QuakeCon 2012 schedule has panels full of Valve, Bethesda, id
Posted by Joystiq Jul 25 2012 01:00 GMT in id Software
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QuakeCon 2012 begins Thursday, August 2, with a keynote address from id Software co-founder John Carmack - and then the con gets real. Literally, it will be a real convention with a few interesting panels and people, as announced in the final lineup today.

Friday begins with "The Making of Games," featuring Bethesda's Todd Howard and Insomniac's Ted Price. Then comes "Capture the Fan: Making Multiplayer Games That Last" with Chet Faliszek from Valve, Marty Stratton from id Software and Max Hoberman with Certain Affinity. "Looking Back at Looking Glass," and "Talking Shop: Skyrim, Modding and Steam" have Valve and Bethesda representatives, and "Virtual Insanity" closes out the night with Carmack.

Saturday has "GameTrailers' Bonus Round" with Michael Pachter and others; "Celebrating id Modding" with Blendo Games, id Software and Double Fine; and the Idle Thumbs Podcast with Double Fine, Telltale Games, Bethesda and The Fullbright Company.

Doors are open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Check out the full schedule below.

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