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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:21 pm
I'll just dive right into summarizing everything into categories...
Alright, so the game starts with the world waking up to giant flying yellow submarines, and Rabbids attacking the world. Rayman decides to go undercover, disguised as a Rabbid to stop this.
Aaaaand CUT! That's a wrap!
Oh, did I mention that's all there is story-wise? Unless there's an ending for beating every part on Solo mode.
3.5/10, but only because it's funny.
Ubisoft deserves complements on how animated the Rabbids are, and that's all there is to it. Many of the in-game objects and environments, however, are blocky at times, sometimes it's even inexcusable. The costumes for Rayman and the Rabbids all fit together almost seamlessly, and there are alot of decent special effects throughout the minigames.
The important part. Every game here makes a very interesting use of the Wiimote, or the Wiimote and Nunchuk. Many of the games are enjoyable, and even funny, but some of them were just designed to piss you off. The music and shooter sections of this game are the heavy hitters, but there's a problem: There are only 5 shooter stages, and 6 songs. What the hell? From using a cell-phone, to swimming, hopping, and driving, the game does a nice job in utilizing the Wii's functionality.
The only good music here is in the Song minigames, and even those can get annoying with the squeaky voices after a while. The rest of the music in the game is rarely noticable over the senseless screaming of your hapless rabbid, which almost never stops with 4 people, mind you.
Final questions
WHERE THE HELL IS THE STORY? Come on! You people can't be THAT lazy! ((Then again, I may be overreacting a bit here))
The big green/brown prison guard is on the boxart, where the hell is he in the game? Instead we get a regular fat rabbit who acts as a godfather/boss in some of the games. While he is cool, he is nowhere near as cool as the green dude from the original.
The costumes are cool and all, but didn't you say that you were parodying EVERYTHING, even including Mario and other Nintendo favorites to the list? The closest thing to Mario I've seen is a toilet-cleaning minigame.
Is it good? Yes. Is it great? Far from it. Is it worth it? Absolutley not. Worth a rent, maybe, seeing you can get almost everything in the game in about 3-5 hours. It is only worth a buy if you are Rayman obsessive or just love the Rabbids to death. |
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TooManyToasters Paper_Waluigi
Joined: 20 May 2007 Posts: 10343
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:28 pm
So it sucks, just not as much as its predecessor? |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:32 pm
Rasto wrote: | So it sucks, just not as much as its predecessor? |
Some of the games are awesome, some of them are over too quick.
Again, worth a rent.
At least the games are playable, unlike half of the original's. |
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Shadowlugia INeedScissors61 Vampire
Joined: 17 Apr 2007 Posts: 4958
HP: 74 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:49 pm
I thought the first Rayman was fantastic, so I bought this one. Worst $50 I ever spent. (On second thought, no. I bought Thrillville Off the Rails. Boy am I an idiot.) |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:37 pm
Shadowlugia wrote: | I thought the first Rayman was fantastic, so I bought this one. Worst $50 I ever spent. (On second thought, no. I bought Thrillville Off the Rails. Boy am I an idiot.) |
Did you by any chance find a story somewhere? |
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Poyo! Kirby
Joined: 21 Jun 2007 Posts: 1922
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:11 pm
I bought this the other day. I've only played it twice and I have decided that I'm going to trade this in at a Gamestop or something. To be honest, I had more fun playing Rayman Arena. This. Game. Sux. ...and no, I did not find a story. Also, while on the subject: I REALLY hated the "Rayman inhales helium and is disguised as a rabbid" thing! Rayman looks, sounds, and acts like some sort of hack (See: Banjo-Kazooie Intro Hack). Please, avoid this game. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:54 pm
You actually graded a minigame collection on story... |
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YagamiMirror Vampire
Joined: 16 Sep 2007 Posts: 7416
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:27 am
So, this one was not as good as the first one? |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:09 am
So...let me get this straight...
You all hate this game because you expect an excellent story about a man without limbs who infiltrates an assylum of insane bunnies bent on ruling the world with plungers, cuteness, and "DAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!".
You also expect me to actually avoid this game without a multiplayer or replayability section, which is the dominant force in all mini-game collections and party games.
I need this to be compared to other games, not to games in general. How great/suckish is this compared to Mario Party 8? The original? *shudders* Carnival Games?
This is MEANT for multiplayer. How funny is it? How enjoyable is it in groups? Do you get laughs like when you get sniped in Halo 3 by your friend for the last kill, or when you get a come-from-behind victory in Super Smash Bros Melee? Without these, I just can't call this a review. According to your logic, I should throw up because Mario Kart 64 has only decent sound, okay graphics, and no story at all. MK64 is one of my favorite games, especially in groups.
I was hoping for someone to review this with full fluency. I was really considering between Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 and Mario & Sonic. CBLuigi did a good job of convincing me that Rayman would be more fun. You did a job of making me wonder why I should care about fan reviews. No, it's not even as close as bad as that "Sponsered by Sony" review of Super Mario Galaxy, but I just don't like it. Doesn't persuade me not to buy it or to buy it. Nope. |
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Poyo! Kirby
Joined: 21 Jun 2007 Posts: 1922
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:10 pm
Its not just the story (even though there is no end), Gameplay is a snore (yayz im shakin da wiimote! i has fun1111), Graphics are blocky and bland, in an hour you'll play every minigame, when playing alone there are only opponents if absolutely essential to the game, the nunchuk is VERY UNDERUSED, losing is sometimes impossible and when it is it won't affect you, *gasp for air*, Rayman looks, sounds, and acts like some sort of joke, music is forgettable, controls are unresposive, and it's just not fun no matter how hard you try to make it fun. You've been warned, Mr I! |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:23 pm
Other than the last part, I could say the same about Warioware: Smooth Moves in many instances. It was one of my favorite games. Maybe if you give me a specific example, I would understand more. |
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Ohh, THAT makes sense! Tyler Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 11410
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 4
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:01 pm
They actually based it off of multiplayer mode. No friends, no fun. |
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Super Cyber Mario Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 5387
HP: 60 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:57 am
Those games do quite suck. |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:18 am
Some of the games are the same exact thing with a different look.
"Shake the remote to throw paper balls at the teacher while he isn't looking"
"Shake the remote to mess around in the office while the boss isn't looking"
"Hold the remote by your ear to talk on a phone when the usher has the lights out" |
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