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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:12 pm
Since I don't know where else to put this, and the Super Paper Mario forums probably wouldn't work, I decided to put this subject to you. If there was a new Paper Mario game, what would the storyline be, who would you pick as partners, what would their movesets be, and what would they do in the field?
Additionally, be sure to list Mario's Special Abilities!
Here's mine:
Paper Mario: The Book of Ages
Mario's on a journey once again as he discovers an ancient tome known as the Book of Ages. This book, allowing its user to manipulate time to their will, is sought by a new threat to the Mushroom World: Chronos, the Time Mage. With the book at his disposal, Chronos could alter the timelines in such a way that he could make himself a God. But to do this, nine pages from the Book must be acquired that have been scattered across the lands. Hurry, Mario: Time itself is counting on your success!
One of the first improvements I'd like to make is that you can have TWO partners out at any time (so you have Mario and two of the newcomers). When in the field, you'll use your front-most partner's ability when you press B. To rotate the partners, press minus.
1st: Goombuster Goomba:
Goombuster, one of Goombella's former classmates at U Goom, is the first partner Mario comes across when he witnesses the Goomba being harassed by Chronos' Time Knights and their leader, Kristos, Chronos' Right-Hand Man. Keeping in line with the other Goombas of the Series, he can tell you about the place you're in when you press B. His moves are as follows:
Headbonk: The basic and trademark move of the Goombas, Goombuster leaps at the enemy by jumping on their heads. Pressing A as soon as he strikes will nail an Attack Command. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Tattle: Also staying in line with the series, Goombuster can tattle on your enemies, revealing their HP and adding it to the tattle log. Press A when the crosshairs line up to add 'em!
Multibonk (Super Rank): Like previous incarnations of the move, Multibonk allows Goombuster to continually leap on a single enemy until you miss an Action Command. In theory, you can do Unlimited Damage to a single target. Costs 3 FP.
Morale Boost (Ultra Rank): The Morale Boost gives Mario an extra turn to fight; in addition, it raises his Jump and Hammer Attacks by 2 for that turn. Rapidly mash A to fill the gauge and get the Action Command. Costs 6 FP.
2nd: Koopella the Hammer Sister:
Koopella looks sweet enough at first glance, but in reality, she's a bit of a tomboy and she doesn't take insults lightly. You'll find her first dishing out some verbal lashings to some Town Guards in Chapter 1. In the field, you can use her shell toss to activate switches and attack enemies for first strikes. Also, just like the previous Koopas, you can hold her in place and move around. Her moves are as follows:
Shell Toss: The trademark Koopa ability, Shell Toss simply attacks the front-most ground-bound enemy. To nail an Action Command, hold the Joystick left until the Star is highlighted. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Hammer Throw: The Hammer Throw allows Koopella to toss one of her hammers at a single enemy regardless of its location or position. To nail an Action Command, line up the two cursors with your WiiMote within 3 seconds. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3. Costs 3 FP.
Shell Barrier (Super Rank): A new move for the Koopas! When Shell Barrier is used, it reduces the damage Mario takes for the next few turns; Level 2 reduces damage by 2, and Level 3 reduces damage by 4. The duration of protection is determined by how close to the middle the cursor is when you press A: If it's at the far left or right, you'll only be protected for that turn and the next; if it's dead center, however, you'll be protected for the next THREE turns. Costs 2 FP.
Hammer Barrage (Ultra Rank): Koopella unleashes her fury in this, her final move by going into such a frenzy she attacks all enemies on screen with a flurry of hammers. Additionally, her attacks ignore the victims' defense if you nail the Action Command. Flick the Joystick left repeatedly to fill the gauge. Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 6 FP.
3rd: Johnson, the X-Naut:
A former member of the Secret Society of X-Nauts, Johnson has joined Mario at the behest of his superiors to fight the new threat that Chronos presents to the world. You meet Johnson when you run into Crump and what remains of the X-Nauts in the Second Chapter. In the field, Johnson can use his X-Ray Goggles to reveal hidden items and the true forms of subjects; which is good, because some of Chronos' minions disguise themselves as ordinary NPCs! His moves are as follows:
Charge: The basic attack of the X-Naut Army, Johnson jogs in place and Body-Slams a single enemy. Hold the Joystick left to build up power, then release when the Star highlights to nail an Action Command. Attacks land and air units. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
X-Ray Vision: I guess those goggles aren't for show after all! Johnson uses those special lenses of his to identify key weaknesses of the enemy, such as if they're vulnerable to fire, ice, etc., or if certain moves work better than others. Line up the two cursors with the WiiMote (you control the small cross) to ensure best results and nail an Action Command. Additionally, he may reveal weak spots on the enemy that if struck, deal an additional 50% damage to the target. Some enemies can't be attacked until you use this move. Doesn't cost any FP.
Flask Toss (Super Rank): Johnson keeps these handy honeys on himself at all times, and the X-Naut Ph.D.s have improved them since you saw them last. Press A the INSTANT the circles light up to take out a flask (and thus nail Action Commands). Each flask yields one of a variety of status effects; dizziness, shrunken, soft, burned, frozen, slow, sleepy, immobilized, confusion, poisoned, or, rarely, instant death (only a 5% chance, though). Instant death won't work against Bosses, obviously. Each flask deals 2 HP per hit. You can get up to 3 flasks at Level 2, and 4 at Level 3. Costs 4 FP to use.
