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Elite Nerr Francis

Joined: 16 Apr 2007 Posts: 6974
HP: 50 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:58 am
The day after Thanksgiving is known as "Black Friday", when all the stores open up real early and have crazy sales. Here are the current advertised deals for Black Friday and the weekend of. Nothing too amazing this year Some small discounts are not really worth the hassle of fighting traffic and long lines
For those of you without a DS, there will be a new gold Zelda package with Phantom Hourglass. Basically you get Zelda for free, but the price may go up after Black Friday weekend.

List taken and modified from http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157620
GameStop Buy Two, Get One Free on all used games and accessories Doorbuster Sixaxis controllers 50% OFF Official Blu-Ray remote 50% OFF
CompUSA B&M - THURS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE FREE MS Wireless Controller with XBOX360 System Purchase FREE Discontinued/Clearance Game with ANY Game Purchase at Reg. Price
TOYS 'R' US B&M Deals **Visit TOYRUS.com on Wednesday the 21st at Midnight for In-Store MYSTERY DEALS** (secret sale list) Wii games - Buy 2 get 1 free all week starting on the 18th DOOR BUSTER SALE 5am-Noon FRIDAY NOV.23rd Purchase PS2 System, Receive 3 FREE Games (Spiderman 3, Shrek 3, and Tony Hawk's Proving Ground) Purchase Zelda or Nintendogs DS Lite Bundle, Receive 50% off ANY DS Accessory ALL Gamecube and Xbox Games are BUY 1 GET 1 at 50% OFF FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE Wii - Dave Mirra, Billy Wizzard, Ninjabread Man - 14.99 each NDS - Disney Meteos - 9.99 each
MEIJER B&M Deals THANKSGIVING DAY SALE, starting 6am on Nov.22nd BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF on PS3, XB360, Wii Titles priced $39.99 or Less Purchase PSP GFM Starter Kit ($9.99) & PSP Mercury Meltdown Game ($19.99), receive $30 off ANY PSP System Xbox 360 Guitar Hero II Bundle $59.99 PS2 Wireless Freedom V Guitar Controller $29.99 DOOR BUSTER SALE 5am-Noon FRIDAY NOV.23rd Buy ANY Xbox 360 Game Console AND Any XB360 Wireless Controller, Receive HALO 3 Game FREE Purchase Wii GFM Nunchuck Skin ($9.99) & Wii Crash of the Titans Game ($49.99), receive $40 off Wii System Purchase Zelda or Nintendogs DS Lite Bundle, Receive DS Lite Carrying Case FREE Buy ANY PS3 Game Console AND Any PS3 Wireless Controller, Receive ANY PS3 Game (priced up to $59.99) FREE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE Buy 1 Get 1 50% OFF on Video Games priced $19.99 or Less Get 50% off PC Game Titles $19.99 or Less
KMART B&M - DOOR BUSTER SALE 6am-11am FRIDAY NOV.23rd Zelda or Nintendogs DS Lite Bundle $149.99 plus $25 Giftcard thru mail-in rebate
BESTBUY B&M Doorbuster Sale: tickets handed out beginning 3am, Nov.23rd and stores open at 5am XBOX 360 Premium System w/ FREE Guitar Hero II Bundle $349.99 $19.99 XB360 Game Titles - Stuntman, Spiderman 3, Call of Duty 3, Ghost Recon 2 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2-DAYS SALE PS3 40gb Spiderman Bundle w/ FREE NBA 2K8 + Open Season Blu-ray Movie $399.99 NDS Zelda or Nintendogs Special Edition Bundle w/ FREE Starter Kit & Over the Hedge DS Game $149.99 React Legacy Wireless Guitar w/ Pedal for PS2 $39.99 Guitar Hero II PS2 Game Only $24.99 $4.99 Game Titles Gun XB360 $9.99 Game Titles Madden 07 PS3 GTA San Andreas PS2 Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest DS Cooking Mama DS GTA Liberty City Stories PSP Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition PSP MLB 2K7 DS Guild Wars PC LOTR Online PC World of Warcraft PC $14.99 Game Titles Tony Hawk's Project 8 XB360 Spiderman 3 PS2 SSX Blur Wii ICON XB360 Chicken Shoot Wii Kim Possible DS The Sims 2 Pets Wii $19.99 Wii Games Brunswick Pro Bowling Rapala Tournament Fishing Resident Evil 4 Sonic and the Secret Rings $24.99 PC Game Titles Bioshock Orange Box Two Worlds
CIRCUIT CITY B&M Doorbuster Sale: 5am-11am on Nov.23rd Zelda or Nintendogs DS Lite Bundle $139.99 Super Mario Galaxy Wii $34.99 Project Gotham Racing 4 XB360 $44.99 Madden 08 PS2 $14.99 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2-DAYS SALE XBOX 360 Premium System w/ FREE MS Wireless Controller (and Forza 2 + MUA Game Packed In) $349.99 PS3 40gb Spiderman Bundle w/ FREE Sony Wireless SIXAXIS Controller (and 5 Free Blu-Ray Movies Mail-In Rebate) $399.99 PS2 Slim System w/ FREE Sony Dual Shock II Controller $129.99 PS2 & XB360 Guitar Hero II Bundle $59.99 The Orange Box PC $34.99 FREE $10 Giftcard w/ these Game Titles: Guitar Hero III Bundle PS2 $89.99 Halo 3 XB360 $59.99 Assassin's Creed for XB360 or PS3 $59.99 Mario Strikers Charged Wii $49.99 God of War II PS2 $39.99 Rachet Clank Future PS3 $59.99 $4.99 Game Titles Fable XB The SIMS 2 PC The SIMS 2 Glamour Stuff PC The SIMS 2 Celebration! Stuff PC Diner Dash PC $9.99 Game Titles Call of Duty 2 XB360 Star Wars Battlefront II PS2 Sonic PS2 Bully PS2 Napoleon Dynamite PSP Call of Juarez XB360 Red Steel Wii Super Monkey Ball DS Sonic Rush DS Cooking Mama DS Shrek DS Cake Mania DS
