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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:20 pm
((Mandew, What the UNDERWHERE are you doing?))
Rebekah sighed as Paper Peach and GP continured to argue. She turned to the others again and gasped outloud. A body was forming slowly from chunks of rectangles. If Rebekah hadn't already had experience with nauseating sights, she might have lost her lunch. When he had been completely reconstructed he seemed to awaken and give a quick nod to the rest of the group.
Who the Underwhere is that? He wasn't with us before was he? He must also be from digibutter, but I've never seen him before. Rebekah continued to ponder on this question. The half light and half dark face seemd familiar in an odd way. The stranger waved his hand around and produced a white glow from his hand. He bent forward to look at himself and Rebekah noticed a familiar object swing out from his neck into view. A black and white sun.
I've have definately seen that before.... Then it hit her. "Zelnor?!"
"Great you have all awoken." Rebekah jumped at the voice of ne of the white-robed figures. "Now we can discuss the matters at hand. As you should know, you've all been summoned here for a great purpose..."
((oh god I'm like brain dead right now D: Zelnor, you'd be best at this explaining part of the ancients XD)) |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:39 am
I nodded, and gave the look that I was listening obediently. |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:43 pm
ooc: I'll do a brief version of the ancients' storyline, if anyone has a better version then feel free to use it. I did some research, and this is mostly official storyline (It's told by Garson and Carson in the bars.)
"Now that you have all awoken, it is time to tell you the truth." The room shimmered, then shifted into a grassy plain. There was a blue sky with a few clouds. The plain seemed to continue forever in every direction. Looking hard, Matt could see a city made out of what looked like marble.
"3000 years ago, we had a mighty empire. We had discovered how to jump between dimensions, and soon many worlds had been colonised. We built our capital on this world - we gave it no name because nothing could describe it's beauty. It was our greatest achievement, and also our greatest downfall.
It was on this world that we created the first pixls - tools to aid us continue our work. All was fine until the uprising."
The plain turned dark. The city in the distance burst into flames.
"Led by the first pixl, the pixl queen, all pixls in every dimension rebelled, almost crushing us completely. We tried to fight back, but we had learnt to rely on the pixls too much. In the end, only a few hundred ancients remained.
We thought all had been lost, until the inheritors of the 12 original pixls - Thoreau, Boomer, Slim, Thudley, Carrie, Fleep, Cudge, Dottie, Barry, Dashell and Piccolo - appeared. They fought back, finally killing the pixl queen."
The room returned to whiteness.
"When we looked back, we found that someone had been controlling the pixl queen. What makes it more disturbing is that our seers could sense the Dark Prognosticus on the body. In the end, nature took it's course and the ancients all but died out, but not before we did many great works; the construction of flipside, flopside and the purity heart, the writing of the light prognosticus, and preparation for this day.
Our spirits have lain dorman for thousands of years. Now we are stirring - we can feel the evil one who controlled the pixl queen rising again. We believe you might be able to stop him."
Matt spoke up "But how can we help? We don't even know how to fight this thing!"
"That you must discover on your own. We will give you some time to discuss this alone." The spirits shimmered, then vanished.
Matt looked at the others, speechless.
ooc: That a big enough wall of text for you Zelnor? |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:11 pm
((I was about to say that it would be epically awesome if the pixl queen was pulled into this XD))
"But why us?" Rebekah had always hated it in books when the main charactar had some journey of greatness thrust upon him or her and they just said ok without any doubt. This was her story, she was the main charactar. "Why us, huh? Why would you choose us? How the heck could this place actually exist if it is a video game?"
"Because you had the traits and the right mind of a hero. You all had invented a charactar of your imagination that was strong, not physically, but strong in it's essence. Your creations were detailed and could be made real. We did that for you. It was who you wished to be, stronger, smarter, and more ultimate than yourselves. You have yet to discover the secrets of yourselves."
"And how does this place-"
"I'm getting there," The ancient interupted. "There are more dimensions than you can imagine. In fact one of them is indeed that. Everything anyone ever thought of and created is in this dimension."
