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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:49 pm
Vaati wrote: | **Name: Android 42 (real name was deleted when he tried to reach the final boss) *Picture: Look at my avatar for this post **Species: HUcast *Gender: male *Place of Originality: Pioneer 2 **Powers: Can slowly repair himself. *Weapons: Lord's Buster sword, Seize Lockgun, Berserk Halberd, Fill Knife **Basic Information: He is a Hunter class android and is said to be Kireek's younger brother. *Strengths: Is great with many high-tech Photon weapons, is immune to status effects, and can regenerate his health over time. *Weaknesses: Can't cast magic, and has some weakness a human has | Update 42 has revealed his prototype Soul Eater.
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Super ShadowArticuno
Joined: 10 Jun 2007 Posts: 29080
HP: 99 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:02 pm
**Name: Silver the Hedgehog *Picture:  **Species: Hedgehog *Gender: Male *Place of Originality: Crisis City **Powers: Psychokinesis *Weapons: None *Strengths: He can fly with his Psychokinesis, as well as pick up and throw objects and enemies. *Weaknesses: Bad temper, he can't pick up objects that are too heavy/active, and he can't move very fast on the ground.
**Name: Blaze the Cat *Picture:  **Species: Cat *Gender: Female *Place of Originality: Everywhere.  **Powers: Pyrokinesis *Weapons: None *Strengths: She can set st00f on fire. And cover herself in flames. And appear in Sonic games with no explanation. *Weaknesses: Antisocial and st00f. And she doesn't like heights at all. And I guess she's faster than Silver, but not super fast. D: |
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BANJO KA-FREAKING-ZOOIE top minion tails Vampire
Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 13197
HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:14 pm
name: majora's mask/majora
 orgin: ???? powers:godly,yet extremely destructive in many ways personality: playful, but still evil and psychotic, since his ideas of fun are twisted and consisted playing with the lives of others, and he feels no remorse for his actions. Majora actually believes himself to be the good guy, and thinks of Link as a villain.
relatives: Majora seems to be related with the Fierce Deity |
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and I control the decks carfilledwithfish
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 3988
HP: 88 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:08 pm
Name: Grimlock Picture: Robot mode - Dinosaur mode Species: Transformer (Dinobot) Gender: Technically none, but looks, sounds and acts male. Place of Originality: Cybertron Powers: He's a giant robot that turns into a giant robot DINOSAUR. I mean come on. Weapons: In robot mode he has an energy sword and a self-loading rocket launcher that fires both explosive plasma and shrapnel rounds. Basic Information: Some Autobots wonder why Grimlock is even on their side. His merciless disposition and contempt for the weak seems better suited to the Decepticons. This attitude is reflected by his troops, the Dinobots, who operate more like a gang than a military unit. A glitch in Grimlock's voice processors gives him a characteristic speech impediment. Strengths: Grimlock is an intelligent and skilled military commander. His courage is second to none. He's also very strong; in dinosaur mode, his teeth are capable of cutting an armoured Transformer completely in two in one swipe. His speech impediment might be considered a strength, as this and his impulsive nature cause opponents to underestimate his intelligence. Weaknesses: Although he has no physical weaknesses, (aside from a lack of speed in dinosaur mode) Grimlock's arrogance affects his judgment, and he often gets in over his head. |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 19351
HP: 85 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:43 pm
Name: Princess Rosalina Picture: See Av. Species: Human Gender: Female Place of Originality: Presumably from the Marioverse "Earth", but lives in space, more specifically Comet Observatory. Powers: Various Magic, forcefields. Weapons: Her wand, LUMA ARMYYYYYYY!!! Strengths: Has intense magic, is trusted by most species of the Marioverse, intelligent. Weaknesses: Sucks at cooking (lol), overprotective, uses up power too fast, is cut off from most society.
Name: Tyke Picture: See Av. Species: Luma Gender: Male Place of Originality:...Space? Powers: Star Spinning? XD Weapons: Self Strengths: Fast, FREAKIN ADORABLE, magical, FREAKIN ADORABLE, usually can come up with convenient plans, and FREAKIN ADORABLE!!! <3 Weaknesses: not very strong, easily frightened, isn't exactly what you would call...smart.
