeleon form changed, to be replaced by a boy of about 13. "So, this is the front for your plan, eh? I must admit, I was suprised when you tricked me too."
"I know I said I would kill you next time we met, but when you sent me that message saying you had a master trainer and that pikachu, I knew you had changed."
Matt walked over to Giovanni, standing next to him. It was easy to see the resemblence. "Kill them." said Giovanni to the rockets. "Wait!" cried Matt. "Let me deal the final blow."
Matt shifted back into a charmeleon. Gathering up every ounce of energy in his body, he unleashed a massive flamethrower...
Greenlight and Stryker ducked, but they needn't have bothered. When the dust cleared, all the rockets where unconscious.
"Traitor!" shouted Giovanni.
[Do you really think I would turn to you?] cried Matt. [After everything you did to me?]
"It seems you are not the son I meant you to be. Alas, you must now all die!" Giovanni hit a button on his desk, and countless rockets entered the room, ready to attack.
[Sorry I didn't tell you, but I knew this would happen.] said Matt as he backed up next to Stryker and Greenlight. [I've been tracking him for several years, wating for this.]
"Kill them!" shouted Giovanni, and the group readied themselves for their final battle...
LINK: /70---The-Ultimate-Show
ooc: Told you I was saving up!  |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:08 am
"Can't risk using Ivan here in these close quarters. He might destroy a critical system if I do. Looks like its time for you, TIKHON!" The Sceptile was called out, and let out a mighty battle cry. "Tikhon, take out the rockets WITHOUT harming the computers! Leaf blade! Go!" Tikhon simply stood there, waiting. As multiple rocket members attacked, he suddenly disapppeared, and moments later, all the rockets in Tikhon's immediate area were knocked out by the leaf blade. "Grigori! Powder snow!" The Eevee froze several rockets in front of Giovanni. Stryker walked up to Giovanni, holding the luxury ball that held Ivan. "You. Me. Pokemon battle. 3 pokemon each, one at a time. I select my Typhlosion, your son, and the Pikachu. I beat you back in Kanto for the Earth Badge, and I'll do it again here." |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:21 am
[No.] said Matt. [He's mine to finish. Mine alone.]
"How foolish..." replied Giovanni. "Very well. One shall stand, one shall fall."
An energy field shot down around Matt and Giovanni, expanding until it became the size of a battlefield. Stryker and Greenlight were trapped outside, and all they could do was watch.
"You know, I was one of the first to test the shiftwater. Now you shall see my true power!"
Giovanni's body began to shift, changing slowly into a huge pokemon. When it was over, Giovanni had changed into a Charizard. Matt and Giovanni charged into battle, not knowing who would win... |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:26 am
"You idiot, Matt. You are outmatched by that charizard in every way! It's impossible to take him head-on! You can't defend against his moves either! All you've got going for you is that you're smaller and faster! Use that to your advantage!" |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:06 pm
Greenlight not at all impressed by Matt's desicion simply said "Come on, I have a plan to get back inside. I've been here many times before. After all, this is where- well no time for history now. Just come on!" The pikachu then ran into the surrounding woods. |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:11 pm
[Stay out of this!] shouted Matt. [You forget about one thing: this.] Matt shifted into gyarados. He then used hydro pump on the arena, flooding it. Giovanni was flailing and crying out. Matt shot forward, ready for the final blow...
The blow never reached it's target. Matt found himself, in his human form, in a starry place. In the distance he could see a strange, four-legged creature.
Matt ... now is not the time or place ... you will have the chance to have revenge on your father ... but not now...
There was a blinding flash, and then Matt was a charmeleon again. The arena, the flood and Giovanni were all gone. Matt was left alone with Stryker and Greenlight... |
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Better than yours Myst
Joined: 11 Jun 2007 Posts: 1076
HP: 20 MP: 4 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:46 pm
Ooc: Ownage. But this is slowly dieing....  |
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Kero Neko Greenlight
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 5437
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:26 pm
OOC: hey GP, if you want to RP by yourself, say so. Don't try to cut us out of scenes, chu. |
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