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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:29 pm
As I watched Devin Collapse, I strung my hands toward her, but I was not-at-all close enough to her fallen body. My eyes tightened, but still the only thing I could do was breath in the mighty air of defeat...
"No..." My head dropped in a lack of energy, and soon my body had done the same. |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:43 pm
Paper Peach pushed herself off the ground. "I AM NOT GONNA LOSE TO SOME EMO ITALIAN CLOWN!" And jumped towards Dimentio. He disapeared and she fell to the ground. ahe quickly turned around to see another magic bolt coming at her. She hit the ground. Another bolt and she felt as if all the energy was removed from her. She saw the grinning face of Dimentio before she blacked out completely.
((can't write anymore sorry )) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:00 am
On the bridge on fort Francis, Zelnor had just finished defeating a MeowMaid with a surprisingly sophisticates Backflip-and-Twilight-Blast-combination.
"If I would've ever tried that about 24 hours earlier, I'd lie in the intensive care ward now..." he thought. Looking around, he saw no Patrols left and jsut wanted to open the door to finally enter the Fort ((OOC: Took me long enough - 10 Pages. XD)) as a wavefront of evil slammed into him with the force of a mental jackhammer.
Zelnor clutched at his head as a nasty headache erupted directly in his skull, and his eyes watered. 'Quick', he heard his own thoughts. Ever since he synced himself with himself, he'd been a two-in-one-as-two - He was himself, Zelnor and a in-between - and sometimes one of both would advise him by becoming a thought.
'No time for fancy explanatory writing, get moving !' I thought, and before I could wonder what the hell I was thinking, I dissolved into a swarm of Twilight and flew at the highest speed possibly towards the Dotwood tree. Materializing, I looked at the floor and a cry of surprise erupted from my throat - There were other people who looked... familiar. They lay there, unconscious, which, since they were two-dimensional, would have looked oddly comedic of they weren't bruised - A woman in some blue long pants and a green cap, a seemingly uninhabited Set of shiny golden armor, a Bitlands-styled, pixelated youth in orange and blue and a... Puplish Pacman wannabe with a laptop bag.
In that second, I felt a movement behind me. If it weren't for the three in one, I would've been screwed immediately.
Zelnors' and my combined instinct had my hand touch my A button the second my senses registered the wind. A rectangle of black lines engulfed me, and the world spun and flipped. A sudden jerking pull, and I was back in my own head, looking at a tree-dimensional landscape and finally being in my own body.
"What was that ?" I thought. "I look at myself from third person, there's no way someone could've attacked me without me seeing him...". Puzzled, I turned around.
Immediately, I wished I hadn't done that.
Behind me was... Something. On the side of it was a two-dimensional, even thinner then paper cutout which looked precisely like Dimentio. It flickered and glowed in an otherworldly sort of way, and Zelnors' mind immediately yelled "Danger !" at me. The thing holding, or better projecting and hiding behind it was... undescribable. If you would take the nightmares of a thousand years, mix them with horror, the darkness under your bed and spice it with the red glow in the eyes of the most terrible dragon, it would only be an infinetisimal of the sheer evil this thing radiated - and yet, it seemed incomplete, a splinter...
But before I could draw any deduction from that, it attacked me with... something.
From the edges of my field of vision, darkness engulfed everything in a matter of a blink. I found myself in utter darkness. And from this lightless veil that stretched in all direction, a low, silent hissing chorus of the same voice came. "Zelnor.... Zelnor..." I turned around, fear boiling up inside me, gluing me to the ground...
The darkness shifted, contorted, thickened... And produces a figure. A tall near-adult, dressed in a grey cloak which was covered in runes and ancient writings glowing with dark energy. Looking up, I met a gaze radiating with pure malice. The red ruby on his forehead had dug into his skull and spread dark, edgy powerlines over his face. His face was completely black, his eyes fiery slitted ovals. My opposites' elongates canines were revealed as he dastardly smirked.
A motion of his hand, and indescribable pain engulfed me as the darkness came at me with thousands of fangs, claws and teeth.
If there would have been a spectator in the tree, he would have seen Zelnor flipping back from the third dimension part of this dimension, his eyes and facial expression gone even more blank and emotionless then always.
Then he would have heard him scream and - explode.