KBTOYS B&M Deals (5am-12pm on Nov.23rd) BUY 1 GET 1 FREE on entire selection of videogames (titles and stock vary by store) Note: Select stores open 12am, Nov.23rd; plus, closing and liquidating stores will NOT participate in these BF deals.
TARGET B&M Deals (6am-11pm on Nov.23rd and 8am-11pm on the 24th) Guitar Hero III Bundle w/ 2 Exclusive Guitar Controllers $85 Purchase XBOX 360 Halo 3 Special Edition System ($399.99) AND Halo 3 Game ($59.99), Receive $60 Giftcard Purchase DS Lite Special Edition Bundle ($149.99 Zelda or Nintendogs Version), Receive $10 Giftcard Purchase ANY PSP System ($169.99 for Core Model or the $199.99 Bundle), Receive 5 FREE PSP Movies $17 SALE, EACH Puppy Luv DS Lego Star Wars II Original Trilogy for PS2, DS, XB360 Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End for PS2, DS The Simpsons Game PSP Saints Row XB360 Atari Flashback 2.0 game system $28 SALE, EACH Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2 PS2 NBA 2K8 for XB360, PS3 Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End for XB360, PS3, Wii Big Brain Academy Wii Smarty Pants Wii $38 SALE, EACH Tony Hawk's Proving Ground for XB360, PS3 Spiderman Friend or Foe XB360 NCAA 08 Football XB360, PS3 Gears of War XB360 Boogie for Wii, PS2 PS2 Psyclone Wireless Guitar $48 SALE, EACH Call of Duty 4 for XB360 or PS3 The Orange Box XB360 PGR 4 XB360 Skate for XB360 or PS3 Heavenly Sword PS3 XB360 Wireless Headset
FYE B&M Deals (Nov.23rd and 24th) BUY $50 FYE Giftcard, Receive a BONUS $10 Giftcard** FREE BUY $30 FYE Giftcard, Receive a BONUS $5 Giftcard** FREE **These BONUS Giftcards can only be used for purchases made between 1/1/08 to 1/15/08. Limit one (1) bonus card per transaction. Playstation 2 System $99.99 ($129.99 - $30 Mail-In Rebate) Xbox 360 Premium System Bundle $419.97 ($469.97 - $50 Mail-In Rebate) - Includes the 20gb Version with 2 Games : Forza 2 and Marvel:UA + Select 2 MORE Games from these 4 choices: Halo 3, COD4, Assassins' Creed, and Smackdown Vs. Raw '08 Playstation Portable Slim System Bundle $199.97 ($249.97 - $50 Mail-In Rebate) - Select 2 PSP Games from 5 choices New Nintendo DS Bundle $129.99 ($149.99 - $20 Mail-In Rebate) - Choose either Metallic Rose DS w/ Nintendogs or Gold DS w/ Zelda PH XBOX 360 Guitar Hero II Bundle $59.99 ($79.99 - $20 Mail-In Rebate) FREE DVD w/ purchase of WWE Smackdown Vs. RAW 08 Game
SEARS B&M Doorbuster Deals (Only between 5am - 12noon on Nov.23rd) XBOX 360 Guitar Hero II Bundle $59.99 FRIDAY and SATURDAY SALE 20% off Select Value Games (reg. $9.99 - $19.99) $39.99 Game Titles: Spiderman - Friend or Foe, Transformers (PS3/XB360 Versions); Madden 08 (Wii) $49.99 Game Titles: Skate, Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (PS3 or XB360 Versions); MOH: Airborne (XB360)
Last edited by Francis on Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:40 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Jr. Troopa Admiral Bobbery
Joined: 19 Jun 2007 Posts: 3866
HP: 15 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:20 pm
The list looks pretty interesting. The DS, that I currently have doesn't have Wi-Fi, and it's somewhat broken. I'll have a look into the Zelda DS and the Phantom Hourglass. I may also get some of those free gift cards that are there. |
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Burn them out rawrskey Benned Vampire

Joined: 03 Jun 2007 Posts: 14262
HP: 70 MP: 5 Lives: 5
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:09 pm
if only I had some damn money!
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:54 pm
Black Friday is a tradition for the wimminz in my family. I'm getting dragged to this outdoor outlet place to help my step sister fight over Uggs and LeSportsac bags. Maybe I can check out the Sony store there. |
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YoshiAngemon Sammer Guy Pizza Cat
Joined: 16 May 2007 Posts: 2285
HP: 100 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:20 pm
Dang. And to think, I don't have the money. Oh, well. There's always the Post-Holiday Ordeals. Even THEY can be murder on the wallet! |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007 Posts: 7631
HP: 99 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:23 pm
Yes, my chance to get SMG. (My parents are a little particular about video game prices, since I'm basically addicted to gaming.) |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:54 am
Too bad I'll be too busy playing Galaxy and Rock Band. |
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