Hey [you]! If you haven't noticed, this is now the old digibutter forums. Go over to the new site!
It's Hi-Technicaaal!
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:10 pm
plx dun kill mi for not postin in orange D:
I decided to make this since Altair's guide is a little outdated. This is just a basic guide to Digibutter.
Here's a breakdown of the vast categories of forums we have here:
Announcements - The forum that Francis announces major site updates such as new sections, features, items, etc.
Feedback - Mainly used for discussion of the forum, as well as suggestions that will help the site and small updates that Francis makes
Introductions, Goodbyes, and I'm Backs - If you're new, are leaving, or you get back from somewhere, you make a topic here.
Hi-Technical Support - A forum where you can post technical problems you may have with the forum, your computer, etc.
Digital Butterflies - The forum where we show off our schweet pictures of out butterflies and whatnot.
Gaming News and Reviews - News about games announced, updates about games, and reviews by our members.
Gaming - Just a forum about gaming in general.
Super Mario Galaxy - A forum for discussing the Wii game, Super Mario Galaxy.
Super Paper Mario - Where we discuss Super Paper Mario, the game of which this forum is based off of.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - A forum for discussion of the Wii game of the same name.
Mario Kart Wii - If you can't figure this one out, I pity your soul.
Media - As you would expect, a forum about TV shows, anime, music, movies, videos, comics, and a lot of stuff like that.
Geek Gear - Discussion of hi-technical equipment like computers, cameras, meow maids... *shot*
Role-Play - One of the most popular forums on Digibutter, basically the place where people make and participate in Roleplaying.
Role-Play Off Topic - A blend of the alternate character feature of Role-Play and the spammy forum qualities of the Off-Topic forum.
Miyamojo - A more specific Roleplay forum, made for Role playing as characters from Nintendo franchises (i.e. Mario, Star Fox, Pokemon, etc.).
Your Creations - A forum where you post art, stories, and anything else of the sort.
Picto Forum - A special feature forum where you create your own super-blocky, super-limited-palette drawing.
Oekaki Forum - Like the Picto forum, but with full blown-out drawings.
Contests - Make contests for money and whatever else you want people to compete for.
Star Carnival - The casino of Digibutter, people create various games of chance and skill here.
Black Market - A forum where people advertise products for their user shops.
General Discussion - A forum for more serious topics that you may want to discuss with people.
Off Topic - One of the spammiest and most nonsensical forums on Digibutter.
Underwhere - A forum that the dead go to when they run out of HP. More on HP later.
Request - A personal forum used to make requests, at the time it is only used for permanent name-changes.
Digibutter Jail - Where members go if they severely break the rules. Used as a "temporary ban," by the fact that if a member is placed here, they are completely cut off from everyone else in the community, they may not post anywhere else, send PMs, use items, etc, and their avatar is replaced with a Jailed avatar and a Jailed rank.
Court - The forum where trials are held. More on Court later.
Party - Usually locked and hidden, it's the place where Digibutter holds its parties usually.
The Dump - A legendary forum, known as the spammiest forum of them all. Was nuked on the great Dump party.
That was a simple breakdown of all the forums. Now at the top you will notice a bar that says FAQ, Usergroups, Shops, etc. Wondering what all this means? Here's a breakdown:
FAQ - A basic Faq of some of the features and rules of the forum.
Wiki - A link to the recently-created Digibutter wiki.
Search - An engine for searching for specific posts or topic on Digibutter.
Accounts - If you want to make friends from Digibutter on YouTube, or want to play a round of Brawl with them, you can use this handy list to see who has names/codes on sites and games.
Memberlist - A list of all the members, by default starting with the first member, admin, followed by Francis, etc.
Usergroups - A past forum feature, with the groups from long ago.
Shops - The list of shops and usershops. More on that later.
Arcade - The collection of games playable for coins. More on that later.
Tournaments - A link to the tournaments page. More on that later.
Nerrcast - A link to the page of Nerrcasts. Again, more on that later.
Profile: View - Edit - Links to edit and view your profile, obviously.
