Wow, Cut Man kinda sucks
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 19 2011 06:33 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
- 2 Like?


shut the *crag* up
Reply by Slim Mar 19 2011 15:52 GMT

You know, I think it would have been better if they just




Reply by Fallen Shade Mar 19 2011 18:35 GMT
I just noticed Cut Man has a slight Hispanic accent.
Reply by Tails Doll Mar 20 2011 02:38 GMT
I just noticed the second A in your name
Reply by Slim Mar 20 2011 05:12 GMT
well it's not Patichu, is it :|
Reply by Tails Doll Mar 20 2011 05:38 GMT
He... He...
He thought you were a GEP Gun
Reply by ©na Mar 20 2011 05:52 GMT

He's 100% black

Reply by Slim Mar 20 2011 06:38 GMT
Forgive my interruption
My vision is augmented
Reply by ©na Mar 20 2011 06:46 GMT
I do not move out of the way
Reply by Slim Mar 20 2011 16:28 GMT
[ Unatco Island ]
» satcom ; unatco_001
» Helicopter bay : 0451
- 230023 ; 4558 , c200
» Statue security login
- nsf001 ; smashthestate
» Unatco hq reception login
- klloyd ; squishy
- guest ; guest
[ Unatco Hq ]
» office login
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
- jreed ; redshoes
- jreyes ; amigo
» Manderley's office login
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
- guest ; guest
» Jacobson's office login
- anavarre ; scryspc
- ajacobson ; calvo
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
- jreyes ; amigo
» Armoury & cells login
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- jreyes ; amigo
- guest ; guest
» Cells (additional) login
- anavarre ; scryspc
- ajacobson ; calvo
» Medical bay login
- user ; user
- jreyes ; amigo
- 4445001 ; 766321 , c277
- jreed30045 ; 480112 , c23
» Alex cupboard: 2001
[ Battery Park ]
» Secret entrance: 9183
» Login & security login
- nsf ; righteous
» Castle underground: 666
[ Street ]
» Osgood aug cupboard: 6549
» Osgood elevator code: 3316
- 543654 ; 5544 , c250
- 312446 ; 1351 , c125
- 947761 ; 2867 , c98
- 123456 ; 7890 , c51
[ Bar ]
- 446009 ; 3124 , c250
- 312446 ; 1351 , c125
- 947761 ; 2867 , c36
[ Free Clinic ]
» Medical bot room code: 2153
» Login
- jallred ; apple
- alice_priest ; secretary
[ Hotel ]
- 551002 ; 3442 , c45
- 123456 ; 7890 , c125
- 947761 ; 2867 , c62
- 543654 ; 5544 , c100
» Paul apartment code: 4321
» Paul apartment login
- pdenton ; chameleon
[ Smuggler ]
» Login
- hidden ; trustno1
- schick ; razor
» Mirror cupboard code: 432
[ MJ12 Underground ]
» LAW cupboard code: 007
» Login
- jsteward ; js1357
» Security login
- mj12 ; coupdetat
» Doors code: 2167
[ Warehouse ]
» Security login
- nsf ; righteous
» Underground aug canister:
- 9923
» Ramp & underground code:
- 2577
» EMP field computer login
- jojo ; killemall
- nsf ; righteous
» Underground comp login
- tfrase ; valleyforge
[ Unatco Island 2 ]
» satcom ; unatco_001
» Helicopter bay code: 0451
» Unatco hq reception login
- user ; user
[ Unatco HQ 2 ]
» Denton's office login
- jcd ; bionicman
» Manderley's office login
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
» Jacobson's office login
- ajacobson ; calvo
» Armory login
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- jreyes ; amigo
- guest ; guest
» Cells login
- anavarre ; scryspc
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
» Medical bay login
- jreyes ; amigo
» Upstairs office & secretary's
- user ; user
- 4445001 ; 766321 , c275
- jreed30045 ; 480112 , c75
- 47346 ; 5786 , c200
- 982175 ; 2341 , c200
