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Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:25 am   Reply with quote

Bring the Dump back. I don't care how you do it, just bring it back. That's where all the epicness of digiass was and thats where it needs to be. OT can stay as a small discussion forum but seriously. Bring the Dump back. It's the only thing that's stopping us from being an awesome and carefree forum. Honestly, this place sucks because there's nothing to do. Revamp the item system, change the rules. and most importantly, bring the Dump back.



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Super Maiq the Liar

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:07 pm   Reply with quote

I agree, but there has to be a way to limit it so it doesn't put too much of a strain on the site...
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Tamriellic Titles    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:07 pm   Reply with quote

Agree'd to both posts.
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Gold Prognosticus

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:43 pm   Reply with quote

I may not have been around when the Dump existed, but I have a general idea after reading this announcement and the Digibutter wiki. I believe I have a good enough idea of what it was like to be able to state my opinion on the subject.

The Dump was not what Francis intended it to become and was closed for a valid reason. I highly doubt Francis would bring back the Dump as it used to be - with no rules whatsoever. I'm not completely against its revival, but it would need a serious overhaul in terms of what you can and cannot post there.
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:45 pm   Reply with quote


I don't think bringing the Dump back qualifies as "small". It takes a lot of reorganization and such to keep it from falling apart, and part of digibutter with it. I think I had some good ideas way back in this topic: http://digibutter.nerr.biz/viewtopic.php?t=50621


-Bring back the Dump, allow everything except un-[M]arked maturity, things that are too [M] for the site, forum borking, and page stretching/extremely long spam posts (ie, a gigantic quote tower of just indeed.jpgs)/flooding to the extreme. Oh, and possibly forbid extreme flaming. Not the sissy flamebait stuff we get in Court though.
-Rename RPOT to Casual Role-Playing and OT to Casual Discussion, to prevent misconceptions about what belongs there. RPOT is nowhere near a spam forum and never should be.
-Allow alts in Off-Topic and the Dump
-Make a group or something for the Dump (so not everyone has to see it)?
-Oh, and I had a new idea, but I think I forgot it...Something to do with the Dump I think. Ah well...

Of course, if you disagree with these tl;dr'd versions of my ideas, go thoroughly read through the topic I linked too. I've covered most people's concerns with alts in OT and such there.

Also, on another note, over the time since I posted that thread, I've grown more and more sure that bringing back the Dump is a good idea. So long as we avoid the problems that really plagued the old one and avoid giant spam quote towers and such, it could work out fine. Also I think RPOT's got better with the spam and alt abuse and such since then, so alts in the OT and Dump might not be necessary. It and OT still need to be renamed, to prevent misconceptions about what belongs there (not spam).

EDIT: I remember my new idea now. I say that new members shouldn't have access to the Dump (or be able to read it) until they get a certain amount of posts. That way, since it likely will be one of the most active forums, they won't get a bad first impression of digibutter and will get good grammar and grasp of the site rules before they move on to the freedom of the Dump, so that they aren't a major annoyance and that they keep their spam there.
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Ultimario Mart!    
Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:03 pm   Reply with quote

Ulti, I like most of your ideas, but in addition to there being a Casual Role Play forum, RPOT should stay as an out of character discussion forum for all those alt theme songs, new character bios, and "I have an open alt slot" posts. And don't allow alts in Off Topic, but allow them in the dump. In fact, make a new alt slot category with about... Say, two or three slots for spam alts for use in the dump. And we should bring back the original usergroups page, but with the option to join the dump instead of P.I.R.A.T.E., E.V.I.L., and H.E.R.O. because we know that they'll stay dead.

And don't even mention N.I.N.J.A. since it was hidden from the list.
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A Bucket of Stuff    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:51 pm   Reply with quote

UltiMario wrote:
-Allow alts in Off-Topic and the Dump


Just no.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:54 pm   Reply with quote

Flavio wrote:
UltiMario wrote:
-Allow alts in Off-Topic and the Dump


Just no.
Yeah I agree. That just... wouldn't work.
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:56 pm   Reply with quote

I agree, too. Then people would start necroposting and when the court topic is made, they'll say that they're "in character," if theier alt is a necroposter.
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Starcraft I Units    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:19 pm   Reply with quote

Allow alts? Whhhat the *crag*?
You do know we have role play off topic, Right?
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Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:41 pm   Reply with quote

Sinani201 wrote:
I agree, too. Then people would start necroposting and when the court topic is made, they'll say that they're "in character," if theier alt is a necroposter.
If the dump were brought back, all the topics would be on an auto-delete schedule of a day to a week, so there wouldn't be any topics to necropost in.
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A Bucket of Stuff    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:43 pm   Reply with quote

ShadowArticuno wrote:
Sinani201 wrote:
I agree, too. Then people would start necroposting and when the court topic is made, they'll say that they're "in character," if theier alt is a necroposter.
If the dump were brought back, all the topics would be on an auto-delete schedule of a day to a week, so there wouldn't be any topics to necropost in.

Oh, nevermind then.
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:15 pm   Reply with quote

Flavio wrote:
Just no.

Frozenwinters wrote:
Yeah I agree. That just... wouldn't work.

Manpersonguything wrote:
Allow alts? Whhhat the *crag*?
You do know we have role play off topic, Right?

Can you people read?


I already covered every objection to the alts in Off-Topic idea in the previous thread, which by the way includes the replies. It would work fine. This is to get rid of spam and alt abuse in RPOT/Casual RP, we simply send the alt abuse/alt spam elsewhere and strictly moderate for it in the RP forums. If you can't raise a reasonable objection to why not, especially after I've covered in detail all of everyone's previous objections and more, then do me a favor and gtfo of my topic. This isn't Off-Topic, where you can just say "oh that wouldn't work" with no reason behind it after I've made multiple walls of text explaining in depth why it would. Explain why it wouldn't work or get the hell out of my thread. Now. You don't like an idea? Then explain any flaws in it. Don't just say "No. Just no." or "this wouldn't work" and just walk away. Damn, people like you, who can't even hold a sophisticated arguement or get their facts straight, just piss me off.

Let me make this clear.

If anybody posts yes or no to my ideas without some kind of feedback or reasoning behind it like you guys are, I will demand they get striked for adding irrelevant posts and not contributing to the conversation (basically, spam) and then I will additionally contribute to beating the shit out of them with items. It's not much of a punishment, but it's something to help shove my point into this members of this site's thick skulls. Contribute, or don't *crag* post.

And manpersonguything, I already explained that in the other topic (which includes its replies), and since you're apparently too much of a dunce to read it yourself, let me tell you what it says. Casual Role-Playing (RPOT renamed) would be for the RPing and the OOC topics, Off-Topic and the Dump would be for alt spam/abuse where appropriate (flooding like crazy in either forum is no, spamming too much in Off-Topic is no, etc). Since aside from plots, RPOT is simply OT with alts, why go to a seperate forum to spam/semi-spam with alts, when you can spam with yourself and your alts in the same forum? Much more convenient. Especially since alt semi-spam/spam is really frowned on in RPOT, you don't have to worry about decent RPers flaming you, and of course they don't have to worry about your spam. It's perfect, at least as far as I can see (which is apparently a lot farther than most of you). Now find some flaws or improvements (that haven't already been mentioned (and in the case of flaws, countered) in the old topic) to add to my already nigh-perfect ideas or get out.
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Ultimario Mart!    
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