IP earned per game has been reduced.
You get 58 IP for losing at 55 (down from 75 for any normal/ranked loss)
You get 30 IP for losing at 30 (again, down from 75)
Winning an hour-long game nets you 95 IP (down from 100 for any normal/ranked victory)
Winning a 25 minute game gets you a trifling 70 IP (again, down from 100)
Winning an eleven minute IP farm practice gets you only 31 IP (down from 75 IP for any practice victory)
New champ costs 6300.
Nothing else matters. Riot is greedy as *crag*.
Also the Tribunal will give some amazing IP
how the *crag* is the tribunal suppsoed to give ip
You get 100 IP if you agree with most people on the matter
You get 25 IP if you disagree with most people on the matter
You must spend AT LEAST one minute reading over things before deciding
You can not see what other people have decided until you decide yourself
You may only judge 10 cases a day
so it's click a button for free ip?