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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:20 am
(? Block, I decided to trade with Gear. I'm getting Flareon, and he's getting Jolteon)
"Vee...." The Eevee said sadly. It looked like it was about to cry.
"The poor little guy must be starving." Maria said. "Oh well, we can always get more food." Maria then took out the berries, and fed them to all of her Pokemon. The Eevee happily ate up.
"Vee!" The Eevee said cheerfully after it finished.
"I wonder if I could catch it..." Maria thought as she pulled out a Pokeball. Then, she quickly tossed it...... |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:23 am
OOC: Tell me when you want to meet up again. Until then, Jon will just sit there.
"...Did it work?" asked Jon.
He tossed the Pokeball with Vaporeon in it, and, with a flash of light, the Pokemon came out.
"Think so," Vaporeon replied cheerfully. "Nice to be able to talk. So, are we just going to wait here or what?"
"Yeah, we're just gonna wait here until we find someone." |
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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:25 am
(So, are you on the same island?) |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:33 am
OOC: I dunno. Do you want me to be on the same island? =P |
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Player 2 Gear
Joined: 26 May 2007 Posts: 9109
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:14 pm
"Congratulations David, you passed the first test," Lugia said in a clam voice ,"Now onto the next room!"
"Wha- What?!" I said in astonishment ,"I almost died in my sleep and now I have to go to yet another room?!"
"Calm down the next room will be less frightful," Lugia said ,"It will be a simple test..." "Fine bring it," I said as I sat down in frustration ,"Im up for anything!" |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:57 pm
"D'you have any threes?" Jon asked.
"Go fish," Crash replied. Scowling, Jon picked up another card from the deck he had found in his bag.
Fury and Hitmonlee were busy training. Fury would toss a coconut down from the tree, and leap after it. Hitmonlee would kick it in half, then Fury would try to slice it into quarters before it hit the ground. It was something to do, at the very least.
Draco and Vaporeon amused themselves by seeing who could create a larger wave. The contest wasn't really fair, since Draco was so much larger and could propel more water, but Vaporeon didn't seem to mind. |
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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:20 am
The ball rolled, and rolled, but eventually, it pinged. The Eevee had been caught. Maria then brought the Eevee back out.
"Why'd you do that?" The Eevee asked.
"I just saved you from Ganon!" >_> lol jk "Because I wanted to catch you." Maria replied.
"Well, before you caught me, I faintly heard a voice." Eevee said.
"You did? Where did it come from?" Maria asked.
"From over there!" Eevee said as he pointed in a direction. Maria then ran in the direction Eevee pointed. A few minutes later, Maria found Jon!lulz
"Jon, is that you?" Maria called out/asked. |
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Player 2 Gear
Joined: 26 May 2007 Posts: 9109
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:35 pm
"Excellent..."Lugia said in a calm voice ,"I will now have you-"
"Hey wait a minute!" I said interrupting Lugia ,"didn't you say something about my soul in the begging?"
"Forget about that, your next mission will explain it all," Lugia said ,"Now without interruptions, your next mission will be to go to the next room and hatch the egg. Then after doing so, take the Pokemon within the egg and swim to the surface to meet up with the other savors."
"Seems easy enough," I said ,"Be right back!" I ran through the door and entered an exceptionally warm room. I looked around for the egg and saw it sitting in the middle of the pond. I walked towards the egg and put my head against the egg shell.
"Hmmm I don't hear anything," I thought to myself ,"How long do I have to wait?" I heard footsteps from behind. I quickly turned around and saw three Kabutops, just standing there. "What do you want?!" I said. I didn't get a response so I decided to send out my Pokemon.
Battle "Scyther, Squirts, Rambo come on out!" I said as I sent out the trio.
"Kabu..." one of the Kabutops said as he began to use a slash against Scyther.
"Scyther use X-Scissor!" I said ,"Rambo use Iron tail on another Kabutops and Squirts use an Aqua Tail on the last one!" I turned around to look at the egg, it started to shack and move. "Almost done..." I thought. More and more Kabutops started showing up, the were starting to have us outnumbered. I reached in my Pocket and sent out Snover who immediately began to use Razor Leafs on the Kabutops.