"So you yanked us from our homes to help you in another dimension? "
"Are you calling us selfish?" The three figures rose.
"In a way sorta, but not really. Gosh, I just messed that sentence up.... Anyway, I'm saying if this evil took over how the heck would it affect us?"
"If this evil colapsed this world, the dimension would become unstable. Think about this, We brought you here to this dimension right? Well we can also send you back. You can travel both ways." The ancients remained silent as the words sank in.
"So your saying that if what we imagine can come here, than what is here... can come into our dimension?"
"That is correct."
(G2G) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:41 am
((I freaking love all of you. You went directly into the direction I wanted, with the Theory of Narrative causality. Now, like PP, I will ignore that the spirits disappeared and question them, too, to clear some plotholes.)) Zelnor walked over. Although he still felt shaky, as more his mind that his body had been attacked, he managed to stay focused. His melded mind spew a thought belonged to Lorenz: "They said we are right in the essence but not in the strength..." I reacted, turned to face the translucent spirits, and asked: "Excuse me, but - you said we were right in the essence, but not the strength."
"That is correct - your point being, young warrior ? Oh - how could we overlook you ? If you don't mind..." A slightly nauseating feeling came over me. My viewpoint split, and suddenly I felt kind of... imperfect. Weak. Alone. Then I got a more corporeal feeling, and, looking to my left, I saw that Zelnor and I had been re-split, though I still felt a sort of connection at the back of my mind and, to my surprise, I discovered that whilst I had no magic left in me, Zelnors' memories and skills were well alive within my own. Looking down, I saw that I wore my pajamas, as I had been asleep when I had been "kidnapped" by the Ancients. I could feel the embarrassment sloshing up my cheeks. To make over it, I turned to the spirits again. "My point is that, probably as an ego thing, I made Zelnor be almost Gary Stuish and therefore nauseatingly strong. He may not be albe to do an Earth Shattering Kaboom or pull out a Wave Motion Gun ((I read too many TV Tropes... But hey, since I'm in here myself, my knowledge about stories will come in handy. Read further to see why.)) but obliterating an enemy army would be possible for him. So why couldn't we beat our littel jester friend ? And, on a side note - Does he have the Pixl Queen ? Or is he a Tomato Surprise and is controlled ?"
The spirits seemed to shift a bit uncomfortably. "You said you are familiar with the Theory of Narrative Causality ?" a female one finally spoke up. "Yes, we are" Zelnor answered in my place. "Then let me tell you. The Theory of Narrative Causality....
Is a fundamental law of all universes." I gasped. "So..." "Yes.", another spirit replied. "Stuff happens because a story demands it, Stories have power. Your everyday life is a story... A school test is a story of a challenge... A date is a romance novel.. Doing the dishes is... Something. Life it self is a parody. There are many plotlines, and every story does not only have power - but a place of origin. And a place of home."
In that second, a tremor shook the shining world we were in. The not visible ground trembled, and the whiteness surrounding us tinted with black.
"He has found us... Quick ! We do not have time... You are strong, very strong indeed. But that is not how the story goes. You will have to face a challenge to grow at - No, not to the ridiculously high levels of Dragonball or something like that. But you must train..." On an unspoken command, all spirits raised their hands. A shining white portal appeared out of the thin air. "Go.", the spirits said in unison. "There you are safe - Our last power will protect you from all harm. But you do not have all time, because -" In that second, the sky ripped open.
A vortex of purple and black just appeared, dark lightning flashing out of it and a chunk of sky was sucked away. Zelnor shouted "The Void ? IMPOSSIBLE ! How ?"
"Think !" Paper Peach snarled from the side. "In the end - Didn't Timpani and Bleck marry ? And technically - He was a monster king, and she a fair lady..." "So the Chaos Heart was simultaneously destroyed and strenghtened ?"
"And do not forget - a shadow of Dimentio was still controlling it then." intercepted Mandew.
"Damn magic. No wonder Death hates it." Zelnor cursed.
"Portal now, chatting later !" The spirits shouted. "This is one of the oldest stories, very powerful... You must train, face a challenge before completing your quest !"
