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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:38 pm
(I should have probably proofread this...Also the post won't keep my indention's for some reason.)
Come children, gather round. Let me tell you the tale of the world’s greatest hero. The Grand Warrior of the South Pacific!
Like most great warriors, few words were spoken of Dewgong before his first pure act. This is that story
Era One: The Son of the Ocean, The King of the Earth.
It’s another normal day on the island of Koejia. Gekoa, a small village near the eastern coast of the island is home to the great Cliff King, and soon to be host to one of the most powerful warriors ever known to man. “Yes, the ocean tide blows westward. There must be civilization near here.” A seal, as white as the face of the moon, traveled along a dirt road leading from the ocean. He wore a bandana, along with the traditional Koejian waistband, a large piece of thick cloth wrapped along the lower torso. It was rare to see animals traveling around these days. Sure, they had been numerous in the past; but after the First Genocide they had been all but concentrated to a small island near the southern coast. That though, is a story for another day. The seal arrived at a small creek surrounded by various plant life. It had been several hours since he left the ocean, and his thirst for water was nothing short of immense. He lowered his head to drink from the small water source. He raised back his head slowly. “Evil is near.” The seal turned his sights towards a cloud of smoke sprouting up from the trees. That is where he would find his village. The seal arrived in the village of Gekoa to many blank stares. Being a wanderer, he was not fond of attention. “Do not be wary humans. I am Dewgong, Wanderer of the Sea. I pose no threat to your village; I come only for supplies and rest.” The villagers were awestruck by the commanding tone of the seal’s voice. This was no animal to be trifled with. “Please,” said Dewgong,”Could you lead me to where I might acquire some of these necessities?” A small man wearing a straw hat stepped forward. “Great seal, I am afraid that we have few supplies to spare. You see, our king keeps all of the village’s food safekept in his castle. We have had good deal of trouble with thieves in the past, and our lord thought it best to supplies us with food once every full moon so as to keep the crops safe. We don’t have enough to trade with other villages, but I’m sure we could spare some for you seal.” Dewgong seemed very confused. “A monarchy in Koejian? Unheard of in these ages. Surely you are joking human. Almost all of the nations have adopted a democratic government, even the animals.”The villager chuckled softly,”You misunderstand kind seal. Please, follow me.” Dewgong and the small man arrived at a large fountain in the center of town. “You see seal,” said the man,” This is why our king Grustof came to power.” Once again, Dewgong was very confused by the man’s statements. “Tis’ nothing but a fountain human. It seems to be producing drinking water, but I see nothing special about it.” The man chuckled again, were Dewgong’s remarks truly that hilarious? “Ah, but you see, this fountain is magic.” Dewgong was growing tired of this man’s fairy tales. “There are only a few species who have ever mastered the art of controlling nature’s energy human. Your story is getting far too fanciful.” The man took a drink. “This fountain was enchanted with healing properties by our lord.” His head seemed to droop somewhat. “It was horrible before Grustof came. A terrible disease struck about a month before his arrival; weekly death tolls were around ten lives if not more. We were a crumbling civilization, and he saved us from that hell.” The man perked up again,” That is why he is our king. He performed a miracle the likes of which no one else in our village, nay any man could ever perform.” Dewgong looked towards the sky. “Take me to your king…what is your name human.” The man smiled. “You, seal, can call me Genk.” Dewgong and Genk arrived at Grustof’s castle fairly quickly. The castle was located just north of the town, near a cliff face; or should I say, in the cliff face. “Astounding,” said Dewgong in amazement, “A fortressed carved into the side of a cliff. Why, it’s a tactician’s dream. There is no chance of an assault from the sides or from behind. This man is not your typical human.” “See, I told you,” stated Genk. It was obvious that he was pleased with Dewgong’s realization that their king was indeed a magnificent leader. “To the throne room then, I wish to speak with your king.” Genk was shocked by the seal’s request, “Wait! I thought you were only here for supplies? Where are you; wait for me!” If you ever woke up in Grustof’s throne room, there is very little chance that you would realize that you were currently inside a thirty-foot cliff. The room was large, and lavish. Everything from the furniture to the carpet was lined with gold or silver. Upon the large throne sat Grustof. He was plump man, but also one with a look of courageousness of his face. The face of a leader. Dewgong and Genk easily entered the king’s throne room. As Dewgong had not realized, Genk was in employment with the king. No wonder he spoke so highly of him. “Why hello there Genk, who is this seal you have delivered to my castle.” Genk bowed to Grustof, “His name is Dewgong sire; he is a wanderer and seeks supplies for his journey.” The king nodded in recognition, “Well, then I will have one of the serv-“ The king was stopped abruptly as Dewgong launched himself at the monarch. “KATANA!” Dewgong shouted as a black hilted blade appeared in his flipper. As he landed, he brought the sword down on the king; but what happened next he did not