All of a sudden he seemed to be in unbearable pain, and then his whole body turned black and blasted apart into myriads of rotating, floating and swirling rectangles -
Like the curtain of a theater when the piece has ended, Zelnors cloak slumped to the ground as the person who had worn it went.
The flickering jester stretched his bizarre grin ever further and let loose a menacing laugh. Moving forward, he longed to touch one of the rectangles, his magic tendrils flowing out to thwart what was left of his foe - And suddenly howled as a bright white shield erupted around it. But not only the scattered remains of Zelnor erupted with enchantments - all of the unconscious heroes were wrapped in gleaming protection all of a sudden.
The creature lost his smirk for a mere second before throwing back his hands and firing a patch of raw dark at the nearest shield.
It tinted dark for a second, ringed with a slightly distorted sound that was reminiscent of a bell - and cleansed itself.
The creature promptly erupted into nothing short of pure going postal as he raised his hands, darkness crackling and surrounding his fingertips and fired dark lightning at each shield. This time the energy bubbles stayed shaded, a gradiental grey color covering them as hey held but had to take damage. Without further ado, the fake jester fired again.
The lightning blew a clean hole directly through the wall as the shields together with their unconscious protegees disappeared in a shimmer. ((OOC: I'll take Paper Peachs' part, if you please, as her mother and she have some issues to discuss and she'll be absent for a while. Or just not on for long. Okay, PP ?)) |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:44 pm
Wincing, Gold Prognosticus slowly opened his eyes.
He then wished he hadn't.
The place he was in was pure white, so bright it nearly blinded him. After a few moments his vision cleared and he saw three figures in white robes floating a few metres in front of him. Looking around, he saw his friends were also hanging in the place they were in. One other was there also, who Gold Prognosticus eventually recognised as Zelnor. All of them were unconscious.
"They will wake up in a few moments," said one of the white-robed figures. "Then we can talk."
Gold Prognosticus felt his body shimmer. "Your body ... not one but anothers ... your minds are the same and seperate. Allow us to relieve you of this form while you stay here."
Gold Prognosticus felt a pull. Then he floated right, while feeling another tugging sensation to the left.
Looking down at himself, he saw that he was Matt again. Looking to his left, he saw Gold Prognosticus. His mind was his own again, yet he could feel a strange connection to Gold Prognosticus. The warrior's thoughts were similar to his, yet Gold Prognosticus' were more strong, more intense. Looking around, he waited for the others to stir... |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:48 am
((nice move GP, I was gonna do that same thing. The reason I have short posts is because I do it in the morning and the bus comes. Except for the *insert crap here* stuff. I had to get off immediately there D )
Paper Peach woke up into the blinding white scene. She closed her eyes quickly and waited a while before opening them again. Once her eyes had ajusted, she looked around in the place she had appeared. Beside her the rest of the group hang suspended in air, but there was a new member. Zelnor? Paper Peach looked up to see three figures clothed in white.
"Hush. Don't be scared. We're allies, and we need to talk." Said one of the figures.
"But we must wait until the others awaken."
"But for now, we'll relieve you of your current form."
Paper Peach felt opposite tugs and the light sensation of being torn apart. She looked to her side and saw Paper Peach. Looking down, she saw herself in her old, worn blue jeans, red shirt, and the St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap she'd been wearing before she came into this situation. Her hair was no longer blond, but brown and styled in no way (just straight down).
Rebekah looked to her side and saw a figure that she did not reconize. Nearby the form of Gold Prognaosticus floated. Looking at the boy she asked, "GP?"
OOC: Yes I do actually call people in real life shortened names XD |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:42 pm
Matt looked across to see Paper Peach had awoken and had been similarly 'split'.
"Yeah," said Matt answering her question. "Any ideas what happened?"
"All will be revealed soon," said one of the white-robed figures. "But for now we must wait until the others awake."
Gold Prognosticus spoke up. "Then at least tell us who you are, so we can tell if you truly mean us no harm." It startled Matt how blunt the golden warrior was.
"We are the ancients. Or rather, spirits of the last ancients to leave the material realm and enter the void in death."
"And?" Gold Prognosticus seemed to be getting impatient.
"We must say nothing until the others awake!" This time, it was the figures' turn to start raising their voices.
