Elite Nerr Francis
Joined: 16 Apr 2007 Posts: 6974
HP: 50 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:55 am
My fellow nerrs... This is long but worth the read. (I bolded the important parts).
Almost four months have passed since I addressed you last time. Back then the infamous forum known as the "The Dump" had reached its peak. Spam was rampant and I could not keep control of it by myself. Mods were then brought on to help me maintain order. The Dump was destroyed by a huge underground nuke, replaced by a more sane-but-still-fun Off-Topic.
Fast-forward to today, under the moonlit night. There has been rumors that the young forum, Role-Play Off-Topic (RPOT) is the second coming of The Dump. Perhaps The Dump had dawned an RPOT as its alt, hoping to sneak back into existence? Perhaps RPOT is even worse than The Dump, for now people can post not as themselves, but now they spam and flame in the name of their alter-egos? All these thoughts race through the member's minds as they cower in fear. Members cry out to destroy RPOT while we still can.
But... there are voices from RPOT saying "No RPOT is innocent!". RPOT may just be a victim of a bandwagon headed to destruction. Hundreds of posts flow through RPOT everyday and RPOT has quickly become the most popular forum on the site. Does that make it wrong? Activity in other forums has increased too, so perhaps RPOT is good for the site, keeping members far more active than otherwise, providing an huge outlet for creativity never before seen on any other forum website.
As administrator, I must take an unbiased view of the situation. I see the complaints, but I do not see a solid foundation of such complaints. Sure RPOT could easily get flooded with spam, but I have not seen this happen, and I hope that our moderators would put a stop to it.
Please, do not freak out due to the latest fad or burst of spam. Please try to ignore it. These things die out quickly and are not a sign of coming doom. Also realize that there is a large amount of freedom in RPOT and if that freedom is abused, you may lose the privilege to participate.
If there are any topics made suggesting that there is a problem with the site, and there are no specific examples of such a problem, then your topic will be promptly deleted. I can not allow the forums to be flooded with "digibutter is doomed", because it only works everyone up into a frenzy, and then everyone else joins in even when they don't know what is going on.
One of my original intents of creating RPOT was to recreate the original days of Digibutter, when everyone was a Super Paper Mario character. Well, RPOT expanded into something much bigger than that due to people using characters from other games, worlds, or even making up their own. So to bring back the charm of the glory days of old, today I announce a new RP forum, called Miyamojo. This forum will be restricted to only Miyamoto-related alts. So basically characters from the well-known worlds of Mario, Metroid, Zelda, and StarFox. There will be a new alt-slot in your profile for the specific purpose.
Another addition I am making to the site is a new mod. Please welcome Lord Crump, Second in command of the X-Nauts. His leadership qualities should help tremendously, especially in RP forums.
That is all. Hug someone on your way out. And go get your Miyamojo on.
Discuss here: http://digibutter.nerr.biz/viewtopic.php?t=44751 |