"I bet the challenge is getting the damn pure hearts again. I mean, there's the Chaos Heart and the Big Bad plus Dimentio.... Well, at least we won't get bored. Anytime soon." With that, our heroes finally approached the portal, and with each step they went nearer, they felt their selves become transparent somehow and merging back together.
Before walking in as the last of all, I turned around. "If these worlds are fictional but yet there... is Earth real ?"
"Earth ? I can say only so much..." said one of the spirits, whom too had started to disappear. "Earth was the imagination of the Creator... I don't know how you call him... It isn't perfect, but I heard he likes it..."
"But how can that be ? I mean, I am real... My universe is real... But its all fictional ?" In that moment, a second quake had Zelnor stumble backwards into the portal. But before he dissolved and warped away he heard, very distantly, the voice of the spirits. "Of course it's imagined and fictional. But that doesn't mean it isn't real. All is real..."
And with that, Zelnor found himself in a turbulent mix of color, sound and movement... in a short distance, he saw his friends, tumbling through the strange space, and suddenly, he passed a signpost stating "You are now travelling at the speed of plot." As he felt himself change directions and his fall became a sort of flight, he thought: "This is just like something out of a bad fanfic..."
((Sorry for using your characters, but we need to get our asses ont eh task. I say we make all the training and explaining last one wall of text, then only refer to it in flashbacks and become Big Damn Heroes. I think we should go find who's love has revived the Pure Hearts and gotten them to himself (maybe unknown to them) and go fetch them, then dismantle Dimentio and lastly the Big Bad.)) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:31 am
Still flying through the vortex, all sorts of weird things pass by the speeding heroes... Doors in which something other then the vortex was... Glowing stones, Swords burst in flames, energy spheres, clocks running backwards, crystals, vibrating with a strange, ethereal tone and a big signpost on which the word "Bump" was written.
"Wow.", Zelnor though. "We have entered a world that doesn't make much sense at all." |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:26 pm
( Sorry, I didn't know what was happening, so I decided I would wait for someone to do something understandable. DAMN ME NOT PLAYING SPM. ><; ) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:39 am
((Well, the pure hearts were "wasted" at the end of SPM, but as long as anything or anyone feels or loves, they live on. So first we have to go to some protected Negative Space Wedgie Dimension to get training done and grow stronger and develop better skills, as the Theory of Narrative Causality demands it (In no story, regardless of how badass they are, the heroes are as strong as the villain from the very beginning, and since stories are a law of nature even in out Dimension and in this even more, we have to follow the story. We can't really fail, as the story says so, but that doesn't mean nobody can die, etc. So first we train, spar with each other, develop new MAGIC, etc. then we go fetch all eight pure hearts [who this time have some effect next to being shiny, I really wished they would've been as useful as the Crystal Stars or Star Spirits, in SPM they really were nothing but MacGuffins; in the other games at least you got kickass star magic from them after going through all the trouble getting them, anyway, I'm going off course] with the ever-growing Void and Chaos Dimentios' Chaos Splinter Army (Or however we cal them... You know, those pieces of darkness hiding behind the Dimentio disguise... But there'll be many... Warrior!Dimentios, Illusion!Dimentios, Etc, okay ? Jsut my idea. XD) on our tracks and even before us. And one of the Pure Hearts will be hidden in a tree that symbolizes the love for sometihng, kay ? I like trees. And maybe we land in some really whacky or angsty or creepy dimensions...
Just make shit up. XD)) |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:38 am
Matt looked up in shock as the sky above them ripped open, only for the tear to then be swallowed by an ominous purple vortex.
The void.
"Go!" shouted the spirits, forming a portal nearby. "There you will be safe and be able to train!"
As Matt ran through the portal he felt a tug, then a pull. His vision blurred. When he looked down, he saw he was gold prognosticus again. We are one once more.
He felt a bump, and everything solidified. He found himself in a large room, filled with targets and dummies.
Wandering round he saw a row of targets in an area much like an archery range. Opening the gold prognosticus, he used a spell.