[ Battery Park 2 ]
» Station phone booth code:
- 6653
[ Brooklyn Bridge Station ]
- 20000 ; bone , c100
» Ladies restroom code:
- 5482
[ Mole People ]
[ Airfield Helibase ]
- 94589 ; 747 , c500
- 69125 ; 532 ,c125
- 69241 ; 816 , c125
» Office login
- etodd ; saintmary
- user ; user
» Security login
- jhearst ; chunkohoney
[ Airfield ]
» Security login
- security ; security
» Hangar entrance code:
- 5914
[ 747 Hangar bay ]
[ 747 ]
» Augmentation canister chamber:
- 9905
[ Unatco Island 3 ]
» satcom ; unatco_001
» Helicopter bay code:
- 0451
» Unatco hq reception login
- klloyd ; target
[ Unatco Hq 3 ]
» Denton's office login
- jcd ; bionicman
» Manderley's office login
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
» Jacobson's office login
- ajacobson ; calvo
» Armory login
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- jreyes ; amigo
- guest ; guest
» Cells login
- anavarre ; scryspc
» Medical bay login
- jreyes ; amigo
» Upstairs office & secretary's
- user ; user
- 4445001 ; 766321 , c275
- jreed30045 ; 480112 , c75
- 47346 ; 5786 , c200
- 982175 ; 2341 , c200
[ Street 2 ]
- 23345 ; 2334 , c250
- 56328 ; 8236 , c125
» Subway code
- 6282
[ Bar 2 ]
- 23467 ; 4497 , c30
- 73432 ; 8944 , c125
[ Hotel 2 ]
- 487659 ; 259087 , c200
- 572345 ; 98746 , c100
- 748506 ; 54857 , c100
» Paul apartment code
- 4321
» Paul apartment login
- pdenton ; chameleon
[ Smuggler 2 ]
» Login
- hidden ; trustno1
- schick ; razor
» Mirror cupboard code
- 432
[ MJ12 Underground 2 ]
» Security login
- mj12 ; coupdetat
» Door code
- 2167
[ Nsf Hq ]
» Security login
- tjefferson ; newrevolution
» Login
- mcollins ; revolution
- napoleon ; revolution
[ Battery Park 3 ]
[ MJ12 prison ]
» Exit code
- 1125
» Login
- dmoreau ; raptor
- psherman ; raven
» Security login
- mj12 ; invader
- psherman ; raven
» Medical area code
- 0199
» Armory login
- valibek ; gatling
» Armory plasma gun
- 5239
» Armory code:
- 2971
» Detention cells code
- 4679
» Detention area door code
- 4089
» Nanotech lab login
- raptor ; strain33
» Med secretary's & reception
(not possible due to errors)
» Aug chamber code
- 9905
[ Unatco Hq Enemy ]
» Denton's & secretary's
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- guest ; guest
- jreed ; redshoes
- jreyes ; amigo
» Manderley's office login
- jmanderley ; knight_killer
- guest ; guest
- demiurge ; archon
» Jacobson's office login
- ajacobson ; calvo
» Armory login
- scarter ; antique
» Cells login
- ghermann ; zeitgeist
- jcd ; bionicman
- guest ; guest
- demiurge ; archon
- jreyes ; amigo
» Medical bay login
- user ; user
- jreyes ; amigo
(no money available)
[ Unatco Island Enemy ]
» Unatco hq reception login
- klloyd ; squishy
» Helicopter bay security
- satcom ; unatco_001
» Helicopter bay code
- 0451
[ HK Helibase ]
» Login & security login
- talon ; skyeye
» Gas release code
- 99871
[ HK Wan Chai Market ]
- 8326942 ; 7797 , c200
» Police station security login
- tam ; dragon
» Police station entrance code
- 911
» Police station cupboard
- 87342
» Luminous Path compound
- 7482 (before sword)
- 1997 (after acquiring sword)
» compound login & sec login
- gquick ; vicky_chen
- ttong ; 623ra
» Versalife elevator code
- 06288
[ HK Wan Chai Canal Rd ]
» Code
- 55655
- 2360400 ; 226 , c100
[ HK Lucky Money club ]
» Quickstop security login
- management ; code324
» Quickstop login
- code323 ; nightshift
- code322 ; dayshift
- management ; code324
» Quickstop safe code
- 711
