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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:05 am
((Have fun training in the swamp. You will be soaked, and it'll take WEEKS to get that stuff out of your hair. Oh, and I hope my Deus Angst Machina wasn't too bad, but when somebody has got a dark side, it's bound to be a source of angst sooner or later, and I thought I'd get done with it. Zelnor is angsty enough with the whole "If I loose control, I kill everything" stuff, so I figured I'd get done with it. And maybe we could make it a bit more plot-timely... When I'm already looking back on weeks of training, you maybe shouldn't repeat my first training post, because our fictional time goes twing-twang like a rubber band on LSD at the moment. I say from now on that goes for all of us - except if someone posted a huge wall of development into the wrong direction or too much development at once. I dare say, now we've almost completed our training and only refer to its horrors in "flashbacks", are a lot of even more badass and can do freaky cool acrobatic fight things.Also, watch and learn...)) It was a particularly difficult exam. Their coach had explained to them thst whislt all universes are real, they are never alike. Most ogf them followed the basic rules like Obey Gravity or Die when you get injured fatally, lest to speak of Don't screw with the laws of Physics, but some had their little quirks. Like Battle Mechanics. Stepping into the now opened locked middle room of the building they hat eaten, slept, trained and generally lived for the last weeks, Zelnor met with a bit, bit sphere in the center of it, made from perfectly white marble. Their trainer swept up to him. "First of all, maggot, no word to any of your fancy pants friends. This a secret exam, you must -" "Think outside the boy, yes, we got that one." "DARE YEH INTERRUPT ME ? I OUGHT TO... Well, anyway, your exams on battle mechanics is due. Step into the simulator." "Simulator ?" "Yes. It simulates other universes. Other universes, other rules. Like Battle mechanics." "Batt- You mean like "Turn based", "Active Time" or "Limit Break" ?" "Precisely." "This is weird it has to be true." A slice of the sphere gave way and allowed Zelnor to step inside, the coach staying behind a glowing control pad outside. Once in, the sphere closed and the walls gave off a dim light of their own. Zelnor wasn't particularly surprised to see that it was larger on the inside then it appeared from the outside, any universe that ran on magic and narrrativium, the element of plot, to more then a certain percentage tended to that style of architecture. Sadly, when the magic had been given out, their universe must've been standing behind the door. Magic worked there, yes, but it was extremely, extremely hard to acquire. In that moment, hwe heard a grunt and the ectoplasmic resemblance of a kick out side, and the sphere burst into a supernova of colors. When the black and violet circles in Zelnors' sight stopped spinning, he found himself on a grassy field. "Wow, the Ghibli Hills. Cue Overworld music.", he thought sarcastically. A slow violin and drum beat came to his ears without any remotely musical instrument sort of thing in the vicinity. Zelnor felt the urge to smack his palm against his face. He had been asking for it. "STOP STANDING THERE SIGHTSEEING AND MOVE YOUR ASS !" the coachs' voice bellowed out of thin air. Shrugging Zelnor inched forwards, and the world sank into a shrill tune and the terrain became a quick spiral, leaving blackness that was immediately replaced by the same terrain - but some details were wrong. Also, there were three small... blob things a few feet away, jiggling slightly but not doing anything otherwise. Zelnor grinned and wanted to charge forward - but found himself glued to his place. "Active Time Battle System..." he groaned. It was as if that word has cast a spell. He'd got used to look at himself from the third person view, but he tended to focus on himself and leave the important details at the edge of his field of vision out. As he concentrated and refocused, he saw his name printed in Gothic letters on the top of his vision and a small white bar gradually filling itself. "Oh come ON !" he shouted, struggling in place. With a small, audible "plink" the bar filled completely and Zelnor, still struggling, came free and fell flat on his face. Groaning, he stood up, massaging his nose and saw a small "-1" flying up next to him and his HP bar decreasing from the 100 to 99. "All that training and I still only have 100 HP ? I hate logic." Finally, with a but of mental effort, he managed to navigate through the "Magic" menu that had popped up to "Twilight Blast Combination" and "clicked." He grinned as he felt the magic flow through him and as part of the landscape dissolved into twilight to fuel his attack. Getting a good mark might be fun, after all.
((I wanted to pull a humorous "Music Battle" thing with the piece of "Cancan" by Vanessa Mae, but I'll do that next time. Prepare to die laughing. Or not.))