A blue flame shot from his hand, heading towards the target. Then it wavered, and flew right, hitting the wall.
Gold Prognosticus nearly collapsed from exhaustion. He was going to have to work on that.
In another area, Gold Prognosticus drew his sword and swung at a dummy. To his suprise, the dummy raised a shield and sword, blocked his blow and cleanly smacked him across the chest.
"Well, at least we've got some competition." |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:50 am
((GP... you need some work. Unrealistic, sorry - I mean, I'd just look at my surroundings and look if I'm secure and wait, instead of randomly attacking something. Also, we'll have a "Spirit Coach", th only Ancient ever to have been a warrior instead of a spellcrafter, okay ? Just my idea...)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:19 am
((This is such a freaking epic plot!!!))
Paper Peach was rushed through space. Flashes of color swirled around her "Thank God for a strong stomach." She was hurled through the unknow until she came to a sudden stop against the gorund.
She took a quick glance at her surroundings. The world she was now in was grassy like a field. Trees were scattered throuought the landscape. In the distance, Peach could see a mountain range surrounded by rocky terrain. There was a forest in the distance as well as a lake. As she stood up to look around she realized that there seemed to be a section of every terrain. "Sweet, this is gonna be epic."
Peach looked up to see that the portal was still open, and before she could move the rest of the group fell on top of her.
"Get the Francis off of me please."
((I figured that the training grounds should have different terrains, since we don't know where we'll be traveling. I like the way you explained earth zelnor XD I have another thing to add about the imagination thing, not all ideas end up in this dimension. Most ideas are just wisps of thought. Not everything would be made 'real.' Only those ideas that were really imagined with great detail end up here in more than just wind. If you draw it out or make it physical to a point, or many people have the same idea, it becomes stronger and more likely to end up here. so there is a chance that we can see "wisps" of our creations between worlds XD)) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:12 pm
Zelnor groaned as he was spat out by the portal and landed on something soft. He stood up, brushed himself off - and saw on what he had landed. "Whoops." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I'm terribly sorry.", Zelnor said as he had managed to get his comrades into a more decent shape. "Bloody portals.", one of the muttered. Looking around, Zelnor noticed the environment and chuckled. it was already slipping into place. The human mind only had such a threshold for odd, and Zelnor was well over the scale, so he'd just stopped to bother wondering. Around him was a perfect ecosystem in a can - A desert. A swamp. Woods. A Town, even with a castle. Mountains. Just - Everything. Looking up into the sky, the Void, sadly, was still there. But what did he have expected ? A giant smilie face ? "... and we are here to train. Okay." In that moment a voice called out. "HEY ! YOU OVER THERE ! YOU BUNCH O' SISSIES !" "Cue clichee american-styled coach person thing." Another spirit flew over to the group, but this one had translucent armor and weapons in contrast to his predecessors long, flowing robes. "Well, well, well... Hello, first of all. My name is... OF NO FREAKING IMPORTANCE TO YOU ! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY ! You need to be even more hero then you already are. You need more spells, more power, more skills. AND I'M HERE TO POUND THEM INTO YOUR SKULL BEFORE THAT OVERGROWN NEGATIVE SPACE WEDGIE UP THERE SUCKS US UP LIKE A TURTLEY LEAF ADDICT HIS STUFF !"
Zelnor decided that it was not a good idea to start with being a smartass and to point out that a ghost couldn't touch them (and to judge by the fact that the ancient' civilization and magic came close and might even surpass that of both hylians, earthlings or twili, he considered the option that they weren't as spectre-y and see through as they might be pretending to be for them) )and he dropped, and found to his not-surprise that Zelnors body was adapted to some physical exercise.
"Just as well.", he though.
((Short plot, your part. YOU ALL STILL NEED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK ! ONE WALL OF TEXT ! Okay ? XD)) |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:35 pm
( I managed to sneak onto the computer to write this, so be happy. >:( )
My small, womenly figure was the last to appear out of the void. A top of the group I lay, frail and a little cunfuzzled about the earlier settings. The liquid metal surrounds that I had just appeared from, that seemed to move just as swiftly as a fish had brought me to this?
