Resubbing dem Warcrafts tomorrow
Posted by Twytch Dec 10 2010 02:48 GMT in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
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Don't have Cata, but if you want to chill or level give me some names and realms and all that


I don't have Cata yet, but I'm willing to chill.
I'm Ysera Horde right now, but I'm up for anything.
Reply by Popple Dec 10 2010 03:10 GMT
My brother has it so I sometimes play it. I'll have to check back for my name and realm whenever I can get back on though.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Dec 10 2010 04:58 GMT

Deathwing, Horde

You can be an Unreal Heir.


Guild is level 2 so 5% bonus xp.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 10 2010 05:15 GMT
Maiq how active is your guild? The GiantBomb dudes are cool, but no one is ever *crag*ing on.
Reply by Popple Dec 10 2010 06:16 GMT

It's getting to a somewhat active point. Not as active as I'd like yet (I think it's 7 active people at the moment, still have to convince several MSPA folk to join the server, as well as advertise the guild in-game for fresh blood)


Only problem I have so far is one of the members. Pupapan, while an awesome cowman, doesn't have the cash to keep his account active past the weekend so he'll probably be dead for a while.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 10 2010 07:15 GMT

So are you telling me to join your guild or not.

Also what classes do you have.

Reply by Popple Dec 10 2010 07:25 GMT

By all means. More people is good.

As for classes, you can pretty much be anything. We have about 2 of every class besides Rogue.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 10 2010 07:49 GMT

K, i need a name or something so I can like, actually find you guys in game.

Reply by Popple Dec 10 2010 07:51 GMT

Add Bwg. I'll invite you if you're online tomorrow.

Going to bed.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 10 2010 08:02 GMT
I made a Rouge but I might make a Warrior instead. I kinda just want to hit stuff.
Reply by Popple Dec 10 2010 22:40 GMT
i play on baelgun but i'd be willing to start another character if you guys give me a server and a faction. i have cata but i cant use it till christmas
Reply by Hooly Dec 10 2010 22:46 GMT
I will play after Christmas. I usually go around on the Gilneas server as Alliance, but I'm willing to roll with anything
Reply by ©na Dec 10 2010 23:31 GMT
I'll probably jump back on my DK on your Realm Maig, my name on Deathwing is Mataku if you wanna add me Popple
Reply by Twytch Dec 10 2010 23:44 GMT
Managed to find sufficient hard drive space on my current computer, so I guess I can play NOW
Huh, guess I'm playing Horde on Deathwing
Reply by ©na Dec 11 2010 19:14 GMT
Alrighty then. I am Boreale, Tauren Druid
Reply by ©na Dec 12 2010 00:19 GMT

I'll be sure to add folks as soon as I see them online.

That said, I need names if you haven't already posted them.

My stomach feels like shit atm, so I probably won't be online until tomorrow afternoon.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Dec 12 2010 03:05 GMT
Do we have a guild or some such?
Reply by ©na Dec 12 2010 20:24 GMT
Maiq has one I believe, but all my alts are gone from it so I don't know if it's still kicking
Reply by Twytch Dec 12 2010 20:44 GMT
I'm just going to play on Ysera now because internet super star Dave Snider is now in our guild and as a result membership skyrocketed.
Reply by Popple Dec 12 2010 21:32 GMT
Fare thee well, Pops. I'm not on Deathwing much either, kind of bouncing all over the place.
Reply by Twytch Dec 12 2010 23:02 GMT
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