Russell still writing Uncharted flick, talks picks for Elena
Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2011 23:55 GMT in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
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The push-and-pull saga of the Uncharted film adaptation continues, as David O. Russell has informed Empire Online that he's still working on the script (despite reports to the contrary). He also reaffirmed that he wants both Mark Wahlberg and Robert De Niro to star in the film. Speaking of the film's female roles, Russell noted that he has "cultivated" the character of Elena "quite a bit." Said Russell, "I love the woman characters and the more robust they are, the more robust the movie."

When asked if Amy Adams would fit the role, Russell stated that he would "love" her in the part (Adams recently worked with Russell on The Fighter). Another name mentioned by Russell: One Scarlett Johansson. Of course, Russell seems to be overlooking the obvious. One word: Streep. Come on David, she's box office gold!

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