ZombiU - full ESRB rating details
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 14 2012 18:56 GMT in ZombiU
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Content descriptors: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language

Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Wii U)

Rating summary: In this survival horror game, players assume the role of London inhabitants in the wake of a zombie invasion. From a first-person perspective, players scavenge the city and use realistic firearms, explosives, and melee attacks to kill waves of zombies; battles are highlighted by loud shrieks, impact sounds, and large splashes of blood. Players can also perform finishing moves to dispatch downed zombies: stomping on/bashing in their heads in with a cricket bat. Attacks often result in decapitated/dismembered bodies, and dead enemies continue to incur damage when shot. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” can be heard in the dialogue.


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