Under Siege priced, set for December release
Posted by Joystiq Dec 09 2010 04:00 GMT in Under Siege
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Under Siege may have missed its planned November release, but at least it's one step closer to actually coming out. The PlayStation Move-enabled RTS will be available later this month for $19.99 (£11.99 in the UK and €14.99 elsewhere).

Developer Seed Studios' Filipe Pina explained the delay on the game's official Facebook page: "360,000 lines of code and almost 10,000 files can sometimes be tricky to handle." Given the game's two year development time, a few more weeks of work certainly seems like a drop in the bucket.

Under Siege has some rather lofty ambitions, utilizing nearly every feature available on the PS3: Move support, a level editor, online and split-screen multiplayer, XMB screenshots, and YouTube video recording. On top of that, Seed hired the team behind Killzone 2's intro to make the game's almost-unnecessarily impressive intro, which you can watch after the break.

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