Sony survey suggests new mode for MAG, additional paid character slot
Posted by Joystiq May 14 2010 02:00 GMT in MAG
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A handful of tipsters recently sent in a link to a survey currently being distributed by Sony, which appears to test the waters regarding two updates considered for Zipper Interactive's big ol' shooter, MAG. The first article of interest in the survey is a reference to an "Interdiction" mode, in which 128 players from two factions would fight over three neutral objectives, removing the attacker/defender dynamic of the game's other main modes. The survey also inquires whether we'd purchase this content for a cool $12.99.

On the very next page, the survey mentions an offer which would give MAG players an extra character slot (presumably opening up the option to belong to more than one faction at a time) for a fee of $.99 per month. If this subscription plan is actually being considered, we don't know how popular it would be. We couldn't imagine cheating on our beloved PMC. (S.V.E.R. Forever!)

Zipper community manager Jeremy Dunham has addressed these potential changes on the MAG forums, stating, "we haven't announced any DLC details whatsoever. Nothing is official unless it comes from us." While these details may not be "official," it's worth noting that the survey was distributed by an official Sony email address. Food for thought!

[Thanks, Steve and Logan!]

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