Earthquake (Ultra Rank): Johnson's final ability has him drinking a “Hugeify” flask and slamming the ground with Earth-shattering force. The shockwave is so powerful, it sends waves high enough to attack air units, and it ignores enemy defense. Hit A when the meter passes through the red circles to increase the intensity of the shockwave and nail the Action Command. Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 6 FP.
4th: Spy Gal the Shy Guy:
Spy Gal is a female Shy Guy who specializes in Stealth and Reconnaissance. You meet her first when you have to infiltrate a Time Knight Stronghold which has already captured one of the Pages of Time. In the field, she activates her cloaking device and turns you and your partner invisble, making it impossible for your enemies to find you. Her attacks are as follows:
Dash Attack: Spy Gal runs in place, building up speed before ramming into the front-most opponent. Hold the Joystick left until the Red Circle is highlighted to nail an Action Command. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Cloak: This is a nice, handy move. Cloak makes Mario, Spy Gal, and your other partner invisible and invulnerable to the next attack if you input the three-button sequence correctly (buttons possible are A, B, and Z). However, reappearing counts as your turn, leaving you vulnerable to attack. Costs 4 FP.
Hostage Rope (Super Rank): Spies need to ensure they aren't detected by anyone, so they often tie up enemy soldiers. Spy Gal wields the rope like a whip, constricting a target of your choosing. While holding A, swing the WiiMote around and around (like you have a lasso) until you fill a “Swing Meter” to the maximum, then release A. If you nail the action command, your target will be Slowed, restricted to attacking every other turn. Deals 2-4 Damage at Level 2, and 3-6 Damage at Level 3. Costs 4 FP.
Swift Strike (Ultra Rank): Spy Gal's final ability has her zipping around the stage, slashing away at enemies. To use it, swing the WiiMote like a sword in the three indicated motions (only horizontal or vertical) to nail the Action Command. Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 6 FP.
5th: Princess Peach:
What? Having Peach as a Partner would be Blasphemy? Nonsense! Mario catches up with the Princess just as he witnesses her being hauled off by Chronos' Guards in Chapter 4. Save her, quick! In the field, Peach allows Mario and Co. to float over gaps using parasols by holding down B. She's also a good healer and an impressive fighter as well. Her moves are as follows:
Love Slap: Peach runs forward, then slaps the frontmost target numerous times, ignoring defense if you nail an Action Command. Flick the Joystick left and right until it fills the gauge to attack. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Heart Darts: Peach takes out a few hearts and flings them at an enemy of your choosing. With each hit, she'll regain health equal to half the damage dealt. To nail an Action Command, wait until the button that must be pressed is highlighted (possible choices are A, B, or Z), and press it the INSTANT it shows up. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3. Costs 3 FP.
Icy Gaze (Super Rank): Peach, while not easily angered, can really make some people freeze with fear sometimes. When she uses this ability, she literally stops someone cold with an icy glare. Smack the Joystick in three directions to nail an Action Command; doing so will freeze the target solid for the next 3 turns if done correctly. Deals 2-4 damage at Level 2, and 3-6 Damage at Level 3. Costs 4 FP.
Group Hug (Ultra Rank): Peach's final ability is also the costliest in the game, but it is certainly worth it; if done successfully, ALL party members (currently fighting or not) are healed for 10 HP, and cured of all status afflictions. To nail an Action Command, rapidly press 1 or 2 (whichever is highlighted) until it fills the gauge completely. Costs 10 FP.
6th: Jenna the Time Knight:
Jenna was originally one of the Time Knights serving Chronos, but she is banished from the organization when she has an ethical crisis. Ordered to execute Mario and his friends, she can't bring herself to do it, considering that prior to her execution orders, Mario and his companions save her before she plummets to her doom. Her joining the group coincides with the group's first meeting of Chronos, who witnesses her betrayal and banishes her from his order. In the field, Jenna can slow down time to enable you to cross platforms or other obstacles that normally move too quickly in real time. Her moves are as follows:
Chrono Blast: The basic attack of a Time Knight, Chrono Blast is a super-compacted area of Space-time hurled at an enemy of your choosing. Hold the joystick left until the Circle is highlighted (similar to Mario's Hammer Attacks) and release it to nail an Action Command. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Stasis Field: Jenna can collapse the Space-Time Continuum to such a finite point around a target that they are immobilized for the next three turns. Line up the crosshairs with your WiiMote to perform the Action Command, or it'll miss. Costs 4 FP to use.
Fast-Forward (Super Rank): Having control over time has several benefits; one of which is to increase your speed. When Jenna uses Fast-Forward, either she, Mario, or a party member can attack twice each round for the next few turns if you nail Action Commands. Smack the Joystick in three directions to increase the number of turns you get double attacks. Costs 5 FP to use.
Chrono Destruction (Ultra Rank): Jenna's final ability rips the walls of time asunder and damages all enemies with a powerful vortex. If you nail the Action Command, you may immobilize your foes as well. To pull it off, press the A button to fill the gauge, but don't let it overflow! Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 7 FP to use.
