Nintendo 3DS to launch with 18 games in North America, $40 each for most
Posted by Joystiq Feb 22 2011 14:00 GMT in The Sims 3
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The North American launch details for Nintendo 3DS have been finalized. In addition to Face Raiders and AR Games, both pre-installed on the hardware, the system will launch with three first-party games: Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver, and nintendogs + cats. Each first-party game has a suggested retail price of $39.99.

Thirteen third-party games will be available on March 27th, including Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and Rayman 3D. Nintendo promises that thirty games will be available for the platform by E3 expo. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Kid Icarus: Uprising and a new Mario Kart game will all be available before year's end.

You'll find the complete launch lineup listed after the break.


a nintendo system launching with... Pilotwings and Nintendogs. oh boy
Reply by Francis Feb 22 2011 15:15 GMT

I actually might get SSF43D with my 3DS

Reply by Super-Claus Feb 22 2011 16:31 GMT
well I've narrowed my choice to super monkey ball nintendogs and pilot wings
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 22 2011 19:25 GMT
Or you could, you know, wait until something actually worth getting comes out.
Reply by Popple Feb 22 2011 19:57 GMT
I guess I'll get Rayman since I never got around to playing it on the n64.
Reply by MM Feb 22 2011 23:11 GMT
shitty launch list is shitty
Reply by MM Feb 22 2011 23:11 GMT

well pops I want SOMETHING to play other than AR cards for the next 3 months untill E3 when all the other games come out.

Reply by Super-Claus Feb 22 2011 23:36 GMT
What the hell happened to Layton 3, god damn it.
Wow ph1r3 you're slow
Layton 3 came out for the ds like months ago, i would know because i bought it and beat it
Reply by Nastasia Feb 23 2011 00:05 GMT
The reason the launch titles are crap is so Nintendon't (hurr) make the same mistake with the DS - launching with a *crag*ton of triple-a titles then losing all momentum not a month later.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Feb 23 2011 00:25 GMT
Oh man, this sure is a wealth of great titles
So many games, man
Reply by ©na Feb 23 2011 00:29 GMT
Reply by Popple Feb 23 2011 00:40 GMT
oh wait i meant layton 4
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