'It'll do.' I murmered in my head, being a city girl in real life, one can only imagine how difficult this would be for me.
I jumped off the group, and took a nice seat on the lush, green grass. How soft it felt in my fingers, why had I never felt this sensation before? I glazed in ecstacy over the passing scenery that stood before me.
That's when I saw it, the figure that almost didn't seem whole. A ghost you could say... Well what-ever it was, it almost wanted me to get down on my hands and knees and 'Lift my body up'. Useless, all of it. Not only was my body thin, it was -not- built for things like physical labour. Not to mention my legs, who worked just as good as a tree's.
"Can I do girl push ups?" I asked, in a sweet suck-upish voice. |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:40 am
„Training…“, Zelnor thought gloomily, „Training is a *crag*. And this *cragging* thing, too. What is this, the 4Kids Universe ?” At the time being, Zelnor clinged onto a piece of hot, umbra-colored rock about one hundred metres over the desert. He’d lost count of how many sun-cycles had gone since his arrival in the training dimension. The Void had grown a fair bit, but it was still rather “tame”. “KEEP MOVING, SISSY !” bellowed the ghostly coach they had received, swinging his intangible blade through Zelnor and spitting chilly ectoplasma all over, or rather trough him. “At least I can take a valuable lesson out of this”, though the Lorenz part of the mindmeld. “Although it has it fair bit of disadvantages, at least being weak is a damn good excuse for not climbing mountains.” “Shut up.”, Zelnor though, and both groaned as they climbed further. It would have been nice to say that after all this rigorous training, Zelnor had found hidden strength in himself, that all unneccesary fat had melted away to give way to muscles as hard as steel ropes, but if it had, Zelnor had been to tired to notice. During the extensive group- and solo sparing and training lessons, supervised by the Ancients’ only hero, they had been surpassing their limits, all right. But beyond their first limits lay more limits. And a certain satisfaction, that much was to admit. With a last groan and a harsh protest from his arms and legs, Zelnor pulled himself onto the top of the monolith in the desert. Pulling himself up and hitting the dust out of his cloak, he was rewarded with a stunning view over their training plain. From up here, he could see that the plane they had landed in was indeed composed of any sort of terrain a crazy prepared training facility. They even had gone through the trouble to make each area exactly hexagonal. Looking back, he winced as he remembered being mercilessly thrown into situations he wasn’t prepared for. He’d nearly drowned in the lake, might’ve fallen to his death off a cliff, got stuck in a secret passage in the castle, enraged an enormous snake in the woods… But the training worked. He got used to the exercise, thought outside of the box, and using magic creatively – but not too extensive. Not only had there been at least a dozen times where he’d turned into a shadow and had to wait for a source of magic to come near or his own body to produce, very slowly, enough power to turn him tangible again, no, during one sparring match with him and frozenwinters versus Gold Prognosticus and Paper Peach, he’d lost control. He’d snapped. Their trainer had to command the land itself to hold him back until he’d calmed down again, and he had injured GP rather harsh. Since then, he had not dared to look his fellows into the eyes more then he needed to. Lorenz had come to see exactly how tragic the tragic side of his own creation was, and dreaded it. It made him realistic, oh yes, and was great for a sudden Deus Angst Machina ((which is what I’m pulling off right now, XD – Lampshade Hanging, YAY ! … Look [url=tvtropes.com]here in this Wikipedia[/url] if you want to know more, but careful, it’s addicting and may ruin your life.), but it posed a real danger to people he’d grown to like. A gleam in the distance caught his eye, and he saw the sunlight reflecting off Gold Prognosticus’ armor as he polished it. “Lucky bastard”, he though. “His magic is at least as powerful as mine, and he never seems to run out of mana… ((Lampshade Hanging, GP… Excuse me if I pick on you, but you’re a bit too strong, although I read (see) you do your best to remedy it.)) And he has already done his training for today.” “STOP STARING AT THE LANDSCAPE AND GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION ABOUT THE HISTORY OF YOUR MAGIC AND ITS STRENGTHS AND DIFFERENCES !” bellowed the plot in the guise of the coach. ((Let’s just name him “the Coach” or something. I can’t think of an awesome spirit name. It’d probably end up being cliché latin.)) Zelnor sighed. It was state of the art training, and not just physical. “Twilight Magic originated in the Land of Hyrule shortly after its creation by the three goddesses of that particular universe, Din, Nayru, and Farore, and was wielded by the Race of the Twili, but …”
More cycles passed, training was done, Heroes became even more heroes. The story took its course.