7th: Lord Bowser:
Why not? Even King Koopa is at risk when Chronos is around! The big lug joins you after you fight him about midway through Chapter 6, though it takes some convincing from Peach and Jenna to do so. In the field, Bowser uses his trademark Bad Breath to attack enemies and melt icy barricades. Torches can also be lit, either allowing you to see better or to solve a puzzle. Being the heavy hitter that he is, his attacks deal more damage than the other characters. His Awesomeness' attacks are as follows:
Stomp: Bowser's basic attack sends him flying through the air and smashing an opponent. Press A the moment he lands on an enemy to do a second bounce and prevent them from performing certain actions (attack, items, etc) for the next 2 turns. His thick scales allow him to attack all opponents, regardless of their characteristics (flaming bodies, spikes, etc). Deals 2-3 Damage at Level 1, 3-5 Damage at Level 2, and 4-8 damage at Level 3.
Flame Breath: No Bowser moveset would be complete without this. Bowser runs forward and roasts all land-based enemies with the fiery attack, burning them if you nail the Action Command. Press A repeatedly to fill the gauge. Deals 2-3 Damage at Level 1, 3-5 Damage at Level 2, and 4-8 Damage at Level 3. Costs 3 FP.
Poison Fang (Super Rank): I guess it's been a while since Bowser last visited a Dentist. Bowser strikes the front-most attack with a bite, poisoning them if you nail the Action Command. Simply hold the A button to fill the gauge until it's full. The poison deals 2 damage per turn. Deals 3-5 Damage at Level 2, and 4-8 Damage at Level 3. Costs 5 FP.
Inferno (Ultra Rank): Bowser needs to go easy on the hot sauce! Bowser's final ability issues a massive gout of flame from his mouth, roasting all opponents on screen and burning them. Again, frantic A button mashing is required to fill the gauge and nail the Action Command. Deals 1-10 Damage. Costs 7 FP to use.
8th: Commander Bridget:
Bridget is the leader of the Aerial Bob-Omb Corps, a special air wing crewed mainly by Bob-Ombs. She sports an Pilot's helmet and is yellow-colored. You'll meet her first at her Air Base when the team receives word that their next Page of Time is located in a Sky Fortress. In the field, Bridget, like Bobbery and Bombette, walks forward a few steps and then explodes, either to engage enemies, blast holes in the wall, or activate switches. Her moves are as follows:
Bomb: Bridget's basic attack has her simply walking up to the front-most enemy and exploding. Hold A until it fills the meter (and lighting up the Star) and release it to nail the Action Command. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Mines: Bridget places 3 land mines by lobbing them where your WiiMote is pointing. They detonate if someone walks on them or after 3 turns. This also applies to your characters, so be careful. Each mine deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3. Costs 3 FP.
Air Guard (Super Rank): When Air Guard is used, Bridget deploys small drones that electrify direct attackers for the next three turns. The severity of the shocks depend on how well you nail the Action Commands by pressing A at just the right moments. Deals 2-4 Damage at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3. Costs 4 FP.
Air Strike (Ultra Rank): Bridget's final ability allows her to call in a Corps Bob-Omber to punish all foes with a massive blast. To nail the Action Command, enter the button sequence within 5 seconds (possible buttons are A, B, Z, C, and 1). Deals 1-6 Explosive Damage. Costs 8 FP.
9th: Arcanus the Magikoopa:
Arcanus is a powerful magic user, but he's a bit clumsy and his spells often backfire, with embarrassing results (you'll find him turning himself into a sheep by accident when you first encounter him O.o). The last member to join Mario's party, Arcanus is spotted first when he and some other members of Bowser's Koopa Troop are fighting a losing battle against Chronos' Time Knights at Bowser's Castle. He joins you when you revert him back from his embarrassing sheep form. In the field, Arcanus allows you and your party members to fly on broomsticks, increasing speed and allowing you to travel over otherwise dangerous terrain that even Peach wouldn't be able to cross. His attacks are as follows:
Broomstick Bash: Arcanus' basic ability has him ramming into an opponent at high speed on his broomstick, dealing significant damage to the target. Alternating presses of B and Z fill the meter; build it up to maximum to get the Action Command. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3.
Magic Attack: Being a Magikoopa, it's only natural that Arcanus uses his wand to cast magic spells. To use it, swirl the WiiMote around while holding A, releasing A once the meter is full. If you nail the Action Command, it will ignore the target's defense and will be Confused, Dizzy, or Sleepy. Deals 1-2 HP at Level 1, 2-4 HP at Level 2, and 3-6 HP at Level 3. Costs 3 FP.
Arcane Drain (Super Rank): Magic users require sufficient magic power (or in this case, flower power) to use their more powerful abilities, so it probably isn't surprising that Arcanus can drain FP from his opponents and add it to yours...that is, provided the target has FP. Again, swirl the WiiMote while holding A to fill the meter to the maximum. When used, Arcane Drain sucks FP from all enemies in the area; otherwise, it deals damage equal to half the amount of FP that would have been stolen. Steals 2-4 FP at Level 2, and 3-6 FP at Level 3.
Arcane Explosion (Ultra Rank): Arcanus' final ability is the culmination of years being a magic user, and is possibly one of the most devastating attacks in the game. To use it, once again, swirl the WiiMote while holding down the A button to fill the meter to the max. When used, it creates a powerful energy disruption, not only dealing damage, but burning through whatever FP the targets have and dealing that as damage as well. If you nail the Action Command, all targets will also have various different status afflictions: targets can be Confused, Dizzy, Sleepy, Burned, Frozen, Immobilized, Poisoned, Slow, Tiny, or Soft. Defense is not ignored, however. Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 8 FP.