"I will not be held against my will by ghosts who cannot prove to us if they mean us harm! You could even be creatures of the void!"
"MIND YOUR TONGUE, GUARDIAN!" The entire realm seemed to shimmer on the edge of darkness. "WE WILL NOT BE INSULTED, EVEN BY ONE SUCH AS YOU!"
Gold Prognosticus fell silent, but Matt could feel anger radiating out of him. With a sigh, he continued his wait for the others to wake. |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:03 pm
"Sweet! Not exactly meeting someone from digibutter in real life, but it's close enough for me."
"Any ideas what happened?"
Rebekah thought about this for a second. "Nope none at all. Wait, I think I remeber. Didn't Dimentio...kill us?"
She jumped as Gold Prognosticus spoke. She figured they weren't actual people and more of a shell.
"I will not be held against my will by ghosts who cannot prove to us if they mean us harm! You could even be creatures of the void!"
Their worse than my mom when she's angry! Rebekah cringed at the raised voices of ancients.
"Dang it Gold Progsnotiplos! Can't you hold your tongue for a few minutes?" To Rebekah's surprise, Paper Peach was standing in front of GP.
"Just how I imagined her..." Rebekah muttered under her breath. |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:44 pm
Gasping for air, I opened my eyes, wearily, but already I was struck with confusion. Before me sound a small figurine, ( Epic Character change. >_> ) with gray hair, and what-seemed to be; black wings.
'Odd... I could have sworn that was me a second ago?' I looked down, my hands revealed the same tan-ish colour as before, and my hair - it was soft, and felt real to the touch...
"...?" I let the silence ask my question.
( Yay zero originality. Oh, and I changed my character to Lady Gray because I'm awesome like that. ) |
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Logic King vg Vampire
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 2032
HP: 90 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:01 pm
vg woke up soon afterwards. "Who's yelling?!" He thought it was the end of an odd dream. "I'm still floating... floating?!" He scrambled around in the air. "I can talk?" He saw a doll of his avatar. "Still 64 bit," he said. "So I'm still floating and I'm me again. That's just great." He saw the others. "And I thought the dream was over."
Locke just realized that the beings were shooting him evil glances. He got quiet. |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:24 am
((You DO realize I EXPLODED, did you ? Into millions of artistically swirling pieces ? HELLO ? ... xD Also, how can you people recognize me ? It's not like you met me ever before or that I posted a picture of Zelnor... You might have a stab in the dark if you saw the necklace with the emblem, but... I wanted to throw a german one-liner.))
Zelnor awoke with a shudder. Or, from his point of view... Snapped out of something.
As he looked around, he saw himself standing in a long, brillinatly white tunnel. He was near the end of it (pointed out by a golden arrow stating "This way.") where the light was even more intense, and a slight... tugging sensation bothered him, nudging him forward like a mother its baby child to its first small steps.
Turning around again, another figure stood there unexpectedly. Zelnor immediately recognized him - The black robe, the scythe, the hourglasses and the skeleton with the glowing blue eyes were all clues. "Good evening, Mr. Death." he said, almost calm. A white line of regret burned its way across his mind... He hadn't been of any use. Had left them . Hadn't protected the. 'Even with magical powers state-of-the-art, I'm useless' Zelnor thought. GOOD EVENING, MR.ZE-...LO-... IAM TERRIBLY SORRY; BUT - WHO ARE YOU ? It wasn't a voice Zelnor heard.. It was just that suddenly he remembered hearing something. He was taken aback for a second, but then calmed, pondered, and a feeling of Deja Vu overtook him.
The magician smirked. It was like the last fan service of the universe - He ,et Terry Pratchetts' DEATH. "That's a good question. I would ask you the same thing if it wasn't superfluous. So, my time has come ? It wasn't much, but hey, I know the deal. No regrets. No returns. No games." Death looked taken aback for a second, then, however - IT SEEMS YOU HAVE MISINTERPRETED SOMETHING. THIS IS NOT YOUR FINAL PATH - YET. YOU COULD GO ON, I SUPPOSE, BUT VERY FEW TEND TO TAKE THAT PATH. BUT YOU ARE ONLY TECHNICALLY DEAD. MAGIC TENDS TO SPRING UP WITH THESE SORTS OF SURPRISES, IT DOES MAKE PLANNING RATHER DIFFICULT.