“Something needs to be done… WITH MAGIC !” Chaos Dimentio peered into the silvery depths of the mirror he was using. “These dreaded Ancients… Ruining my first plan, and now even attempting to do it a second time ? Yes, the heroes may be safe there, but they will, conveniently, be coming my way soon enough… Or better, the way of those pesky pure hearts. Neither I or my troops can touch them… But that doesn’t mean we can’t go near them, huh ? Come, little heroes… Small, predictable, stupid-as-straw-heroes…. A ha ha ha…” “Convenient for you, not, Dimentio ?” growled a voice, with a tone saturated with the hint of pain and suffering for anyone daring to cross the owner of it. Behind the jester, darkness, to which the normal absence of light in the night seemed rather shining, billowed behind the renewed jester- “Alas, yes… They shall soon succumb to my power…” “Your power, Dimentio ?” A snarl clawed from the darkness, crimson red eyes, more then just a pair, lighting up in the darkness. “Our power, then… My certain - talents... And that convenient spark of your that happened to refuel this combination.” “That’s more like it… you were to the direct way to the darkest part of the Underwhere when I intercepted you… I revived you…” The jesters’ face behind the mask contorted and the mask itself changed to represent a deeply etched frown which quickly vanished under the renewed laugh. “And won’t I repay you most splendidly ? Your own universe to rule over… As many warm corpses as you desire ! Entertainment without end.” The darkness receeded. After reassuring himself in several ways that it had really gone, he muttered: “Our power ? I am famous for the fact that my… ‘superiors’ seem to always have mysterious accidents when they are nearly at their goal. It is the way things are – There is no justice. There is only Death. And this fantastic little piece of pyrotechnics shall make an even greater show then last time… It will truly be filled… WITH MAGIC !” On his outstretched palm, the Chaos Heart slowly rose, rotating and giving off his malicious dark aura. “Silly Count… You wed to destroy this heart with pure love ? You managed to banish it, yes… But destroying ? You were far from it. Why, you own union with you little lady only strengthened it. It was a stretching of “ferocious monster king” and “pure princess”, but the prophecy didn’t care… And I was still tied to this thing, oh yes… They can’t stop this destruction now. I shall rule, after all. A ha ha ha ha ha… Well then, universe… CIAO !”
((Too lazy to do italics right now... I've been reading an awful lot of Pratchett in the last 72 hours, so there'll be lots of references and copying of style, sorry... Also, I'd've said Dimentio is truly insane, noticeable by the fact that you can HEAR the italics when he speaks.)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:58 am
Peach got up and brushed herself off.
"Oh god please no," Paper Peach turned towards the voice. "Shoot."
"Well, well, well... Hello, first of all. My name is... OF NO FREAKING IMPORTANCE TO YOU ! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY ! You need to be even more hero then you already are. You need more spells, more power, more skills. AND I'M HERE TO POUND THEM INTO YOUR SKULL BEFORE THAT OVERGROWN NEGATIVE SPACE WEDGIE UP THERE SUCKS US UP LIKE A TURTLEY LEAF ADDICT HIS STUFF !"
Peach stood there like an idiot, trying to decode the rapid speach of their coach.
"Would that be push-ups?" (yep she has the audacity to say that XD)
" 'K" Peach dropped down beside her comrades and pushed herself off the ground. She was sort of fit. As long as she didn't run, she was find. She got to twenty before her arms started to burn. "My God! If I live through this I'd might as well join the army!" She collapsed on the ground.
(((Sorry, I'm brain dead and it's 8:00 in the morning D )) |
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