EDIT: ((Should I write less ? I, metaphorically, keep shoving plot down your throats and write these huge walls... Maybe I'm a control freak ? I don't want you to think I want all the spotlight... Okay, I want some spotlight, who doesn't, but I try to suppress the "I WANNA BE THE MAIN CHARACTER" urge.)) |
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wizardkid222 Wiz
Joined: 25 Dec 2007 Posts: 203
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:01 am
((( Oh my sweet Pixls, this is the most Hi-Technical thing on this forum yet! You guys gotta keep going with this I wouldn't be that good at this serious an RP because I have bad grammar and type slow but this is awesome and if I could join later that would rock! But yea this is like the best, well....story, I've read in a long time, even when I wasn't at digibutter but yea keep going I love this! )))
Last edited by Wiz on Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:38 am
((To Wizardkid222: You just shot yourself in the foot, wizardkid222. First of all, at least according to Terry Pratchett, the more Exclamation Marks over one someone uses, the more insane he is. Normal. Weird ! Insane !! NUTS !!! APESHIT INSANE !!!! BEYOND ALL REASON !!!!! I tihnk Pratchett is right. Second, if you type slowly, have bad grammar and can't RP seriously, sorry, but get out. This is a serious, semi-private RP - Let alone that this is the RP thread and posts like yours belong into the SIGN-UP Thread. So, I am sorry, but you're not in. Also, your use of smileys scares me at least as much as your use of exclamation marks.
To all else: I dare you to laugh at this. Or better not.))
Zelnor clutched at his sides, panting. He'd been through 12 Battle Systems so far, and he'd managed quite well... He was pretty sure he has screwed up Combinaton Magic and Advanced Summoning, though, because when jumping on someone's shoulders for a combination attack, you weren't supposed to stomp on their heads. The dummy the coach has used had looked quite battered afterwards. And his summon had turned out to be not a mighty dragon king, but a small, scared chicken. Maybe he'd stuttered or something.
"Okay, yer doing not that bad.", the coach shouted via the Sphere's transmission system, "but keep your damn head up ! My Granny had more stamina than you ! Heroes these days..." Another flash of light, another brief period of hoveing in chaos, and when the scenery settled, Zelnor looked at a strangely familair dusty mountain range, with nobody around, except... "A cricket ? Are you screwing with me ? I could just STEP on it, and - Wait !" The idea hit Zelnor squarely in the stomach, so to speak. "This is the Mole Cricket, that is that mountain - I'm in the Mother 3 Universe !" "Nearly." the coach let him know. "It's a it different." "What do oyu mean, nearly- WAH !" shouted Zelnor as the cricket took as flying leap. The second it touched him, however, big blue rotating panels appeared, obscuing his third-person sight, and then all went black. "These damn Battle Whooshes make me sick", Zelnor grumbled. The Battlefield appeared, and sure enough, there was the cricket. A slow, happy beat began thumping as the BGM kicked into place. Zelnor looked up, and saw what the coach had meant. There was only one option. "Sound Battle..." he groaned. Selecting it mentally, he stepped forward, listened or the beat, counted "One, Two, One, Tho, Three - SPLAT" Zelnor stepped on the cricket timed with the beat, and sure enough, it dissolved under his foot. "Yatta." Zelnor said sarcastically. "Oh, so you think you're so good ? Alright, then have a go at a major in Applied Battle Mechanics !" And with that Dimentio appeared before Zelnor. Flipping quickly, he saw to his reliefthat he wouldn't have to apply the special mind-shielding techniques the coach had taught them all. These Chaos Clones, Dimentios new army, took his guise whilst hiding in another Dimension, and had a range of nasty techniques and quirks, Zelnor recalled. The type he encountered first had been a Chaos Nightmare, which invaded the mind of its prey and had it face its worst nightmare, inflicting both physical and mental pain on the target. This one... was a Spellwarrior type one. Zelnor flipped back, and the billowing darkness behind the paperthin Dimentio-disguise contracted and molded into the shape of a suit of armor, the eyeslits in the helmet glowing with a clichè feral red. Looking up, Zelnor saw that he still only had the option for sound battle. 'That'll make it easier, as it'll hinder him - and all those piano lessons had to be good for something. Remember, this isn't the "real" sound battle system - You can do anything as long as it goes with the beat. Error on the coach's part.' Lorenz though inside, and both agree. In that moment, the cheerful easy BGM beat became something wholesomely different. "..." Zelnor was compeltely baffled. Was this the coachs' sort of humor ? The new tune was... was...