1st: Sweet Treat:
It's the first special move you get, right at the beginning of the game. Just like in TTYD, Mario tosses stars at hearts and flowers to replenish HP and FP by flicking the Joystick left while you aim with the WiiMote. Just look out for the Poison Mushrooms! Costs 1 SP.
2nd: Winds of Change:
Mario summons a trio of tornadoes to attack his opponents as he and his partners spin around and around in place. Press A as the circles highlight to gradually increase the power and size of the tornadoes. Deals 1-6 Damage. Costs 2 SP.
3rd: Clock Out:
As if this needed any introduction. Clock out plays much like a game of hot potato like in TTYD, where the bomb is tossed at you, your enemies, or the audience! Rapid pressing of A, B, or Z will keep it on your enemies' side and immobilize them for 3 turns at full strength. Costs 2 SP.
4th: Power Lift:
Power Lift works a bit differently than it did previously. While it will still boost your Attack and Defense for the next three turns, this time, you aim at the Arrows with the WiiMote as you press A to select the arrows. If you hit a Poison Mushroom, though, your cursor will be immobile for a second. Costs 3 SP.
5th: Hyper Charge:
This ability gives you the chance to GREATLY raise your attacks for next turn by inputting up to four correct button sequences (possible buttons are A, B, Z, C, and 1). The first sequence has 3 buttons, the second has four, and so on. It will increase your attack strength by 2 regardless, but if you get all the buttons, you can increase your attack strength by 6. Costs 4 SP.
6th: Art Attack:
Well, I think you could tell where most of my ideas are coming from, now. Art Attack is executed by moving the star that appears with your WiiMote and circling your enemies. It has the potential to do a great deal of damage; completely encircling an opponent does 3 Damage, getting more than half of them does 2 Damage, and anything less deals only 1 Damage. Costs 5 SP.
7th: Sweet Feast:
Just like in TTYD, holding the Joystick left will have Mario firing stars in rapid succession, restoring HP and FP. Again, you aim the crosshairs with the WiiMote. As always, watch out for Poison Mushrooms! Costs 6 SP.
8th: Show Stopper:
Again, more TTYD inspiration at work. By inputting the correct button sequences (using A, B, Z, C, and 1 as possibilities), you greatly increase your chances of killing all your foes with a single stroke. It won't work on bosses, though. Costs 3 SP.
9th: Time Travel:
This special ability is something of a double-edged sword. To use it, tilt the WiiMote and Nunchuk in various positions so they match those displayed, up to four. The number of times you complete each pose (with 3 seconds to get each one) is the number of turns plus one your stats will revert backwards. This can be handy if you've started a fight, but it can be a serious gamble if the battle's gone on for a while and you don't remember. You will not regain any items you may have used, so be careful! Costs 7 SP.
10: Supernova:
Does this need any introduction? Rapid mashing of A is required to fill the four meters to the maximum. It will punish all the foes onscreen with a massive blast. Use it only as a last resort, as it is quite draining on SP. Deals 1-15 Damage. Costs 8 SP.
I spent a good part of the day writing this. If you managed to read all this without your eyes bleeding or your brain exploding from all this data, I congratulate you and thank you for your time reading it.  |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:19 pm
Very much want.
Sounds incredibly epic. I hope they do another RPG-style Paper Mario--while SPM was fun, I liked TTYD's battle system MUCH better. |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:08 pm
All I can say is DO WANT.
Anyways, I'm writing this story that's a spin off of Paper Mario...like a sequel; but with one of my OCs as the main character.
Lol Plot: Tayl, the infamous Little Mewser {Think Little Mouser, but a cat. Yeah.}, steals the Star Rod, and shatters it into pieces for no apparent reason. Ki {Think Mimi's species...but orange and with only one ponytail.} finds one of the Star Rod pieces, and meets up with Twink, who alerts her that Tayl broke the Star Rod. So, with her colon-three-faced rabbit friend, Bunny, Ki goes off to find the Star Rod Shards. Not my most unique plot; but hey.
The locations would include new places, like a flower-filled city, a castle near a volcano, underwater, on a mountain, the Cherry Kingdom, the Berry Kingdom, a blizzard-plagued town, and outer space. Other locations would return, like Star Haven, Fort Francis, Toad Town {Which once again serves as the starting point.}, and even Subcon.
The partners {Some of which are new species.} would be Bunny the Bunny, Moki the Flori, Eni the Fire Boo, Squeechy the Squeechian, Doro the Bob-Omb, Princess Cerise the Cherrian, Princess Mora the Berrian, Tipbot the {failed} robot, Eira the Eirian, Lun the {Unknown Species}, and Cookie the MeowMaid. There would also be partners that only accompany you for certain stages, like Feya the Subcon, Vitali T. the Toad, Shye the Shy Guy, Twink the Star Kid, and The Flavorizer.
There would also be bosses, who aren't always the ones who have the Star Shard. Some of them just get in the way, others want the Star Shards, and some of them were created for the sole purpose of destroying Ki and her friends.
