Pokemon Black/White - “Can’t Stop (Catchin’ ‘Em All)” by The Presidents of the United States of America
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 07 2011 20:37 GMT in Pokemon Black / White
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function getVideo() { var so = new SWFObject("http://cdn.springboard.gorillanation.com/storage/xplayer/yo033.swf", "mplayer", "420", "340", "8", "#000000"); so.addParam("wmode","transparent"); so.addParam("swliveconnect", "true"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true"); so.addVariable("pid", "goni001"); so.addVariable("siteId", "485"); so.addVariable("videoId", "259691"); so.addVariable("autostart", "false"); so.addVariable("file", "http://cms.springboard.gorillanation.com/xml_feeds_advanced/index/485/3/259691/"); so.addVariable("pageUrl", document.location); so.write("flashcontent_485_goni001_single_259691"); } getVideo(); Now that Pokémon fans finally have their hands on Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version and are learning the special powers of the 156 new collectible Pokémon, they will be just as excited to [...]


I think something broke here.

Reply by Gold Prognosticus Mar 07 2011 20:44 GMT
sometimes GoNintendo puts javascript in it's rss feed. I should probably do a better job at removing it.
Reply by Francis Mar 07 2011 20:47 GMT
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