LINK: /Vanessa-Mae---Cancan
"Well, at least it’s a tune I know." Zelnor though. He waited until it started again, and charged. ((This is to be read with the BGM supplied above, and supposed to be "synchronized" with it. I had a jolly good time "cosplaying" this in my room and thinking of motions to go with this... interesting piece of music.)) [0.00 – 0.03] [0.03-0.5] Zelnor raised his hand, closed his eyes, stretched the palm out, and made a swirling circle motion. [0.05-0.10] The ground around him dissolved, turned into Twilight and followed his outstretched palm, and, as he withdrew it to his side, circled the Twilight magician in there orbits, a smaller one at eye level, a large one at waist height, and another smaller one at his feet. Opening his eyes, Zelnor looked straight at his opponent, and let loose a small chuckle. [0.10]The runes on his cloak erupted with white and black glow, and the runes tattooed into his normal half of face began to flow like a vertical bewsticker. ((I just invented that. Seems pretty awesome to me. Moving tattooed runes.)) The twilight left its orbits and collected itself around Zelnors' left arms, swirling it like a swarm of excited bees.[Bump-Bump, Bump bu bump-bump. Bump-bu bump bump. Bump-bu-bump bump] Zelnor slowly began to chant, the music filling his ears, and then a shockwave of sorts went through the Twilight as Zelnor finished the last syllable. [0.16] [0.16-0.19] The Twilight instantly contracted above his arm, and became a smooth black-and white sword, western style. ((There are too many katanas out there.)) It had a ruby put into its hilt as Zelnor had one above his nose, and its blade was pure silver whilst the handle was scorched black. Zelnor catched it from it's float and made a few experimental swings. [0.19-0.22] The rest of the unused Twilight proceeded to orbit Zelnors arm further, waiting for its call to service its master. [0.22-0.23] The BGM took on a more excited tone, a fiddle starting in it, and Zelnor stepped closer to his opponent, whom started to move, too. "Advanced Sound Battle - Here I come." thought Zelnor. [0.23-0.30] Both opponent circled each other, blades outstretched, gazes locked. Form a distance, Zelnor heard the coach yell "Keep on thrilling it up !" Another sidestep, the beat drawing to a close, and the coachs command "GO!" [0.35-0.37] Zelnor darted forwards, his blade swirling, and hit the knight, who took his own blade to block. Zelnor somersaulted backwards, a feat that he'd though impossible mere days before,[0.37-0.38] and got his sword up a fraction of a second before the knight would've hit him [0.38-0.40]. Jumping backwards, the same pattern repeated twice [You know the deal]. "Damn it", Zelnor though, "that way I can't get him." A bit out of beath, he evaded another attack, and speeded a bit backwards. Diving into the stream of magic, he called up a spell [0.46-0.50], and the twirling pieces of Twilight swirled even quicker, forming complex patterns in the air. [0.50-0.53] Smirking, Zelnor aimed and shot the hastily prepared twilight blasts at his opponent whom was charging at him at this very moment. [0.53-0.55] Two blasts left each of his hands, but the knight evaded and the rocky ground next to him burst into a small crater of dust as the blast hit the ground. [0.55-0.57] Zelnor saw that that wasn't going to him him, wither. A tough opponent without allies or traps... He quickly measured his strength and then took a more harsh attempt. He was draining his magic quicker then he thought, but he had to win. Three blasts at once left his outstretched arms, and then he raised his hands over his head, a dark, black and red sphere appearing over it. The knight was struck by one of the lasts, halting his momentum a bit, and that the sphere exploded, shooting pieces of Twilight everywhere. [0.57-0.59] A good portion of them his the knight, and when they did, the normally insubstantial rectangles had become very hard, and very, very sharp. With a "THUD !" a piece of his armor fell off, revealing a rather formal robe underneath - and making the knight unexpectedly quick. With a loud cry, he charged forward further, and Zelnor found nearly no time to evade. [1.00-1.05] The knights' sword was everywhere. Zelnor managed to doge the first two slashes, but without a choice, he yanked at the magic in him, and dissolved into Twilight, warping away from his vicious attacker, but not before his sword left a deep gash in his chest. He reappeared a few metres away from the knight, he immediately ducked sideways as a starburst flew over his head. [1.05-1.06] and rolled in the dust, evading two other