- 2332316 ; 1608 , c200
» Lucky Money safe code
- 3499
» Lucky Money login/security
- luckymoney ; redarrow
[ HK Wan Chai Canal ]
[ HK Tonnochi Road ]
» Jock's Tonnochi Rd apt
- flyboy ; 5x5
» Maggie Chow's apt doors
- 718
» Maggie Chow's apt security
- mchow ; insurgent
» Queen's Tower security
- queenstower ; security
» Queen's Tower elevator
- 3444
- 1709
» 'Out of order' elevator code:
- 1
[ HK Tong's Base ]
» Tong's base login
- jcdenton ; sanctuary
[ HK Versalife ]
» Receptionist login
- dsavannah ; reception
» Police room code
- 9455
» Cube farm login
- all_shifts ; data_entry
» Versalife Lvl 1 labs elevator
- 6512
» Police room security login
- destiny_savannah ; internal_security
- sarah_stern ; internal_security
- team_watchdog ; internal_security
» Sarah Stern cube login
- internal_security ; sarah_stern
- all_shifts ; sarah_stern
» John Smith (wants boss dead)
- wgibson ; idoru
[ HK Level 1 Labs ]
» Aug chamber entrance code
- 5878
» Aug chamber code
- 43212
» Login
- mchow ; damocles
- mlundquist ; damocles
- adonovan ; damocles
- mbates ; damocles
» Security login
- mj12 ; security
» Illuminati symbol entrance
- 12
» Level 2 labs access code
- 45623 (first visit)
- 55655 (second visit)
[ HK Level 2 Labs ]
» Door code
- 768
» Electric room security login
- mj12 ; security
» Bot control room security login
- mj12 ; research
» Login
- mchow ; damocles
- mlundquist ; damocles
» Augmentation chamber code
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
» UC code
- 525
[ Street Mission 3 ]
[ Bar Mission 3 ]
(no money available)
[ Free Clinic Mission 3 ]
» Medical bot room code
- 1234
» Login
- jallred ; apple
- alice_priest ; secretary
[ Hotel Mission 3 ]
- 543654 ; 55443 , c50
- 123456 ; 7890 , c125
» Paul Denton's apartment code
- 4321
» Paul Denton's apartment login
- pdenton ; chameleon
[ Smuggler Mission 3 ]
» Login
- hidden ; trustno1
- schick ; razor
» Mirror cupboard code
- 432
[ MJ12 Underground Mission 3 ]
» Security login
- mj12 ; coupdetat
» Door code
- 2167
[ NYC Dockyard ]
» Security login
- usfema ; security
- walton ; simons
» First building first office login
- josy ; usnadmin
» First building 2nd office entrance
- 2249
» First building second office login
- fbaggins ; mordor
» Walton Simons building login
- shania ; usnadmin
- brenda ; usnadmin
» Walton Simons office login
- walton ; simons
» Big gate near bot control bldg
- 8675309
» Advanced Sub Facility entrance
- 0909
[ NYC Ship Upper ]
» Navy building security login
- security ; brooklyn
- walton ; simons
» Ramp code: 6655
» Armory code
- 71324
» Captain's quarters code
- 65678
» Captain's quarters login
- kzhao ; captain
- root ; reindeerflotilla
» Operations door code
- 83353
» Operations login
- shipops ; wallcloud
- root ; reindeerflotilla
» Ship security login
- security ; security
[ NYC Ship Lower ]
» Security login
- root ; reindeerflotilla
» Engineering bridge code
- 9753
» Electric walkway code
- 64788
» Pump control room code
- 8642
» Pump control room login
- pumpcontrol ; flush
» Helicopter bay code
- 4453
» Entry to heli bay/supply cupboard
- 9999
[ NYC Graveyard Dowd ]
» Gatekeeper's secret room code
- 1234
» Stanton Dowd login
- sdowd ; illuminati
[ Paris Catacombs Entrance ]
» Building 13 security login
- rzelazny ; shadowjack
» Sewer code
- 0001
» Roof elevator code
- 4003
» Metro security login
- security ; security
» Metro ATM
- 2221969 ; dullbill , c200
[ Paris Catacombs ]