I don't feel like going in-depth with everything like you did...but I might later. :P
If you took out Ki, replaced Bunny with maybe Luigi, replaced Tayl with some other Mario antagonist, and replaced all of my made-up species partners with real species {Or, maybe not.}, it could be a Mario game.
I wonder what system the next PM game will be on... |
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Cid Lord Krump
Joined: 21 Apr 2007 Posts: 7880
HP: 60 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:23 pm
That's an excellent idea. But I believe that I have a better idea.
Paper Wario: Legend of the Missing Loot
One day, Wario wakes up to find that someone broke into his castle, and made off with all his cash. Enraged, he sets off on an epic quest to get back his missing money, only to learn that what stole his cash is much more than a petty thief. Soon, Wario and his minions are caught up in an epic battle between an evil organization plotting to not only conquer Diamond City, but the universe, as well...
Wario Castle- The opening area, and a future dungeon.
Diamond City- The first major city in the game. Plenty of stuff to do, and Wario can call on Dribble and Spitz's taxi service to get around.
Tomorrow Hill- The Evil Organization sets up a base here, planning to launch ships into space.
The Moon- Deep within the moon, the true villain of the game sleeps, plotting revenge upon the world. The Evil Organization is plotting to awaken him and use him to destroy the universe...
And many, many more...
Wario's Abilities:
The Wario Ram- Wario body slams an enemy.
The Wario Waft- No explanation needed.
Waluigi: Waluigi gives access to special "twin" moves.
Mona: She has a special "pizza smash" ability.
Jimmy T.: He can summon disco kittens to attack enemies.
Young Cricket: Has special martial arts moves.
Penny: She can invent random things to attack enemies.
Ashley: She has the power to perform special magical spells.
Vehicles could be used to help transport the crew around. The first would be the taxi, and the final would be Orbulon's space ship. |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:27 pm
Lord Crump wrote: | -insert post here- |
Hey, I'm a WarioWare fangirl. |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:29 pm
These are some great ideas, guys! Thanks for taking this seriously! 
I'll update the locations of TBoA later this week, so stay "tooned!"  |
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THE BIRTHDAY GIRL King Harkinian Burning
Joined: 03 Feb 2008 Posts: 5620
HP: 88 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:17 am
Do want, Wailord_Mike. Right now. Tayl's idea seems a little far-fetched, but I like it. And whoever suggested Paper Wario deserves a medal. |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:57 am
Sweeney Jones wrote: | <lol Wailord_Mike> |
I, too, like the idea of Paper Wario, though. Great suggestion, Crump!  |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:10 pm
Much as I hate double-posting, I HAVE to get this up.
It took me a good part of this week, but at last, TBoA's finally all laid out.
And so, without further ado, I give you...
Paper Mario: The Book of Ages doesn't just have you jaunting across the land with reckless abandon – it involves a bit of time-travelling to achieve certain goals. In the present, word of Chronos' power and his threat are only beginning to be known. Everyone is involved, and no one is safe from his wrath, even the creatures normally regarded as the bad guys.
In the distant past, you find out that the Mushroom Kingdom wasn't always as glamorous as the series makes it out to be – in fact, you'll find out how war-torn the land was, and that Bowser didn't earn his title for any reason...
In the far-flung future, you bear witness to the nightmare that is Chronos' deepest desire of a Universe under his heel; and yet, not quite the level of a God because he doesn't possess the Book of Ages. Most of the inhabitants are enslaved, but all is not lost; an underground organization of freedom fighters is doing its best to free the Universe from Chronos' vile clutches.
However, messing with the timelines is a dangerous power to wield...any events that may have been changed in the past will affect those in the future, but that's okay; most of the game can't advance without your futzing with past events. Furthermore, events you change for the better will be reflected in the present and future timelines.
To travel the flows of time, there are odd stone arches known as “Time Gates” that require the Book of Ages to use. You'll see a few Time Gates early on in your quest, but you won't actually use one until Chapter 2, when you embark on your quest to get the second Page of Time.
Goomba Gulch:
This is where the Book of Ages was unearthed, and also serves as the hub for the game. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Goomba Gulch is an Old-West style town smack in the desert, with a harbor and train station, as well as the Ruins of Time. Professor Frankly and Goombella return from TTYD as your confidants when you get the Pages of Time. In fact, Goombella is returning to Frankly's office with Goombuster in tow when they're both jumped by Kristos. Since they both know each other, Goombella instantly tells Goombuster to get behind Mario as he and Kristos square off in Mario's first fight.
Goombella may be confined to Frankly's two-story office for the adventure, but she still serves an important role in the game as a source of information. Thanks to being Frankly's assistant, Goombella also is the go-to girl for what are known as Chrono Fusions, where you take optional artifacts from across time to be made into useful items; for instance, the characters can all become immune to jumping on spiked enemies by getting a few pieces of armor that have been scattered across the land.
Then, of course, there is the Nexus Gateway: a massive Time Gate in the sun-baked Ruins of Time that can only be accessed by bringing all 9 Pages of Time and the Book of Ages together. It is the Nexus Gateway that leads to The Nexus: the realm that links all timelines with each other (Side note: in my RP on the Ambrosia SW Boards, The Nexus is how the inhabitants of my Universe travel across time and dimensions to reach their destinations), and is the realm that Chronos seeks to dominate. But we'll get to that a little later.