blasts that left smoking craters in the ground. [1.06-1.10] He jumped on his feet, right in time to be hit squarely by the knight own scattershot attack. [1.10-1.12] Several more blasts were fired, and Zelnor felt as if slashed by a red-hot whip. Anger flared up in him, and the darkness encasing half of his face started to spread, strengthening his dark powers. Struggling to his feet, he focused on a healing spell. A dim white glow encased his left hand, weaker then the usual healing spell because his darkness spread, but as he held it over his wounds, they started to merge together slowly. Meanwhile, the Chaos Clone seemed to be at last out of stamina, as it stood hunched in place, the red eyes flickering for a moment, enough for Zelnor to heal himself and draw more Twilight from the dust. [1.17-1.36] Zelnor hesistated for a moment – but a blow from the Clone that had snuck up on him sent him flying. He clutched at his shoulder, thankful that it hadn’t be the sword, and, since he was airborne anyway, quickly chanted up a Levitation spell. It kept him suspended in the air, the Chaos Clone charging a starburst. Without much of a choice, Zelnor collected magic in the bottom of his feet and plummeted down to earth. [1.35-1.40] As he hit the ground, a shockwave erupted from his boots, the earth transforming into twilight where the wave passed through it and remerging later. The Clone was knocked off its feet and trapped in the remerging ground, dark energy crackling through the armor. [1.40] For the first time, Zelnor heard a bloodcurling scream from the creature, a long drawn series of yelps that sounded...stolen. It was a female voice that sounded as if she pricked her finger, not like a Chaos Clone writhing in pain. “So they can’t even feel pain, the bastards…” Zelnor though. Lorenz’ felt his personality and inlfuence being pushed back as the darkness spread through Zelnor, and he felt it invade even him, a slow, menacing corruption – But a necessary evil if they wanted to win this fight. [1.40-1.47]. There was no time. Zelnor drew power from the darkness, embracing it, and channelled it into an armada of ready Twilgiht Blasts. [1.48-1.54] “Let’s see if you can dance out of these !”, he cackled. “One, Two, a One, Two, Three, Four !” with each word another blast charged up even more, and then one spiralled down into Zelnors hand like a Can of Whoop Ass. [1.54-2.00] Zelnor looked, hesistated – and fired them all in rapid succession. [2.00-2.12]. As the dust cleared, he saw the dark armor still lying on the ground, heavily damaged by these final blasts. Zelnor felt drained, hadn’t much magic left. Had he won ? This was a battle screen, there ought to be a “YOU WON !” message… And then he was stabbed clean through the chest. His “magic saving throw” reacted instantly. Zelnor burst into Twilgiht. OH, IT IS YOU AGAI – THAT IS NOT VERY POLITE. Said Death as Zelnor appeared in the tunnel only to storm furiously back, the darkness in his face sliding forward in an alarming rate. Zelnor reappeared, and his mind was nothing but rage. The last attack had given the darkness full control. He threw back his head and let loose a scream of pure rage. Much happened on the seconds, in too rapid succession. Zelnor screamed, rising into the air, head thrown back, arms spread. The upper five centimetres of ground dissolved into twilight and immediately closed around him, sealing him in a sphere of raw darkness. The knight, who had discarded his armor the second it got glued to the ground, would have felt fear if he could have. The Background Music became even more inappropriate then it had been for half the fight. [2.12-2.33] The sphere of darkness formed itself. Legs erupted. A head sprang for. A massive body formed. Zelnor had gone completely dark. And used his berserk attack. The Dark Beast wasn’t really Zelnor – It was a sort of organic armor, composed of Twilight. It jumped back, and charged at the Chaos Clone. Whenever one of its feet touched the ground, it went Twilight, adding itself to the armor, its velocity, its power. The second before the Beast hit the Clone, it opened its jaws. [2.33 - End]
Inside his own mind, Lorenz and Zelnor watch as their combined dark sides steered the Beast. “I really shouldn’t have invented this. And we can’t really do something…” Lroenz voice was silent. Zelnor still went for it, again and again, only to be thrown back by his own counterattack each time. “I can’t control myself in this state… How shall I ever know that I won’t hut anyone innocent ?”
Back on the battlefield, there was a sound like tearing silk with an occasional snap and crack.