Zelnor was overtaken with joy. But for a second the prosperity with no harsh life or magical battles locked him... He could just go on, it wasn't like the others would follow him to that place sooner or later... In that second, he imagined his comrades, lying motionless on the floor. "I will go back. I need t protect. I need to be stronger. And I have a couple of jobs to finish. As Zelnor as well as as Lorenz."
AH, A CLASSICAL. Death replied in his no-voice.
Zelnor threw his arms to his side as the tunnel did a 360° turn and became even more intangible. Before he lost sight of the light at the end, he though he saw a face for a second, smiling at him, a twinkle of joy dancing in its eyes.
In the adequately ethereal realm, the scattered pieces of twilight began moving again. Had then just been rotating still in the air seconds before, they started swirling, up and down, left and right, in complex motions, like a flock of scared birds. Zelnors' discarded cloak lifted itself off the ground, rose into the air, its sleeves flying to its sides. There it hung in the air likea sick crucification scene in a B Movie, when the Twilgiht bombarded into it, the cloak fluttering in a nonexistant breeze as each and every piece flew through and into it. And the magic did its thing. Whenever one of the magic rectangles reached its original place, it blurred, melted, distorted and became flesh, bone, tissue...
It wasn't pretty. Seeing a human (or nearly human, for that matter) body reconstruct itself in chunks was not something to be taken on an empty stomach, and neither on a full one.
Never before had the others been so glad Zelnor wore a long, concealing cloak.
(( [DOUBLE ENTRENDE !] )) ((First, doing small caps to pull Death off in Pratchett Style is a PAIN IN THE ASS. Second, yes, Zelnor does wear a shirt and pants and boots under the cloak. Shut up. It's for the sake of plot. Third, I am going to be a bit parodius in my next wall of text.
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:03 pm
Matt jumped as Zelnor's unconscious body shattered into thousands of pieces similar to the twilight 'squares' in LOZ:TP.
"Other forces are at work today. We cannot tell if they are for good or bad. We are almost certain you will see him again though." The spirits then guestured towards MsDevin92. "One more must awake, then we can talk." |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:16 pm
((Gold Prognosticus, You STILL HAVEN'T GOT IT ? Pardon my french, but - *slaps you* [I'd never do that in Real Life. Terry Pratchett taught me anopther valuable lesson. XD] Better ? I exploded after whatever that Dimentio Clone Thing was had my worst Nightmare, Dark Zelnor (MYSELF if angered too much, since Zelnors' Powers get stronger depending on his emotions and he has both light and darkness at all times because he's the son of a Twili Prophet and a Light Dwelling Healer (Father is Twili, Mother is Healer. To prevent people saying "WHO IS WHO?" or "OMG GAY COUPLE !", not that you'd do that.) attack me. Read my piece again, I KNOW I post huge walls of text, but please don't pull a "tl;dr". I can short down - Although I think the purpose of an Role Play is to end up with it being a big fat story you could make a book of if you smoothen the edges and insert some explanation for stuff outsiders can't know.))
EDIT: ((Yeah, when a legendary hero explodes, the kind guardian spirit just mops up the pieces and goes on. Without any apparent tragedy resulting form what looks like death. Also, how do you know I will return ? Please don't shape my character.)
EDIT 2: ((Else I shall use my inexplicable buff new schoolgirl-dresses avatar to punch and eye-laser you. [What the hell was I thinking ? Normally I don't change my avvies for the heck of it.])) |
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Mandew Manjew
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 4283
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:38 pm
Mandew, opening his eyes and realizing he was on the floor, jumped up on his two feet.
He was tired. 'It's been one of those days...', he thought, breathing heavily, his mouth wide open, his back tilting and his legs folding because of the weight of his own arms.
Looking around himself, Mandew saw almost every members standing up, and figures he couldn't reconize...
The was two types of figures. One type of figure was eldery-looking... like a sage, or something of the kind. The other type of figure looked much like real persons, from the real world.
Before Mandew could think of the situation, he had an urge to sit on the floor. He had to resist it, for the simple sake of the respect.
