What the *crag* is a ZOMBG, and why did I use it?
Posted by Fallen Shade Feb 01 2008 22:40 GMT in Digital Butterflies
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Oh wait it's because I was a massive faggot autistic 13 year old developing social skills through the diversity of shitty internet posts, which I guess is a good thing. Because not making any of these awful posts would not give me a reason to edit these posts years before their time. And I would also not be elaborating so much on how much I absolutely dread the fact that I went through such a stage of horrible Neanderthal thought provoking posts. But it the long run it was a good thing that I did this I guess, or I might've given into the media and I'd be some boring scared child who would grow into something far hideous and worst than the postings that have been displayed.



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