Then the sphere shut down, opened up, dark energy crackling out of it. The coach poked his head inside. ”Maggot ?” A Twilight Blast went through his head, followed by a succession of swordstrikes, kicks and punches. Zelnor was still very much berserk. Fortunately for the coach, he was already dead. He shrugged, pulled a lever, and an automatic baseball bat hit Zelnor nearly gently over the head. The darkness receded instantly. Zelnor blinked. Opened his mound. “Crap.” He said, then slumped to the floor into a heap.
((Your homework is rating this. Am I going overboard with something ?))
EDIT: ((I think I write WAY too much. You should get the chance to do something, too. And we need more really good people in here.)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:53 pm
((I don't think anything we could write even comes close to yours XD Epic.... (Yes I am ROTFL) Oh and Wizardkid never asked to join now... You don't have to be so harsh. (I'm glad you're enjoying your books XD))
"I swear if he makes me run another circuit I'm gonna kill-"
"Do it again." The spirit coach interupted Peach in her threat.
She turned around stared at the coach and said calmly, "Can I please kill you?"
"I'm already dead..."
"I don't really care right now." She threw a pan at the ancient spirit and hit her mark. The pan of course only flew through her target.
"Actually I feel quite a bit better." As she started to run around the area again. The past weeks ((How long have we've been here?)) had been the same way. Peach coudn't stand their coach. SHe didn't have the abilities of the others, the intricate moves of Zelnor or anything. She had a frying pan and bombs. ((Yes Poor charactar development DX)) Actually she had found a way to shoot fireballs, but it was hard and she was still having trouble. Yet the coach continued to push them to the limit.
"This is why I hate RPGs you have to train forever...." Paper Peach thought as she climbed the mountain face. She jumped from handhold to handhold as she scaled the rocks. At least she liked climbing. Paper Peach looked up. "Shoot!" ((Acording to Zelnor/Pratchett, I'm insane :3))
A huge boulder broke away and fell towards Peach. Before she could do anything she was smashed against the rock and brought down with it.
"Ugh..." Peach opened her eyes. "Dang. Not again." This was the 5th time in the Underwhere. "Gosh dang it, why can't I be like Zelnor and simply reaapear?" She made her way through the creepy residents of the hell of the gameing world.
"Hello Jaydes."
"Again?" The familar Queen looked down at her. "What is it this time."
"Crushed by a rock, I think."
"Ouch. Well I'll let you through to Grambi." The doors behind the creepy Queen opened.
"Thanks. Hope I won't be seeing you again." Peach made her way through the secret corridor to the Overthere. The torches of course weren't lit. Paper Peach concentrated and placed her hands together. In one swift motion, her hand shot forward with a purple flame. Unfortunately, Peach had not yet mastered the art of releasing the flame from her hand. At least it didn't burn. She jumped up and lit the torches as she made her way through the tunnel. After several turns she saw a light at the end. The tunnel opened up behind where Grambi stood.
"Again?" The old, bearded King walked up to Paper Peached and help pull her out.
"That's what Jaydes said."
"And this time?"
"A rock."
"Backfired spells, falling over cliffs, thee must get a 1-up mushroom."
"Not in my dimension. I don't think there's even a powerup around, much less a ? block."
"So thou still in the training grounds?"
"So be it." Grambi pointed his hands towards Peach. The familiar tingle of magic surrounded her and in a flash she was gone.
"Gosh dang it, I'm still under the stupid rock." She plled out a bomb and blew up the rock. Standing not to far away was the coach.
"Have a little visit to the Underwhere again?"
"Yes." Peach muttered.
"I WON'T BE SO USELESS WHEN I'M SAVING YOUR BUTT FROM DIMENTIO!" She stuck out her toungue. She had failed, yet she was at the same time relieved. She got to rest.
((Yeah! horrible piece of crap :3 Don't know what else to right about, so I died XD Yes Paper Peach is rather poorly designed, as I have to figure out other attacks that I can use without powerups...... DX Oh well, she's clumsy at times and has bad luck Yeah for dying 5 times!!!! (Now I'm apeshit insane :3)) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:15 am
((Actually quite good. I recommend you get Peachs' moveset from SMRPG,you know - Sleepy Time, Group Hug, PSYCHE BOMB... Also, one "!" is fully okay. But "!!" starts to be worrying. Also, I'm not that swift, Zelnor's no acrobat... I hope I don't dance on the edge of being a Gary Stu... *shudders* And he did ask to join. Sotrry if I'm bossy, I think I might even have acted as if this was my RP, but look at him. He's like "OMG OKAY IMMA G O JOIN NOW !!!!!!!!!!!! " Okay, maybe not that harsh, but you catch my drift. It'd be his first RP, and I want this one, as the first one ever on Digibutter, to run smoothly. BTW, do you get a 30 % discount from resurrections ? XD Since it's the world of the Ancients, maybe the rocks would just turn intagible or something, I don't think Jaydes likes transit traffics - And she can send people back all the same, just as a correction.