anticipate. Between the king and Dewgong’s blade now lay a large axe, almost the same size as the wanderer. “So, you found out,” the king’s eyes glinted with a red glow, “Then let us fight for this throne!” The king pulled out a knife and slashed at Dewgong. Dewgong was easily able to dodge the short leader, but that is not what worried him. “How is a human that small able to hold a weapon such as that, with one hand!” The king laughed, “You seem perplexed wanderer. Fine then, let me show you my power!” His skinned seemed to absorb into his body; in the man’s place now stood a creature that was anything but human. It stood at the same height as the small king, about three feet. It seemed to be a bipedal combination of a toad and an alligator. Truly, this was the strangest enemy Dewgong had ever faced. “Demon!” Dewgong thrust his blade forward, “You have stolen from these people for too long! You have tainted the sea, now feel its retribution!” A jet of water shot from the tip of the sword. Grustof was completely off-guard and took the full force of the blast, being beaten against his own throne by the eruption of liquid. “Hah, so you are no normal animal. Not a problem though.” The king took the axe in both hands, then chucked it at Dewgong. “Surely you realize I will simply blast that feeble weapon away!” Dewgong shot another burst of water at the axe, but once again he underestimated his foe. Grustof jumped onto his axe, bearing down and taking most of the water on himself; allowing his axe to cut through the jet of water as if it were nothing but a still pond. The axe slammed into Dewgong’s katana, sending him to the ground.. Grustof took this opportunity to pounce on top of Dewgong, putting the knife to his throat. “What now Son of the Sea!? All your heroic act has done is seal your demise!” Grustof turned to Genk. “And you will be next human! I will not let what you saw this day ruin my hold over your village.” Genk was too afraid to move; and pinned down, Dewgong could do not but grasp the hilt of his sword and wait. Even the slightest move may cause the creature to carve the wanderer’s next, he had to move fast. “So you think it’s over, eh Grustof?” said Dewgong whilst smirking at his attacker. “Ha! Don’t act so cocky seal. You have no moves left. You can’t move your flipper, and I’m sure you have realized I have no intention of letting you leave here alive.” “Then, may I ask; why am I not dead yet?” The king laughed at his victim, “Well, maybe there is a part of me that wants you to fight back; at least a little more. I haven’t had to exert myself this much in quite some time you see. It’s nice to have a worthy opponent now and again.” Dewgong closed his eyes, “Well then, it is a fight you shall have!” Dewgong moved his flipper to the blade of his katana, as fast as lighting strikes the sea. “What!” yelled Grustof in utter surprise, “What are you doing seal!?” Dewgong clenched the katana while a stream of luminescent blood drifted down the hilt. “You dared to underestimate me fool. Now die…” A light surrounded the blade, creating a bright flash that all but blinded Grustof. “Gah! What magic is this!? How does a creature of the sea learn such a technique!?” Dewgong took this opportunity to grab his captor and throw him back towards the throne. “You are right demon, I am a son of the ocean; but my master was the sun! Now, come to me! Daishō!” The light fell away, and there stood Dewgong in the middle of the throne room; in his hands he held two blades, the Daishō of the Tides. The orange hilted katana represented the sun; as did the shorter, blue hilted Wakizashi represent the moon. “Just as the intricate dance of the moon and sun through the sky move even the mighty ocean, so will the balance of my blades seal your fate.” Dewgong crossed the swords in front of himself; he took an offensive stance, unflinching. “COME THEN! FALL BEFORE ME! LET THE OCEAN BE YOUR GRAVE!” Grustof snarled and charged at Dewgong with his oversized axe in hand. “The wicked, they are always far too stubborn.” Dewgong drove each blade to its respective side, creating a link of energy between the two. “Too slow seal! Your hide will hang on my throne!” Just as Grustof was about to pierce Dewgong’s chest, a black wave emerged from between the two swords. The tidal wave swallowed the evil king, leaving him on the ground, grasping for air. Dewgong silently moved towards his opponent, placing his katana at the beast’s throat. “The Tidal of Conscience. It was a move that I learned while traveling along the northern shoreline of Asia. The blacker your heart, the more poisonous the waters. You have only a few moments of life left in you,” Dewgong summoned Genk to his side, “If you have an unfinished business with the village, now would be the time to finish it.” Grustof gave a hoarse laugh, “You may have slain me seal…but the people will never believe you. I supplied them with a cure to their illness…they will turn against-“, and with that, Grustof laid dead. “You killed our lord!” “Monster!” “Vile Beast!” Genk raised his voice to the crowd, “Silence you ignorant fools! Our king was nothing but a demon! A detestable creature bent only on our self-destruction! He wanted our wealth, not our happiness!” The crowd’s opinion was slightly different. “Who cares if he was a beast!”, one of the villagers shouted,” He supplied us with a cure to our dieing village! The least we could do is let him lead the people he saved!” The crowd yelled in approval. “You are right,” said Dewgong as he emerged in front of the crowd, “he did cure you, but he also killed many of you as well.” The crowd fell silent, they were intrigued by Dewgong’s statement. “The water in the village is pure drinking water,” Dewgong pointed towards the fountain, “There are no abnormal properties about it. However, the water in the stream is another story.” Dewgong turned towards Genk, “You said Grustof came to this village a month after the disease hit, correct?” Genk nodded, where was Dewgong going with this? “I tasted the water from your stream. Poisoned.