Name: Polari Picture: See Av Species: Luma Gender: Male Place of Originality:...SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE. Powers:...I dunno. Stuff? Weapons: Self Strengths: Intelligent, close connection to Rosalina, magiiiiiiiiic. Weaknesses: ANNOYING, doesn't fight much, low defense. He's like Toadsworth but cuter. <3 |
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squirps Alex
Joined: 10 Nov 2007 Posts: 3385
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:02 pm
Name:Phantamanta. Picture:See my av. Species:erm...Ghost manta? Gender:Male. Place of Originality:The sea. Powers:Can split into more mantas. Weapons:I leave electric goop wherever I go. Strenghs:Electric Goop is very dangerous! weaknesses:Water hurts me. |
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Shyguy...wheee!! gunyolk
Joined: 25 Nov 2007 Posts: 30
HP: 100 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:08 pm
name: shyguy kababkun III species: shyguy gender: do shyguys even have genders? place of origin: 8-bit hq powers: thunder strikes, usage of shyguy gadgets, fire magic weapons: spears, propeller, slingshots and , pogo sticks weaknesses: remove his mask he falls apart. |
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The Great and Revered monjebleu Vampire
Joined: 19 Nov 2007 Posts: 91
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:08 pm
**Name: Jacques *Picture: <--over there **Species: Little Blue Fishy *Gender: Male *Place of Originality: The website of Ms. S **Powers: Swimming, Fishy Lasers *Weapons: Molotov Cocktails **Basic Information: Just a fishy swimmin' around... *Strengths: Sneak Attacks, Lasers *Weaknesses: No Hands |
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Balloon Fighter ROB_Unit_14789 Vampire
Joined: 26 Nov 2007 Posts: 1524
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:26 pm
Name: ROB, Robby, Buddy Picture: (Hopefully I will be able to find one soon.) Species: Metalic Organism. Gender: ...He acts as though he is Male. Place of Originality: E-Gadd's Private Labority. Powers: Can adapt to any situations by changing certain Weapons: Various firearms, adaptive capability. Basic Information: The ROB series robot is a recent model, originally intended as beef-ups in the Mushroom Kingdom's Defenses, the ROB series robot serves many purposes, and comes with many different programings. ROB Unit #14789 was made as a companion for Princess Peach Toadstool, what ever she says goes. Unit #14789 is the first of its kind to have adaptive technology in its systems. He is also the first to have bio-mechanichal internal systems, and is the first Unit to not speak in monotone. He is programmed to sacrifice himself for the Princess. Strengths: Can adapt to any situation in any way, and can utalize the power of Power Stars freely. He alsonwields a variety of hidden firearms in various hiding places on his body. Weaknesses: It takes him a while to adapt to his environment, and he is lacking in social skills. He does anything the Princess tells him to do. |
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squirps Super Saturos Vampire
Joined: 10 Nov 2007 Posts: 3385
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:26 pm
Sorry but if you want to use ROB as a Miyamojo account you can't I already claimed him anyway new Alt!
Name:Bogmire, The Cemetery Shadow Picture:See avatar Species:Ghost Gender:Male Place of Originality:Luigi's Mansion Powers:Can create Bogmire Shadows Weapons:Bogmire Shadows Weakness:The Poltergust 3000 |
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Not Banned... YET! Charold Jailed

Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 320
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:17 pm
**Name: F-Power! *Picture:
 **Species: Fruit Parfait *Gender: Male *Place of Originality: unknown **Powers: When eaten, clogs arteries(extra sugar added.), alluring aroma *Weapons: Bananarang **Basic Information: No matter how many times you eat him, he always comes back... in one form or another. *Strengths: Fruit-Bearing Trees *Weaknesses: Stomach Acid
Last edited by Charold on Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:41 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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BANJO KA-FREAKING-ZOOIE top minion tails Vampire
Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 13197
HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:42 pm
name: Joe picture: my avie location: on the beach, next to bob's house in the left lower corner of town personality: quirky and easygoing, like my cousin bob hobbies: messin around with my shapeshiftin powers, checking the time on my watch, eating, sleeping, all that stuff bio:Hey, Im, joe, I'm a purple cat' and i'm bobs cousin....that is all ya need to know.... life tradgedy: when Tom Nook killed my roomie Leo |
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Not Banned... YET! Charold Jailed

Joined: 22 May 2007 Posts: 320
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:57 pm
**Name: Generic Loud Object *Picture:
 **Species: Generic Loud Thing *Gender: ... *Place of Originality: ... **Powers: being LOUD!!!! *Weapons: loudness... **Basic Information: used for waking people up. *Strengths: ... *Weaknesses: ... |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:48 am
**Name: ??? *Picture: look at the avatar **Species: Shadow Being *Gender: ??? *Place of Originality: unknown **Powers: Unknown *Weapons: Unknown **Basic Information: The Shadow Being has many secrets but no one knows who he is or what he plans on doing. *Strengths: Unknown *Weaknesses: Unknown
The areas where Unknown is placed those will change eventually as a certain RP continues. |
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Luigi is the best Pokémon LoudKid
Joined: 02 Dec 2007 Posts: 2806
HP: 98 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:59 pm
Name: Squishy Species: X-troid Gender: N/A, but is more masculine. Place of Origin: A hidden Space Pirate lab at the edge of the galaxy. Powers: Transforming, sucking the life-force out of things. Weapons: Itself or, whatever the weapons of whatever it transforms into are. Basic Information: A Metroid fused at the genetic level with a blue X parasite. Strengths: Pretty much everything. Weaknesses: If Phazon still existed, I'd say that, and whatever the weaknesses of whatever it transforms into are. Also: Super dense gravitational fields, and temperatures akin to those found in the core of a star. |
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