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Crystalis: A time travel story. (SIGN-UP TOPIC)
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That rich guy

Joined: 29 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:38 pm   Reply with quote

Altair wrote:
Pure-??? wrote:
WOAH. altair, unlucky. you've got 1336 coins. =P.

yeah, and it wont let me donate 1 coin. the minimum is 5 :/ so if I donate, I will get 1341 Sad

donate 6 and then remove 5.
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Larry Koopa

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:39 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Luigi wrote:
Alright, i'm in as Link and Ciela.

Link is a young adventurer who saves Hyrule multiple times, mith a variety of weapons such as a sword, boomerang, grapling hook, hammer, and more.

Ciela is a fairy who lost her memery when she was attacked by Bellum. She refers Oshus as her Grandpa, as he is the only one who is there to look out for her. She helps Link in multiple situations.

and then oshus turns into a huge WHALE! ZOMG!
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Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:39 pm   Reply with quote

Altair wrote:
Paper Luigi wrote:
Alright, i'm in as Link and Ciela.

Link is a young adventurer who saves Hyrule multiple times, mith a variety of weapons such as a sword, boomerang, grapling hook, hammer, and more.

Ciela is a fairy who lost her memery when she was attacked by Bellum. She refers Oshus as her Grandpa, as he is the only one who is there to look out for her. She helps Link in multiple situations.

and then oshus turns into a huge WHALE! ZOMG!

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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
That rich guy

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:40 pm   Reply with quote

seriously, reda my above post. also: JOIN PLOX. plz?
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Larry Koopa

Joined: 30 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:40 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Luigi wrote:
Altair wrote:
Paper Luigi wrote:
Alright, i'm in as Link and Ciela.

Link is a young adventurer who saves Hyrule multiple times, mith a variety of weapons such as a sword, boomerang, grapling hook, hammer, and more.

Ciela is a fairy who lost her memery when she was attacked by Bellum. She refers Oshus as her Grandpa, as he is the only one who is there to look out for her. She helps Link in multiple situations.

and then oshus turns into a huge WHALE! ZOMG!


speaking of oshus, can we be two characters Pure-??? if so, I'll be Linebeck and Oshus.
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:34 am   Reply with quote

Name: Mr. Seles (First name is a secret?)
Age: early-mid 40's
Sign: Scorpio
Blood type: O
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 235 lbs

Bio: Seles is driven mainly by his insatiable greed, he sees money as the most powerful force in the universe. He used his natural money making ability to become an entrepreneur and rapidly grew to be the largest corporation in the world. Seles Corp holds many monopolies on a wide range of industry, but Seles seeks to be the only monopoly in the world, and beyond.

Rich multi-billionare, with many company assests he can use against his enemies. Be it military hardware that his company develops, or one of his super powered associates.
His extreme wealth swells his ego into empowering him with super human strength, stamina, and nigh-invulnerability. The more money he has, the stronger he becomes.
He is able to instantly think of any number of ways to make money off of a situation. Very handy, and probably how he became so rich.

Gadgets: Cellphone (to call for an associate to dispose of his enemies, or to call in a satelite laser attack type of thing. so bond-villainish).
Eye-patch (keeps him in constant touch with his company's profits, and his own wealth and financial standings.

Strengths: Near superman like powers, a massive corporation to back him up, and super powered villainesses to clean up the refuse he doesn't want to deal with.

Weaknesses: Very overconfident, powers based solely on his wealth (eyepatch could weaken him if he loses his money).

I will have it so that if someone somehow takes his wallet(hidden in a certain pocket) he will become weak also he will be more interested in making money.

Hows that for character info?

Last edited by Lord Vaati on Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Celeste Dimentia

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:37 am   Reply with quote

King Bowser:

He's king of the Koopa Klan. He has massive strength, sharp claws, and can breathe fire.

He wants to use the power of time travel to stop Mario in the olden days, now that he's a whole lot stronger.
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Dimension D    
Larry Koopa

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:50 am   Reply with quote

ok, I guess thats a yes, I will be Linebeck and Oshus. you already know Linebeck, so heres Oshus:

Oshus is the ocean king. he was once a great ocean, but Bellum, an evil creature stopped him. He now remains human form. He knows allot about everything, and he has some magic powers like teleporting.
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That rich guy

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:00 pm   Reply with quote

okay. I'm gonna bump this one last time. I'll start the RP in one hour.
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pure-???'s shop of spells.    
Blue-Haired Anime Chick
Najimi Sasaki

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:37 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Najimi Sasaki

Picture: Click this to see!

Species: Human?

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: Many have lost their lives trying to find this little bit of information...

Personality: Often very cheerful, and even a bit ditzy. When she becomes serious, however, she seems to take on a more ominous aura.

Place of Origin: She doesn't even know the answer to this herself...

Powers: Vary depending on her emotions. When she is said, her tears are able to heal any wound below a severed head or limb. Happy, and she appears perfectly normal. Frightened, and she becomes transparent, turning invisible and allowing objects to pass directly through her. When she becomes excited, she buzzes with a strong electric charge and becomes extremely fast. Her most powerful asset is her anger. When she becomes enraged, her teeth become pointed, her jaws able to bite through solid steel. Her muscles become exceedingly powerful in this form, turning her into a short, female powerhouse. When she reaches the mental breaking point, "Something terrible" happens, but none among the living know exactly what.

Weapons: Basically anything she happens to have at the time, this usually whinds up being something that wasn't meant to be used as a weapon, such as a large paper fan, or a CD...

Background Information: Although she knows almost nothing of her past, she does know one thing; that she DID have a home. She has spent most of her teen years searching for it, but hasn't found it yet. Even though this lack of memory leaves something to be desired, she often has a smile on her face.

Strengths: Her anger, and her ability to analyze and pick apart just about any situation.

Weaknesses: Often has inconvenient mood swings.

If it isn't obvious, I'm joining! ^_^
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That rich guy

Joined: 29 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:40 pm   Reply with quote

k then. go make an intro in the actual topic.
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pure-???'s shop of spells.    

Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:10 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Atria Rimson

Species: Transgenic (Human-Avian-Feline Hybrid)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'

Weight: 95 lbs

Place of Origin: Axolon Prime, Seraph System, Andromeda Galaxy

Powers: Fly (I have wings), Jump and run really fast/high, control everything at the subatomic level, super speedy reflexes, really strong

Weapons: katana, P90, M40A3, tactical fixed knife, Desert Eagle, claws (here, kitty kitty), fist and foot

Basic Information: A transgenic experiment straight from the corrupt government of Axolon Prime. She has eagle wings, a lion tail, claws (like Wolverine’s, but four from the knuckles), super light weight bones, cat-like leg muscles, and a nasty temper. She owns an F-309, and is very good at repairing anything.

Strengths: Everything but the weaknesses

Weaknesses: other people being tortured, chocolate

Atria comes from a planet three systems over from Crystalis. She was sucked into the Time Vortex while flying her F-309 and was shot into atmo around Crystalis. Now Atria is trying to find the Time Vortex opening (or someone with a Tardis) so she can get home.

will put up a picture when I finish drawing it
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