“ The villager’s were once again awestruck by the seal. “I’ve been living on the sea for too long to not know foul water when I taste it. There is nothing in nature that can turn something so pure into the vile concoction you were drinking. Grustof poisoned your water, he then appeared in your village a month later with a “magical” fountain. You all began to drink from the fountain, and your disease disappeared. After that he used the recent thieving problem to secure your crops, cutting you off from trade; and with it the outside world. He isolated your village from the rest of the nation, slowly choking your village of supplies.. He was a clever little devil, I’ll give him that.” The villagers where completely and utterly stunned. Some were enraged, others were crying; but they were free, and that is all that mattered. “Where will you go now Dewgong?” Genk asked as he stood beside their savior on the outskirts of town. “Wherever the ocean winds blow. Grustof was right, I am a son of the sea. I am bound to her. If it be her will to rescue the people of this nation from any evil that may plague it, then I will comply without hesitation.” They both were silent, listening to the wind blow through the blossoming trees. “I should take my leave, the sun is setting. I should probably reach suitable shelter before night comes.” Genk thought otherwise. “Surely you are joking seal,” Dewgong smirked at the remark, “You know you are welcome to spend the night in our village.” “No, you are still rebuilding your trade. Another mouth to feed will do nothing but hinder you. I’ll be find on my own, I am a wanderer after all.” Genk looked up at Dewgong, “No, you are swordsmen of Koejia. A hero of Gekoa. You are Dewgong, Grand Warrior of the South Pacific!”
And that is how Dewgong earned his title, and how his name was to be written into history for hundreds of years. This was not be the end of Dewgong though, for a powerful evil was slowly tightening it’s over Koejia; and he was the one of the great warriors who would fight against it’s tyranny for tales to come.
Last edited by Popple on Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:15 am; edited 5 times in total |
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TooManyToasters Paper_Waluigi
Joined: 20 May 2007 Posts: 10343
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:51 pm
tl;dr, but AWESOME nonetheless. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:55 pm
Rasto wrote: | tl;dr, but AWESOME nonetheless. |
The whole thing is exactly 2,506 words.  |
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Super Cyber Mario Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 5387
HP: 60 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:10 pm
Nice, I quite liked it. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:06 am
Cyber Mario wrote: | Nice, I quite liked it. |
Thanks, I just wish some more people would read it. I spent all day working on it. :/ |
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Joined: 23 Oct 2007 Posts: 47446
HP: 95 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:49 am
Dear Grambi. I'm afraid I won't be able to express how epic this was, but I'll try. I FREAKING LOVED IT. You've got talent, Popple. It was so...detailed and awesome. I especially loved the way the king isolated the townspeople; very well-thought-out plot point. And somehow, it was comedic. I kept giggling. Cookie'd for win. Keep writing plx. <3 |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:47 pm
Great work, Popple. I loves it. Funny and well-made, I can't wait to see more. =) |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:18 pm
Chaos Dimentio wrote: | Great work, Popple. I loves it. Funny and well-made, I can't wait to see more. =) |
I'm obviously planning to continue it, I'm just not sure how long it will be until the next one gets done. I'm just one of those people who won't be satisfied if my next chapter is shorter than this one.  |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 19351
HP: 85 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:26 pm
I say, that display of literature was quite enjoyable. I demand you write more!
-gives you a biscuit lolol- |
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Oh fuck. Flar3 Luigi Vampire
Joined: 18 Oct 2007 Posts: 18735
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:21 pm
Nice. Pretty schweet. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:58 pm
Bumping because this took forever to write. DX |
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Apparently missed a lot LudwigVonKoopa Vampire
Joined: 01 Sep 2007 Posts: 17649
HP: 5 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:23 pm
Popple wrote: | Bumping because this took forever to write. DX |
I read it only a bit, it's good so far. BUT LONG. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:32 pm
Long > Short |
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Apparently missed a lot LudwigVonKoopa Vampire
Joined: 01 Sep 2007 Posts: 17649
HP: 5 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:44 pm
Popple wrote: | Long > Short |
Damn right. I just finished that epic story. |
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Ohh, THAT makes sense! Tyler Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 11410
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 4
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:17 pm
Just took the time to read it, and...
Absolutely awesome. |
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