Situated in the mountains a little way to the west, Kooptropolis is, naturally, populated primarily by Koopas. However, there are also Hammer Bros., Boomerang Bros., Fire Bros., and Sledge Bros. Independent of Bowser's rule who call this bustling city their home. It's also here that you meet Koopella, who is serving out disciplinary action to a few local Hammer Bro guards who keep watch in the city. And for good reason – she's the Captain of the Guard of the city, and it doesn't look good if she's got slackers in her ranks.
The security's even tighter, however, because there's been a recent influx of Bandits trying to clean the city of any valuables. Their hideout, the Thieves' Citadel, is protected by switches, which in turn are protected by a pair of stones. Once Mario and Goombuster retrieve a pair of keystones in Kooptropolis' Sewers, Koopella joins the group to assist in the assault on the Citadel to do battle with the Bandit Lord, Hooke. Defeating Hooke leads to disorganization amongst the Bandits, and Mario finds the first Page of Time in Hooke's treasure vault.
Mapleton is a small town in the fields north of Goomba Gulch. It's a bright and cheery place, and is deeply connected to its past, with Toads making up its inhabitants...or so Mario and friends think. At first, all seems fairly normal, but when some Time Knights stroll through the town and the residents actually cheer for them, they soon know something's up.
On the west side of town, Mario witnesses an X-Naut entering a small, run-down building. Upon entering the structure, Mario is ambushed and imprisoned by the X-Nauts. But when Crump and Grodus (or what's left of him) see their old adversary, they order his release. The X-Nauts, now no longer a threat to the Mushroom Kingdom, have hired themselves out as mercenaries, fighting for whomever pays top coin for their work. They operate out of the building, codenamed Base X-23, for all operations.
It turns out that the X-Nauts have discovered all the Toads in Mapleton are in fact Time Knights in disguise, but they can't act because they would have to abandon their post. So, Crump and Grodus send Johnson, a green-colored Elite X-Naut, to assist Mario in his attack against Chronos and his Time Knights. With Johnson's assistance, Mario and friends head back to Frankly's to learn about activating their first time gate.
When they do so, they discover that the Time Knights are fighting Mapleton's real Toads in the past. Once the town is saved in the past, the Toads reappear in the present, firmly ousting the Time Knights from their home. Before they leave, however, the Time Knights summon a massive beast, Fuzzilla, from the past. A giant reptilian Fuzzy, Fuzzilla must be defeated to save the town and get the second Page of Time.
Solitude Isle:
The jungle-encroached Solitude Isle is the home of one of the Time Knights' many Chrono Strongholds, dark bastions that solidify their power. As Mario and Co. make their way through the jungles, they stumble across Spy Gal, as she emerges from the thicket like a ninja and executes a pair of Time Knights on patrol. Soon after joining, Spy Gal helps Mario and the gang infiltrate Stronghold Alpha, which is monitored by security cameras. Thanks to Spy Gal's Cloaking, however, they slip into the base to do battle with Kristos in his assault tank, the Chrono Killer. After he's defeated, the crew grabs the third Page of Time and proceeds onward.
Forest of Ages:
The Forest of Ages is a rather dark place, similar to Twilight Town and the Twilight Trail. The moment Mario and friends enter the woods, they witness Peach being hauled off in a Prison Wagon. Mario must follow the Time Knights to save her, where it becomes clear they intend to haul her across a bridge to a Time Knight Ship. Koopella, however, tosses one of her hammers to break the bridge and forces the Knights to fight Mario. Once they fall, Peach is freed and quickly joins with the pudgy plumber.
The group soon realizes that the Forest of Ages is actually a semi-sentient forest, and most of the trees themselves are aware of all the goings-on in the world. The Tree of Eternity, the biggest and oldest tree of all, informs the group that their next page is inside him, but a horrible monstrosity has also made their home inside him. They enter him, in classic OoT style, through his mouth, and do battle with the beast within: the great spider, Rachnid. Squashing the oversized arachnid yields the Fourth Page of Time.
Chrono City:
The twisted, nightmarish metropolis of the future, Chrono City is what Goomba Gulch is destined to become, in a world controlled by Chronos. When they explore the city, Mario and friends bump into Jenna, a veteran Time Knight who is aware of Mario's travels. After he defeats her, Jenna stumbles backwards, over the edge of the city. Mario, in an act of mercy, races forward to grab her and pull her up.
Eternally grateful, Jenna promises that she will always remember Mario's kindness and repay him someday. Just after she leaves, members of the Freedom League, who comprise of various races not enslaved by Chronos' mad rampages, offer Mario and friends assistance into breaking into Chronos' Citadel. By making their way through the various secret passageways, the team successfully infiltrates Chronos' lair. Just before they reach the next Page of Time, they're trapped by Chronos himself.
Chronos then summons Jenna, who recognizes Mario and the others instantly, and is unsure what to do. On the one hand, Chronos is ordering her as her master to execute Mario and secure the Book of Ages. But at the same time, she had been saved by the very man she is now being asked to kill. With a blast of her staff, she releases them from Chronos' prison, and is instantly branded a traitor. Jenna, now having little choice but to join Mario, fights Chronos' pet, a metal dragon known as MechTail. After they destroy the beast, the fifth Page of Time is theirs.
