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Acadamy of Nerr
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Joined: 23 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:35 pm   Reply with quote

(Lawlz, too good an RP to pass up. xD; )

"Ru...I have fury...Fink-rat shiny-haired princeling...and his fink-rat dinosaur-bird friend of flightedness...Ru, I-"
Fawful dropped right out of the air, rubbing his nose (or, as Beanish had no- visible- nose, his face), and bounced to the ground.
"Now I have pain AND fury!" the little scientist ranted, jumping up and kicking the wall. However, that did nothing but put him in MORE pain. He yelped and jumped back, holding his foot. "OUCHING! I HAVE MUCH FURY!"
He glared up at the obstruction he had just crashed into- a large building, the sign on front reading 'Academy of Nerr' (not that he had any idea what in the world a 'Nerr' was...).
"Building of stupidity!" he ranted, shaking a fist at it. "I will have the destroying of you!"
A sudden puff of smoke reminded him of his current predicament. Fawful had been plundering E. Gadd's laboratory in Beanbean Castle Town when the elderly doctor had escaped and called for help, and Prince Peasley had arrived alongside his pterodactyl pal, Blahblanadon. The two were the Mario Bros. of Beanbean, and while Cackletta had almost always caught them in a stalemate, little Fawful had been no match for the swordplay-skilled prince and the winged dinosaur.
He'd gotten away, and had suffered pretty much no injuries, but his Headgear had been badly damaged- the failing jets had messed with his flight pattern, causing him to crash into the school. Although, being Fawful, he blamed the school for being there instead of his Heagear for not working. Not like he would admit he'd been defeated, anyway.
Now set on destroying the school SOMEHOW, Fawful stormed inside. His Headgear might be broken, but a few bombs would do the job quite nicely...
Fawful grinned. "I have joy and fury," he sang to himself, giggling wickedly. "Fururururu!"
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