NaturalMotion moving into publishing, naturally
Posted by Joystiq Nov 19 2010 17:30 GMT in Backbreaker
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Developer NaturalMotion, perhaps best known for its Morpheme and Euphoria middleware, has announced that it will begin publishing games digitally, beginning with a couple of iOS projects. According to, Jenga and Backbreaker 2: Vengeance (really -- that's the subtitle for a football game?) will be the first products out of the company's new publishing division. The developer's first Backbreaker game has been reportedly downloaded over three million times from the App Store, offering a solid clue as to why NaturalMotion is moving in this new direction.

"We believe there is a significant opportunity in combining the ease of use and connectivity of social games with the stunning performance of modern devices such iOS, Android and consoles," said CEO Torsten Reil. According to the NaturalMotion website, Jenga for iOS will be the publisher's inaugural release this holiday.

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