Log Out [ Your Name ] - Click this link to log out.
You have x new messages - A quick link to your PM inbox. More on that later.
Now that you're familiar with the userbar and categories of the forum, let's go more in-depth with some of the features of the forum:
Private Messages - Private messages, or PMs, are used for sending messages to other members. They are also used to notify members if someone has used an item on them, if they have done something worthy of a strike, etc.
Coins - Coins are the currency of Digibutter. For every post you make, you earn one coin. The only forums that don't give out coins are Role-Play Off Topic and Off Topic, as well as the Dump formerly. Coins are used to buy items, open shops, and can be earned from the arcade for placing on the top ten scorers.
HP/MP - One of the many unique features of the forum, you automatically start out with the maximum HP and MP, 100 and 10 respectively. Once a person runs out of HP, they are allowed to post in the Underwhere forum, and their avatar is replaced by a gravestone. MP is used as a "limit" on some features, meaning that if an items uses MP and the user doesn't have enough MP to use the item, they may not use it until they gain enough MP to use it.
Items - Another unique feature of the forum, there are many subfeatures to items. Some items can be used to give or take HP and MP, some are "relationship" items (More on that later), some can change the color of your name when you post, and some even do things you couldn't imagine!
Shops - There are two types of shops, regular shops and user shops. Regular shops are always on the forum, and have all sorts of items that do crazy things, such as the Cracker Launcher, which will announce a message that you type into the sky! Then there are user shops, which cost 50 coins to open. You can create basic HP/MP taking/healing items, relationship items, name color items, and things like that. You set a custom selling price, give a description, and BAM, you're item is there for sale! You may also put items that are already in your inventory in your shop.
Role-Play Characters - A recent addition to Digibutter, and one of the best in my opinion. In your profile in the bottom left hand corner, you can see your RP Characters. Click on [NEW], and provide a name and avatar that represent your character. Now when you're posting, look just below the box you're typing in. Click the box next to the words "Alternate character", select a character from the list, then post. Now your post will have the name and avatar of the character as the person posting, and your regular username will appear in replacement of your member title. You may only have up to three RP alts at a time, and you can only use them in the Role-Play and Role-Play Off Topic forums.
Name Tags - A life-changing item, this little gem will change your username. Formerly it could be used every 30 days an unlimited amount of times, but the item caused mass confusion. Now, you are allowed only ONE name change, PERIOD. The only exception is if you hold a deep hate for your new name, you can PM Francis to ask for a name change from him. Your past username will be displayed in your profile next to the words "Formerly:". UPDATE: Name-tags have been destroyed. ANOTHER UPDATE: Name-Tags were brought back, except instead of permanently changing your name, it will put a fake-name over your real name, like a mask, and your regular name will become your user title. If you make a request in the Request forum, however, you CAN change your username still.
Nerrcast - Occasionally, Francis posts podcasts where the members may contribute some of their ideas, discussions, and advertise their stuff. These are updated once in a blue moon.
Relationships - Some items you can use on other members, and if they use it back on you, will give you a special relationship with the other member that will be displayed next to your posts as well as in your profile. For example, I have many relationships with the other members, such as "Hario and Piccolo the Pixl are going to kill each other someday". Your most recent relationship will be displayed next to your posts. Also, in the Archery shop, there's an item called the "Cupid-Arrow", which if you use on another member, a relationship is automatically established.
Dice Rolls - A nifty little feature used in games of chance, you simply type in [roll=x], with x representing the number of sides on the dice, ie. [roll=6], and you have a randomized dice roll at the bottom of your post!
Special Tags - Special tags that aren't showed as tag buttons above the post-typing window, these tags are: [youtube]youtube video url[/youtube] - For a Youtube video [esnips]esnips music url[/esnips] - For a link to an Esnip [livevideo]livevideo url[/livevideo] - Used as an alternative to Youtube. [ spoiler ]text[ /spoiler ] - Without the spaces, will make text and its background totally black so you can't see it unless it's highlighted. [ objecton ]text[ /objection ] - Without the spaces, will make a Phoenix Wright styled objection. There are other characters available to use, but you'll have to figure out the codes for them on your own! [ you ] - Displays your name, as in: [ you ] GOTTA HELP US RESCUE THE PRINCESS becomes Guest GOTTA HELP US RESCUE THE PRINCESS. If you hover your cursor over the tag, it will say "you". [ s ] - Will put a strikeout over your text, like so.