I hope my cancan piece wasn't too stupid, but I felt like parodizing sound battles.
Also, butt ? =D)) |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:00 am
Zelnor wrote: | ((Actually quite good. I recommend you get Peachs' moveset from SMRPG,you know - Sleepy Time, Group Hug, PSYCHE BOMB... Also, one "!" is fully okay. But "!!" starts to be worrying. Also, I'm not that swift, Zelnor's no acrobat... I hope I don't dance on the edge of being a Gary Stu... *shudders* And he did ask to join. Sotrry if I'm bossy, I think I might even have acted as if this was my RP, but look at him. He's like "OMG OKAY IMMA G O JOIN NOW !!!!!!!!!!!! " Okay, maybe not that harsh, but you catch my drift. It'd be his first RP, and I want this one, as the first one ever on Digibutter, to run smoothly. BTW, do you get a 30 % discount from resurrections ? XD Since it's the world of the Ancients, maybe the rocks would just turn intagible or something, I don't think Jaydes likes transit traffics - And she can send people back all the same, just as a correction.
I hope my cancan piece wasn't too stupid, but I felt like parodizing sound battles.
Also, butt ? =D)) |
BUMP!!! Guys seriously post D: It's not just zelnor and me (but if it becomes that I sure as heck will continue XD I may post again in a while after school.)) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:32 am
((I agree. And someone hurl Chaos Dimentio and any epic RPer who isn't in yet in here, kay ? Was it Medikoopa or whom ? We have missed one of the epic three... We have Devin, we have frozenwinters (and they write about one paragraph, then get bored - WRITE MORE ! SERIOUSLY ! ), yup, it should be Medi.)) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:05 am
((Bumped. Where the heck did PP and everyone else go ? SOMEONE POST SOMETIHNG GOOD AND, if possible, LONG OR I'LL START A PM ADVERTISING CAMPAIN OF DOOM !)) |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:37 am
ooc: *suddenly appears from the world of the not-digibutter internet* Just let me get something sorted out...
Gold Prognosticus watched the boulder fall on paper peach, and winced. "That's gotta hurt," he said. A few moments later paper peach was resurrected and continued the climb.
"All right, now you," said the coach. "I said MOVE!" Gold Prognosticus broke into a sprint towards the mountain. Unfortunately he found that all the possible handholds had been broken by the boulder that crushed paper peach. Sighing, Gold Prognosticus opened the golden book he was named after.
"Mara tharnam rahka!" Move the rock!
With a loud rumble, a set of evenly spaced handholds shot up the side of the mountain. Gold Prognosticus felt a little light-headed, then smiled at how much better he had got at casting spells. All these weeks of training were paying off.
Climbing up the mountain, he thought back on all the hardships he had endured over the past weeks. He'd fallen down an endless abyss in the caverns, nearly gotten eaten by a giant snake in the swamp and had fallen off this very mountain four times. Then he looked back on all the improvements. He'd become better at casting spells, only feeling a little weak when he did so, he was nearly a master at swordsmanship and he was finally feeling like he had a chance against dimentio. A small chance - a very small change - but a chance nonetheless.
As he reached the top of the mountain, he looked down on the entire training dimension. While it was a nightmare when you were running courses and doing exersises down there, from up here it looked stunning.
The coach's voice buzzed in Gold Prognostics' head. "Come back here now." Gold Prognosticus didn't know what he was wanted back for, but he started heading down the mountain anyway, wondering if the others had been called back as well...
ooc: evilpurplevoidofdoom time now? |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:44 pm
We need to get the people back and fix some plotholes. Just feeling lightheaded is too less of a "penalty" for that strong magic. I mean, Instant Runes are an acceptable breach from "reality", but revolving doors in heaven ? What are we, DC Comics ?= Not that this'll live, probably...
D=)) |
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