ITT: Everyone has to act superior than everyone.
Posted by Flar3 Mar 08 2011 04:53 GMT in Flar3
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Just testing and seeing the results.


you're a piece of shit flar3
i am better
Reply by Viddd Mar 08 2011 04:58 GMT

Why would you even bother making a topic like this when it's already obvious that I'm the most dominant alpha in this horde of alphas? Seriously Flar3 think about that for a little bit.

Reply by Fallen Shade Mar 08 2011 05:12 GMT
Reply by Francis Mar 08 2011 05:13 GMT
I don't even have to act.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Mar 08 2011 05:19 GMT
but I was already the best
I always was
Reply by sims Mar 08 2011 06:59 GMT
yeah but then you went to a shitty forum full of fags so nobody cares fag i was always the best
Reply by darkz Mar 08 2011 22:16 GMT
*superior to, genius
Reply by FrozenWinters Mar 08 2011 22:36 GMT

Why are you shitdumpsters still trying? This topic has been over before it was ever made.

Reply by Fallen Shade Mar 09 2011 00:03 GMT

Sorry, cannot debate this;I have a gig tonight (I play synth).

Reply by FrozenWinters Mar 09 2011 00:16 GMT
>implying playing a synth requires skill
Reply by Popple Mar 09 2011 00:28 GMT

M'aiq just came back from the future. It was a close call, but he won this thread in the long run.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Mar 09 2011 00:30 GMT
Reply by Nastasia Mar 09 2011 01:03 GMT

I am God. I created all of you. Everything you do is set upon a predetermined path to further my agenda.

Reply by MM Mar 09 2011 02:19 GMT

I am an atheist. I destroy you using cold logic.

Reply by Linkshot Mar 09 2011 02:37 GMT
I am Ph1r3. I created all of you. Everything you do is set upon a predetermined path to further my agenda.
Try harder faggot.
Reply by Popple Mar 09 2011 06:02 GMT
I hrrrrnnnngh am Ph1r3. I hrrrrnnnngh created hrrrrnnnngh all hrrrrnnnngh of you. Everything you hrrrrnnnngh do is set hrrrrnnnngh upon a hrrrrnnnngh predetermined path to hrrrrnnnngh further my hrrrrnnnngh agenda.

Reply by Tails Doll Mar 11 2011 07:28 GMT
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