Located at the base of the mountains near Kooptropolis, Glitterville is reached by Mario and friends via an Old West-style train. As one could guess, Glitterville is a mining town, and its chief exports are Gold, Silver, and even some Platinum that is mined from...well, the mines. Glitterville's main claim-to-fame, however, is the home of the Smash League, an International Fighting Organization. And the centerpiece of the town is the Glitterville Colosseum, where the fights take place.
As Mario and friends watch one of the fights, the plaque that the current Champion, Clawgrip the Crab (yes, from SMB2), seems to have an engraving of the next Page of Time! (Alright, I admit, I'm drawing some inspiration from TTYD, here.) So, the team decides to sign up as fighters. They meet the Colosseum's promoter, a Dayzee named Old Blue. He speaks like a New Yorker, and he's the one who gives Mario his new handle: the Amazing Jumpman. Then his assistant and manager of the Colosseum, Roger the Ratooey, leads Mario and his team to their locker room to begin fights.
About midway through the fights, Bowser rampages onto the fighting arena stage to stomp Mario once and for all, with Kammy Koopa in tow. However, as typical of the Man Vs. Koopa fights, the Amazing Jumpman and his team shows the big lug what happens when he and Mario dance.
After the fight, Bowser is outside the Colosseum, practically in tears over how this archenemy consistently beats him. Mario then speaks to the Koopa King, and explains the situation to him. When Bowser stubbornly refuses to join, Jenna and Peach try to reach out to him, which, after a bit of convincing, works.
As the Amazing Jumpman and his team scour the Colosseum for the Page of Time, there appear to be strange goings-on at the Glitterville Mines. Miners frequently report strange cave-ins, and three of the drifts are wracked by fire. Towards the end of the chapter, it turns out that Old Blue has a different alias: the massive Dayzee Rex, who looks considerably less pretty than other Dayzees. Blue was using the Page of Time to speed his evolution to the monstrous form when people got too nosy. Roger's brother, in fact, used to work at the mines when Dayzee Rex stormed through, trapping him in there.
The reviling Rhododendron believes that the ONLY export Glitterville should have is the fights at the Colosseum; what's more, the mining activity does not agree with his earth-loving mindset. With Bowser at the front, Mario and the gang whack the villainous weed and reclaim the sixth Page of Time.
Mt. Cragnon:
Mt. Cragnon is the highest peak in the game, and the trail that leads up it isn't far from Goomba Gulch. However, you won't be able to pass it at first, because the bridge leading to it is out. By the time Glitterville is finished, however, you can start your trek up the mountain.
Mt. Cragnon, unsurprisingly, is populated by Cragnons; however, these ones have come from Downtown of Crag and across dimensions to settle in the Mushroom Kingdom. The peak is also the main base of the Aerial Bob-Omb Corps (hereafter renamed the Bob-Omb Aero Corps), and these hotshot flyers have a definite sense of duty about them. When you first get there, you're greeted by Commander Bridget, who explains that the Time Knights are laying siege to the mountain via Stronghold Beta, a flying fortress. Bridget and her troops have been wanting to retaliate, but that would require them to infiltrate the fortress itself, and the Aero Corps specializes in Aerial Combat, not Land Assault.
Mario offers his assistance, which is gladly accepted. They take off amid a swarm of fighters and strike at Stronghold Beta, crippling its outer defenses and allowing the team to break into the base. Bridget names her the Commanding Officer of the mission, and joins the party soon after that. Inside the base, Mario and his pals discover yet another atrocity of the Time Knights: experimentation on various creatures' DNA to make the ultimate security beast. Their end result is the revolting FrankenKoopa, a Koopa who's been patched together from various odds and ends, and seemingly invincible. But Johnson, always the eagle-eyed one, detects that the electrodes that power FrankenKoopa are his source of power. After the electrodes are destroyed, FrankenKoopa falls quickly.
However, once they recover the seventh Page of Time, it becomes clear that Stronghold Beta's Power source was the very entity they defeated! Now the base is plummeting towards the countryside at a frightening rate; they have 5 minutes to get off the base before it's Game Over for everyone. A warp inside the base (with plenty of Time Knights running interference) teleports them back to Goomba Gulch and safety.
Castle of Koopa:
As they return victorious from the siege of Stronghold Beta, Kammy Koopa flies up and informs King Koopa that the castle is under attack by the Time Knights! Bowser, not one to sit idly as his home is destroyed, immediately leads Mario and Co. to the warp pipe to the Headquarters of the Koopa Troop in the Valley of Bowser.
The castle is defended by Lord Bowser's Koopa Troop, but when they arrive, they find themselves in the middle of a losing battle. They witness Arcanus, an elite member of the Magikoopas, hopelessly leading a counterattack by Bowser's Minions. As he attempts to transform his attackers into sheep, he accidentally says the spell wrong, and turns himself into a sheep! Once Bowser, Mario, and the others fight off the Time Knights, Arcanus tells them that his spellbook is the only thing that can change him back (he tried reciting the transformation spell from memory).
Once the book is brought to the sheep, Arcanus recites the undoing spell and returns to normal. Thankful for Mario's assistance, and never one who would fight against Bowser, he eagerly joins alongside his master to take back the Castle.
In the darkest corners of the Castle, Mario and his friends find a Time Gate that leads back to a more peaceful-looking Valley of Bowser; however, it is known as the Valley of Koopas in the past. It is here that the group discovers Bowser's Royal Heritage, and that his Great Grandfather, Horatio Augustus Koopa, ruled his Empire fairly and justly, even so far as being at peace with the Toads.
