PSP Go hacked to load game ISOs
Posted by Joystiq Jan 06 2011 05:35 GMT in Gaming News
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Good news! There's now a way to run UMD-only games on a PSP Go. The bad news: it's an unofficial exploit. Coders "Virtuous Flame" and "Coldbird" have released a "Homebrew Enabler" for PSP firmware 6.31 and 6.35. Using that, "Liquidzigong" was able to get the Prometheus ISO Loader program running on the disc-free handheld, allowing copied UMD disc images to be saved and run on the system.

After the break, you can see a demonstration of the hack, in which a user loads up Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep -- a high-profile title never released on PSN. While we can't speak on the legality of using this method to back up your UMD games and play them on a Go (and then on the go), we can confidently condemn the use of this exploit to play games that aren't yours.


me thinks the PSP Go will soon see a spike in sales
Reply by Francis Jan 06 2011 05:47 GMT
This has been known about for ages, you *crag*ers are slow
Reply by Fallen Shade Jan 06 2011 05:50 GMT
Oh boy.
Reply by Popple Jan 06 2011 19:20 GMT
I checked and I can totally do this.
What now faggots.
You all said the PSPGo wasn't worth buying, BUT LOOK AT ME NOW!
Reply by Popple Jan 06 2011 23:59 GMT
It wasn't
Now it totally is
So many ISOs
Reply by ©na Jan 07 2011 00:32 GMT
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