Then, he looked around, to see what type of area he was in. He could not describe it. He could not... imagine it in his head. The area was shapeless to him. What a weird feeling...
Gaining back his breath, Mandew was releived of his weakness. He stood up completly. But he was feeling a chill in his back...
The chill was tickling him. He couldn't say if it was a good or bad feeling... He was feeling sleepy, but fully energized at the same time. He concluded that it was just cold.
But it was wrong. In his mind, Mandew lacked something. Looking at the inexistant walls, he saw a shape that reminded him something...
In his head, Mandew saw flash of light. He saw someone... a girl... a girl sitting on a chair, her two feet on a table, and holding a portable device. The girl sported an ice-blue shirt, blue pants, and semi-long, black hairs. The girl noticed him, and smiled. She spoke to Mandew...
"Good morning, bro!"
... Bro?, Mandew thought to himself. A part of him was shocked, but another part of him felt joy, then sadness.
Could this be... But before he could think of anything himself replied to the girl, without his brain commanding him.
"Hi, sis!"
The girl then replied him.
"So, when are you cooking breakfast? I'm hungry."
A part of Mandew's mind was mixed, like if his brain was put in a blender for 30 seconds and put back in his head. This girl was... his sister? The other part of him was sad, like if he was missing something.
Mandew's vision focussed on the external world again, with a sad expression on his face. The fictionnal part of him was homesick... |
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Joined: 23 Oct 2007 Posts: 47446
HP: 95 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:01 pm
She groggily opened her eyes. Ugh...My head... Just great. Another one of her award-winningly-NIGHTMARISH headaches. Even with Advil, she'd probably be in pain all day long. As she woke up, frantic thoughts whirled inside her screaming head. What time was it? Did she need to shower today? How much time did she have left for breakfast? Was today an Engineering-English schedule or a History-Science schedule? Did she have money for lunch? A single shred of wistfulness burbled up in the sea of anxiety. That was one crazy dream... ...But...I wish...I- All of her worries promptly evaporated as she sat up, automatically reaching to remove her bandana. Her hands met no bandana, no ungodly bedhead. There WAS no bandana to meet. No hair to be covered by the bandana. And no hands to meet either of them. Just a strange, ball-like body... ...It hadn't been a dream, after all. MsDevin wondered, as she stared in shaken silence at everything around her, if that was good or bad... |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:17 am
((You all haven't done your homework ! D< Well, not that I'm the one to force you.))
Zelnor lay on the ground - if you call it that in a dimension that seemed to exist only of shapeless whiteness. When he got aware of himself again, the second he did, he didn't even have the energy to open his eyes, let alone move. He felt as weak as if he'd die - Which, for all purposes, he technically had done. He then felt a warmth on his skin as the ruby on his forehead gave him an injection of pure magic. It crawled through his body through pathways not really blood vessels, leaving behind a trace of warmth in his body that felt like a brick otherwise. "Cor, blimey, that was a close one. Even with Kickass synced fighting powers, I'm no match for Dimentio - or whatever that thing was. Neither seem the others. Why does that always have to be that way ? I hate the theory of narrative causality. ((OOC: Real theory, and to a certain degree I believe in it. See here)) I guess I have a lot of training coming up..." (I love the list of stock british phrases.) The flow ceased. Zelnor felt his heart accelerate. As he slowly rose, he looked at the others and managed a small nod to show that he was, more or less, all right. At that second, Zelnor whispered an incantation in the back of his mind, and he repeated it without much thinking, his hand performing the gestures his memory unveiled to him. A soft white glow erupted around the hand. Another incantation, and Zelnors vision changed. Looking down on himself, he saw his body in a sort of see-through way in which it revealed greyish lines running through his body, intertwining with organs and glowing softly. At the time being, a stronger glow went to his hands where the energy collected. He understood - He has Magic-O-Vison. "Nifty..." he though. "Be quick" he warned himself, "or it'll not only drain you but also it takes a lot of time to recharge. Zelnor didn't think long but focused his hand onto the parts where the magic showed unusual activity. The glow brightened up a bit, Zelnor felt a bit weakened, and, mending some minor wounds and unblocking a magic blockade, the glow ceased. "If I could do that in my home world, I'd be rich and famous. Or just famous, it depends on my code of morality."
((We need Medikoopa to join. D=))
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