The real troubles begin, however, when Wart, who escaped from Sub-Con with Chronos' help, plans on executing Horatio. It is this event that caused the downward spiral of the Koopas, and what turned most of them evil. The reason being, one of Wart's minions, Beezly the Beezo, masquerades as a Toad and attempts to backstab the great ruler when he's in his throne room. However, Bowser, now seeing the error of his ways, realizes that he was only evil because of his ancestor's execution by an impostor.
Filled with divine rage, and seeking to right the wrongs of the past, Bowser confronts Beezly and puts a stop to the plans of the vile Toad. Castle Koopa, while still intimidating, soon assumes a holier appearance in the present, and now there are Toad Guards as well as those that would be typical of the once brutal tyrant.
In an act of pure revenge, Wart, furious that his plans failed, kidnaps Bowser Jr. and holds him for ransom. But Jenna and Arcanus, combining their knowledge, free the tyke from the oppressive amphibian and begin the fight against Wart. Once the Frog is no more, Bowser shows them the treasure vault where he keeps the eighth Page of Time safe. There is only one page that remains...
Frost Island:
The final journey of Mario's trek across time begins at Frost Island. Located in the frozen northern seas, it's pretty chilly around here; probably even more so than Fahr Outpost was. Bumpties (with Canadian accents, eh) and peace-loving Fuzzies make this island their home. However, some not-so-friendly wildlife, along with Frost Piranhas and Ice Puffs, also lay claim to this island.
However the main worry is underground. Way underground. The last Time-Knight Stronghold, Stronghold Gamma, is several hundred feet beneath the island. However, there's a drilling station that's about to make its way down to the final Page of Time.
After a bit of jaunting across the world, the group catches up with the operations leader, a Monty Mole named Colonel Dredger, and the party proceeds to the molten core of Stronghold Gamma as they embark on their final journey. It is rumored that Chronos makes his main base here in the present, and the team hopes to stop him before he leaves.
However, once they reach the end of the base, Chronos has already escaped; only Kristos remains, and introduces the team to Chrono Killer 2.0, able to manipulate time at will, as well as being more heavily armed. When it's destroyed, Kristos is flung across time and space (more TTYD inspiration), doomed to roam the reaches between dimensions forever. At last, all nine Pages of Time are theirs!
The Nexus:
All Timelines and Dimensions intersect here, in the region of Null-Space known as The Nexus. However, it seems that there is one more Time Knight Stronghold here – Stronghold Omega, bigger and more nefarious than the rest. It is unclear how the Time Knights constructed this base, but it will be here that the group seeks to banish Chronos from the world, and put a stop to his plans once and for all.
As they make their way through Stronghold Omega, the group notices the strange artistry strewn about the Base; the figures repeatedly displayed are Chronos and some other individual...but who, exactly, isn't clear.
After countless battles, they meet with Chronos at last. After they fight, they celebrate, thinking that all is well, when Chronos snatches the Book of Ages from Mario's grasp! They chase after him, and find a dark altar deep within the base, where they discover the true villain:
The Jester whom Mario and the others thought they had soundly defeated, along with the Chaos Heart, in Super Paper Mario, is revived by Chronos with the Book, and both Chronos and the mad Joker merge to form Chrono-Dimentio, a being of almost incalculable power.
When all seems lost, the Book of Ages shines brightly, and reaches out to the worlds beyond in assistance. Inhabitants from all walks of time and space help cheer Mario and his companions on, as they fight for the very existence of the Universe. Suddenly, Rosalina appears, and uses some of her power to weaken the fused madmen. And with a final strike, Mario destroys both entities once and for all, sparing the timelines from their foul grasp. What happens next?
Well...I guess you'd have to find out yourself. 
Again, I spent a good deal of work on this section, and if you managed to take this all in without your brain exploding, I congratulate you, and thank you heartily.  |
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LIL BLUE VS. BIG BLUE Crappy Blue Luigi Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 10439
HP: 95 MP: 7 Lives: 2
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:34 pm
That's completely kickass.
You NEED to send that to Nintendo, if you haven't already. |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
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Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:50 pm
Kickass Red Pikmin wrote: | Dude.
That's completely kickass.
You NEED to send that to Nintendo, if you haven't already. |
I know! After looking long and hard at this, I realize most of what I wrote WOULD work!
...Thing is, I'm not entirely sure how to go about telling them my idea.
I imagine a trip to Nintendo.com is necessary, but beyond that, I don't know where I'd go to suggest games. |
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Ohh, THAT makes sense! Tyler Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 11410
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 4
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:10 pm
Suggesting games is pretty pointless. And they're probably already making a new PM. |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:22 pm
Tyler wrote: | Suggesting games is pretty pointless. And they're probably already making a new PM. | Well, you never know until you try, right?  |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
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Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:32 pm
Seems like a great idea. If i knew how to code and stuff I would suggest forming a team to put this in production. There are probably enough skill on this website to make the game. Just need to find the right people. |
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Nintendo Zealot Warlord_Mike
Joined: 04 Jun 2008 Posts: 353
HP: 99 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:34 pm
I just wonder what the Elite Nerr himself thinks about this. 
How about it, Francis? |
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