Tournaments - With this feature, you can create tournaments that can include from four to a whopping 64 players, with pretty much any game you can imagine. You enter in the number of coins for someone to win (Taken from your own coin count), and an optional "pot", made from a small entry fee. You can also enter in another prize, and a trophy image that will go into the profile of the winning user!
Chat Box - Click the "Show Chatbox" link at the top right of the page, and a chatbox will come down; you choose a name to post as in the box, and you hit send message to post a message on the Chatbox. It's like an instant messenger. You must refresh the page to see any new messages.
Containers - They're like Gifts. You use the "Combine" feature in your inventory to combine an empty container with an item, and the item goes into the container. Now, you have two options in giving people gifts at the time of this writing; the first is simply using the "Give" option in your inventory to give a gift to someone, and they can open it right off the bat. The other, as of right now, is "Christmas gifts"; you can instead of giving someone a present, "Use" it on them, and it will go under the tree in their profile! They won't be able to open it until December 25th, Christmas morning.
Post Template - On the edit profile screen, there's a box for Post Template. If you enter a specific tag or combo of tags in here, they will automatically show up when you go to post.
Draw An Avatar - Right below the avatar creator, there's a link to draw a Picto-Avatar. It is about 16x16 Picto blocks.
Court, Trials, and MeowMod - If you get a strike, you will receive a message from MeowMod instead of the mod who striked you. With MeowMod, you can contest that you are not deserving of your strike and take it up in the Court forum. If you plead guilty, you will only get a slight punishment. If you appeal your strike, and are still found guilty, you will receive a harsher than usual punishment.
Status Conditions and Forms - There are a few different forms of these. I'll go more in-depth here:
Vampire - These guys are the best you can get, you turn into these guys by drinking a Blood Potion. They can actually Bite other people (Using the item Vampire-Bite on a person) if they're not already a vampire, and they can turn other people into a vampire! Not only that, but they regain 10 HP, and they're basically INVINCIBLE; the only way a Vampire can be slain is by shooting it with an arrow! Vampires also are depowered when shot with a Cupid-Arrow.
Werewolf - These guys, they are only actually available on days with a full moon; if you have the item "Wolf-Pendant" equipped, your text will turn brown, and you can bite other people! I believe they turn into Werewolves as well. During a full moon, werewolves have a 50% bigger effect on attack and healing items.
Zombie - There are some circumstances to being a Zombie. First, you must use the item "T-Virus" on yourself; you then gain the status of "T-Infected". Then, when you die, you become a Zombie!
Returning to Normal - If for some reason you decide you don't want to be a Vampire/Zombie/Werewolf, simply go to the Potion Shop and buy a Monster-Cure; use it on yourself, and you'll return to normal.
Burning - I don't really know the features of someone burning, but I believe that they lose HP on a gradual basis. Burning can be caused by being shot with a Fire-Arrow.
Freezing - You don't wanna get slapped with this sucker; if you're frozen, you won't be able to post for five minutes. Freezing can be caused by being shot with an Ice-Arrow. Right now, Freezing does absolutely nothing.
Blogs - Like a tiny sub-forum in your profile, it's like any other forum. You can post topics, or "entries", and also make stickies in your own blog. There's also a regular blog forum where all the entries of everyone show up in chronological order (Stickies in profiles don't show there).
Moderation Team - Seven members Francis elected some time ago as moderators, the best of the best members. The moderators have privileges to move, delete, and edit posts. These members are Plastic Mario, Minami Iwasaki, Chaos Dimentio, Goomba, Jr. Troopa, ShadowArticuno, and Lord Crump. Be forewarned, break the rules and upset these members, and you will definitely pay the price. There have also been a few moderators that have left us; Francine left us for mysterious personal reasons, and only told this to, if I remember, M'aiq the Liar and TotalSpaceshipGuy3. Popple left us for other gaming sites; Digibutter became boring for him. being a spammy mod. Mister I left as he felt inadequate as a mod.