"Man its been awhile since I saw an action!" Snover said as he began to use Icy wind on all the foes.
"Wait...I think I have an idea!" I said ,"Everyone cover you ears! Snover use Grass Whistle!"
"Oh never tried that move before," Snover then began to try whistling ,"Boss I can't whistle!"
"You can't?!" I said ,"Oh great were f**ked..." I turned around and saw that the egg was just about ready to hatch ,"Hold them off for a little bit longer!" (btw the egg is like 5 feet)
"Lugi..." Said a small voice ,"Lugi?" I turned around and saw a six foot tall Lugia looking right into my eye.
"Boss wait I learned how to whistle!" Snover said as he began using grass whistle.
"Wait no not yet..." I said as I started to fall asleep. |
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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:49 pm
Still waiting >_> |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:19 pm
OOC: Sorry. Phantom Hourglass took up most of my time >.>
"Maria, you're here too? Well, that's convenient, I guess...look, there's a lot of explaining that needs to be done."
Jon explained everything because I'm too lazy to type it all out. |
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Player 2 Gear
Joined: 26 May 2007 Posts: 9109
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:36 am
"Wake up... Come on snap out of it!" I woke up and saw Snover looking at me ,"Great your awake! You won't believe how long it took to move all five of you!"
"Huh? Five? There is only four of us," I said as I heard a yawn from behind ,"What is that thing?!"
"That 'thing' is my son," Lugia said ,"Me and my love had him a few weeks ago before she...died"
"Sorry to hear that," I said ,"But how am I going to return to the surface?"
"That is were young Lugia comes in," Lugia said as he pointed towards his soon ,"Ride on him to the surface and find you friends."
"They aren't my friends," I said ,"They're just a bunch of outcasts that I have to work with..."
"Well, while you were asleep I tried to purify," Lugia said.
"What do you mean by tried?" I asked in confusion.
"Well it seems like a part of that Darkrai lies in you heart," Lugia said ,"He is to strong for me and i was unable to remove him..."
"Oh...I see," I said as I turned around and sat on the baby Lugia ,"Ok well I have to met up with the others, Jon might know where to go."
"I see," Lugia said as he opened up the next door ,"When you leave this door you will appear in the middle of the sea, try to find your friends from there...and be careful...my son..."
"Ok!" Me and Lugia said ,"Wait, did I just say im his son?" I blinked and me and Lugia were soaring through the blue sky.
"You know what Im going to call you?" I asked the Lugia ,"Sora..."
"Lugi!!!" It happily said. We saw dozens of Islands across the sea, but saw one in particular that caught my eye, the one called New Moon Island...
New Moon Island
"Hmm this place looks homely!" I said as I hopped of the back of Sora ,"Let go look for the others!"
"Lugi!" Sora said with a smile. We started to search in the forest but saw nothing but dead grass and trees. Every step I took hurt, my head started to ache everything minute.
"Sora lets get out of here I don't feel good," I said as I hoped on the back of Sora ," I think I hear Jon and Maria on the next island." We started to fly away and as we grew further, by pain began to lessen.
10 minutes later...
"Hey I hear the others new the shore," I said as we walked closer to the sea ,"Yup thats them..." I walked towards everyone and sat on the ground. Sora laid next to me and began to smile as I rubbed its stomach. |
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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:55 am
"So, we have to head off to the South Pole to find Regice?" Maria asked. "That's going to take a while....." |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:04 am
"Yeah. And some of us are going to have to go to Egypt and Mount Everest...plus, some of our Pokemon will have to go and confront Regigigas. Geez...this is a huge undertaking..." |
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augh! Piccolo the Pixl
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 16952
HP: 44 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:05 am
"This is going to get stressful.........." Maria said. "So, which location are you planning to go?" |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:49 am
Jon shrugged. "I guess I'll find Regice in the south pole." |
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