Star Trek Online Season 3 starts Dec. 9, adds mission creation beta
Posted by Joystiq Nov 17 2010 05:30 GMT in Star Trek Online
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As we all know, the third season of The Next Generation was a real doozy. We mean, "Sins of the Father?" "The Bonding?" Oh, man -- they're classics. We've got understandably high hopes for the third "season" of free downloadable content for Star Trek Online, an update which will go live December 9, adding a mission replay option, unlockable Borg technology and a beta for "The Foundry," which allows players to craft their own episodes.

This, of course, means that someone needs to go through and recreate all the episodes from season three of TNG. Heck, how about all the episodes from TNG? We're not sure those wacky Holodeck episodes would be possible, but we're sure players can kludge something together.

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