Well now I'm sure you're tired of me telling you the features of the forum, and you want to post now, right? Well let's get onto just that: Posting! If you just want to post in an already-existing topic, press the "Reply" button at the top right of the page. But wait! What if you want to make your own topic? You press the "New Topic" button right next to it, and post like normal. There's your topic!
Other posting options include making a poll, and the various tags above the posting window. The big white space in the middle is where you type your message. Below that there are the options Disable BBCode in this post, Disable Smilies in this post, usually you don't mess with these. If you have the "Shovel" item, you see a drop-down bar with the words "Bury Item" next to it. If you select an item here, then post, on the bar above the text you can see a little white square with a red X in it. Other people with shovels can see this, too. The first person to click on this will dig up the item!
To the left is the list of emoticons. Just click on an emoticon to have it automatically placed in your post. If you hit the text View More Emoticons, you can see some of the custom emoticons of the forum, such as my personal favorite, Francis, or franis, as it's more well known. 
Now above the text window you can see special tags that modify your posts. the "B" tag will bold a selected part of your post, the "i" tag will italicize a selected part of your post, the "u" tag will underline a part, the Quote button will put a Quote box around part of a post, the Code button will put a tagless box around a part of a post, List... I'm not quite sure, List= I don't know either, Img will make an image appear instead of the link to it if you put the tags around the URL to it, and URL will make a link to a webpage clickable instead of forcing members to copy and paste the URL into the... URL box. The Font Color drop down window will let you select a wide variety of colors to change the color of your text with, and in addition to there being colors there already, there are also other colors not listed like Hot Pink, Crimson, and my personal favorite, Orange. You can also use Hex Colors to change your color to virtually any color at all. There's also the size changer, ranging from 0 to 29, which will change the size of the words in the tags. An example of this is at the top. Finally, before I forget, there's the character counter feature. On every forum except for both Off-Topic forums, your posts must contain at least 10 characters or more to be posted, and in General Discussion a post must have at least 100 characters to be posted.
And that pretty much covers all of the basics. Let me know if I forgot anything, and I'll add it. Also, I'll add images later since I'm kinda busy at the moment.
Last edited by Super Hario on Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:02 pm; edited 13 times in total |
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Jr. Troopa Admiral Bobbery
Joined: 19 Jun 2007 Posts: 3866
HP: 15 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:38 pm
I like this update very much. It may help some of the newer members at some of the newer features Digibutter offers. |
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Super ShadowArticuno
Joined: 10 Jun 2007 Posts: 29080
HP: 99 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:38 pm
*kills you for not posting in orange*
DON'T PANIC, This guide should be stickied for new members. |
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Richest user. :D Super Ultimario
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 5704
HP: 100 MP: 4 Lives: 6
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:07 pm
Added. Added. |
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:44 pm
Bumpity bump bump. |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:33 am
Someone sticky this plx. |
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:10 pm
...anybody gonna sticky this? D: |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:38 pm
Hario wrote: | ...anybody gonna sticky this? D: |
Only Francis can sticky threads by non-mods. |
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:56 pm
Hooray, Francis stickied it :D |
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abdcefg Mama Luigi Vampire

Joined: 26 Jun 2007 Posts: 16313
HP: 5 MP: 9 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:52 pm
Franis pwnz |
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:39 am
Update: I added Tournaments to the guide, finally. |
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The Snowman Super Whackaweed Vampire
Joined: 05 Nov 2007 Posts: 295
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:01 am
That's useful! |
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Typhoon Typhoon™ Dead

Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 17329
HP: 0 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:23 am
this guide helped me mow my lawn! |
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The Great and Revered monjebleu Vampire
Joined: 19 Nov 2007 Posts: 91
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:36 am
nice guide very helpful |
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