» Security login
- hela ; ragnarok
[ Paris Street ]
» Bot control login
- streetstation17 ; werewolf
- 005133 ; salem008 , c200
- 001506 ; naga066 , c300
- 002639 ; aramis01 , c150
- 004418 ; morbus13 , c100
» Motel login
- user ; user
[ Paris Club ]
» Stock cupboard code
- 1966
[ Paris Chateau ]
» Security login
- bduclare ; nico_devil
» Living room login
- nicolette ; chad
» Computer room login
- bduclare ; nico_angel
» Aug canister chamber code
- 1784
[ Paris Cathdral ]
» Window display security
- (sportinggoodssecurity ; sportinggoodssecurity)
(not possible due to errors)
» Cathedral sniper tower security
- mj12 ; mj12
» Other security login
- 34501 ; 08711
» Login
- 34501 ; 08711
» Gold vault entrance code
- 1942
» Technology archive entrance
- 0022
[ Paris Metro ]
- 57601 ; wyrdred08, c900
[ Paris Everett's House ]
» Login / security login
- meverett ; pynchon
» Augmentation canisters
- 2384
- 6426
» Morpheus code
- 8001
[ Vandenburg X-51 ]
» Main building login
- tbaker ; dalek
» Security login
- command ; zebra42
» Bot release code
- 5868
[ Vandenburg X-51 Tunnels ]
» Generator room entrance code
- 2129
» Security login
- tunnel01 ; omega2a
» Underwater room code
- 2134
[ Vandenburg X-51 Ctrl Room ]
» First room login
- jtaylor ; #214
» Other login
- gsavage ; tiffany
[ Vandenberg Gas Station ]
[ Vandenberg Sub Base ]
» Rest room cupboard code: 12
» Security login
- tech ; sharkman
» Login
- apinkerton ; antennapedia
» Karkian tank code: 1223
[ Ocean Lab UnderH2O Fcility ]
» First turret room login
- mbhaggerty ; madcat
» First turret room security login
- kraken ; oceanguard
» Other security login
- oceanguard ; kraken
» Door code
- 5690
» Small room w/ malfunctioning light
- yikagi ; doraemon
[ Ocean Lab UC ]
» Penultimate room login
- uc ; uc
» Ocean lab security login
- mj12 ; skywalker
» UC room login
- mj12 ; skywalker
[ Missile Complex ]
» Loft entrance code
- 12
» Lift to first silo code
- 3490
» First silo entrance code
- 8456
» First silo login
- elder ; armageddon
» Second silo code
- 1999
[ Area51 Bunker ]
» Shed & sniper tower security
- a51 ; xx15yz
» Other security login
- security ; security
» Augmentation upgrade chamber
- 9378
[ Area51 Sector 2 ]
» Barracks storage chamber code
- 0169 (important one)
- 1234 (empty ones)
- 4322
- 6786
- 3901
» Doors code
- 8946
» Security login
- security ; security
[ Area51 Sector 3 ]
» Security login
- area51 ; bravo13
» Reactor room code
- 2001
» Augmentation upgrade cupboard
- 9378
» Aquinas Hub code
- 1038
» Login
- jshears ; momerath
» Aquinas Hub & big spider storage
- ##22
» Explosives locker code
- 4225
[ Area51 Sector 4 ]
» Grays lab security login
- lab 12 ; graytest
» Grays lab exit code
- 31729
» Other security login
- security ; security
» Aquinas Router security login
- page ; uberalles
» UC control rooms code
- 1234
» Coolant room B13 code
- 2242
» Aquinas substation login
- icarus ; panopticon
» Aquinas substation code
- 6765
» Fusion reactors code
- 7243
Reply by Slim Mar 20 2011 23:21 GMT
Sorry kid
Lucius DeBeers says youve got 5 seconds to tell me who you work for
Reply by ©na Mar 21 2011 00:03 GMT
Bob Page..
Reply by Slim Mar 21 2011 01:32 GMT
My father used to say slaughter... slaughter... slaughter. He's dead
I like that
Reply by ©na Mar 21 2011 01:49 GMT
Pussy cats
Reply by Slim Mar 21 2011 01:52 GMT
Let's try some word association
First word:
Reply by ©na Mar 21 2011 01:54 GMT
to post a reply.