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Pokemon: Echoes of the Past
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:28 pm   Reply with quote

Jon stared out the window at the furious blizzard howling outside. He wasn't really a fan of Snowpoint City, but it was the only place his family could settle without being swarmed by reporters. That, and there was a fair bit of history around the place, as well. His parents often investigated the mysterious Snowpoint Temple, trying to figure out the meaning of the riddle inscribed on the statue in the basement of it. They had taken him along, as well, starting last year. The temple had become a sort of second home for them.

Jonathan stood up and sighed, letting his eyes wander over to Crash. The Cranidos was sleeping on the couch, its loud snores drowning out the sound of the buzzing television. Every once in a while, they'd get a signal, but it was unlikely in this weather.

His parents were probably completely unaware of the storm. They were still in the Snowpoint Temple, trying to see if they could solve the statue's riddle with ice-type, rock-type, and steel-type Pokemon. They'd be back by tomorrow morning, though.

OOC: Unless Snowpoint City is where you live, as well, you won't be there. As I said, every location will be recorded in this topic. I don't want anyone to meet just yet...I have another way for them to meet each other in mind.
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Piccolo the Pixl

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:36 pm   Reply with quote

(At Pastoria City)

(I'm starting at the point when her mother finds the pokeballs)

It is late at night. Maria walks into her house. "I'm home!" Maria called out as she closed the door behind her. Maria walked upstairs to find her mother in her room, holding some of the pokeballs she had hid.

"Why are these in your room?" Maria's mother asked.

"Come on mom! You already know I want to be a trainer!" Maria replied.

"But how did these balls get in your room? Did you buy them? Without our permission?" Maria's mom asked, slightly irritated.

"Yes. I bought them when you and dad went to the Pokemon Contest last week." Maria replied, with a saddening voice.

"Why didn't you ask?"

"You would have just said no!"

"I can see how much you want to be a trainer. I will let you."

"Y-you will?"


Maria then hugged her mom, very happy at the fact her dream could now come true. She began packing her backpack so she could head out to start her adventure!
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:44 pm   Reply with quote

(so, novel style? I'll adjust. I'll wait till I have a set-up and approved team to use.)
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:45 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: You can still do script style if you want.
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:49 pm   Reply with quote

I pointed out I'll be doing one topic sroties in novel and old format plots in script.
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:56 pm   Reply with quote

(starting now, since I'm generally a wanderer, I'm gonna ne in snowpoint city, where you are. good to get aquainted quickly)

Taylor walks in to snow pojint city, he looks around,"man, nothing is happening around here!" he said, dissapointed. he wanders off in search of someone of something.
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Piccolo the Pixl

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:57 pm   Reply with quote

(In Pastoria City)

"I'm leaving now!" Maria called out to her parents as she walked out the door. She decided to let her Shinx out of its Pokeball so she could have some company. She checked her town map to decide where to go. She remembered hearing on the T.V that Sunyshore City was blocked off, so she set off to Route 212 to go to Hearthome.

Last edited by Piccolo the Pixl on Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:58 pm   Reply with quote

(let's post our current location at the top of each post. helps stop confusion.)
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:08 pm   Reply with quote

--Snowpoint City--

Crash awoke with a start, tumbling headfirst onto the floor. Luckily, his skull was impossible to harm; he jumped up quickly onto his feet, looking around curiously. Several seconds later, he spotted the source of his sudden awakening: the blizzard had stopped, and had been replaced with an eerie glow in the sky.

Crash looked around for Jonathan, but he, too, had fallen asleep. Hesitating a little, Crash silently opened the door and headed outside to investigate.
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:13 pm   Reply with quote

(snowpoint city)
"Woah!" exclaimed Taylor upon the appearance of the eerie glow.
"what's that?"he heads forward to investigate (he'll be pretty neutral for the time being, he's still not sure how to react to the thing that will turn him evil. it was a personal event, be sure of that.)
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Piccolo the Pixl

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:16 pm   Reply with quote

--Route 212--

Maria had left Pastoria City to start her journey. She had to run across the swampy land to make her way through, but she managed to make her way through, avoiding the trainers, fearing her Shinx wasn't strong enough to win against them.
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Piccolo's Goods    

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:16 pm   Reply with quote

Somewhere in the forest, Ally slept. Her first day of running, and she had already lost her map of the local area. It was a stupid decision to stay in the forest, especially since her Lotad was only newly-hatched. She couldn't be protected from dangerous Pokemon and animals, but she did not want to be caught by her "parents" or the local authorities.

When she thought she had ventured deep enough into the forest, Ally took a rest. She let her Lotad out of its Pokeball to let it run around.

"Don't get too far; I'm tired so i can't chase follow you around," she ordered, words jumbled in her exhaustion.

"Tad!" it replied, understanding her command. Compared to her disrespectful personality, the Lotad was very much bright, friendly, and agreeable.

Ally sighed. "I don't even know your gender. Those people I got you from didn't show me how to see if you were a dude or a girl." She leaned her head against the tree where she sat and dozed off.
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:18 pm   Reply with quote

Jonathan woke up, yawning. "Crash? You awake?" he mumbled.

When there was no reply, he sat up, looking around. "Crash?" he called.

There was still no response.

Jonathan looked out the window worriedly, and was relieved when he saw that Crash was just outside, staring at the sky.

After putting his coat on, he headed outside. "Whatcha looking at, Crash?" he asked. Crash pointed one stubby finger up at the sky. "Cran," he said. Jonathan looked at him strangely. "What about the sky?"

Cranidos frowned. "Cranid," he insisted, pointing with more conviction now. Jonathan looked up, but saw nothing. "Are you feeling okay, Crash?" he asked.
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:21 pm   Reply with quote

Taylor walked up next to jon. "nope, your cranidos is fine. that sky is definately a bad sign"
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:23 pm   Reply with quote

Jonathan stared at Taylor. "What about the sky?" he asked blankly.

Crash's eyes widened slightly, but he said nothing.
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