Bastion Getting Free DLC Everywhere But Xbox 360
Posted by Giant Bomb Dec 09 2011 20:04 GMT in Bastion
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When you think about some of 2011’s best downloadable games, Bastion immediately comes to mind, and if you’ve been hoping to scratch that itch again, Supergiant Games has what you need.

On December 14, Supergiant Games is launching the Stranger’s Dream downloadable content, which includes a new “Who Knows Where” section, complete with new voice overs, and two new modes. Score Attack Mode starts players at level one with all spirits and idols unlocked, and No-Sweat Mode is the equivalent of very, very easy--you can continue where you die.

Stranger’s Dream won’t cost a dime on PC, but you’ll have to pay $1 on Xbox Live, as Microsoft has some very strange, inconsistent policies when it comes to offering free content on its service. Supergiant Games alluded to wanting to make the content free in their announcement post.

“The Stranger’s Dream DLC will be available for 80 Microsoft Points ($1) on XBLA, which we can’t make free due to Microsoft policy, so it’s about as close as we could get,” said the company. “Though, since you’ll be getting a good chunk of new content, we think you’ll be satisfied with your purchase.”

That content will also come to the Google Chrome, which may come as a shock if you haven’t heard that Bastion is also fully playable through Google Chrome now. Yes, the browser! It means Mac owners can check out this spectacular action RPG. That version is available right now, and if you want to see how well it does/doesn’t work, you can play the prologue for free.

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