Sony Unveils First PlayStation Certified Tablet [Updated]
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 26 2011 04:59 GMT in Ridge Racer
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UPDATE: I've dropped an image of Crash Bandicoot running on the tablet, courtesy of Engadget.

Soon, you'll have the ability to download original PlayStation games on a Sony-branded tablet. No, I'm not sure anyone was asking for complicated controller-based games to be mapped to a touch screen, but my own snark aside, Sony revealed the first PlayStation Certified tablet at an event in Japan tonight.

Ridge Racer advocate and PlayStation lead executive Kaz Hirai was on-hand to help unveil Sony's devices. There are actually two tablets coming from Sony sometime in fall 2011, S1 and S2. Both have tentative codenames, with the former designed for home use ("rich media entertainment," says the press release), the other meant for on-the-go experiences ("mobile communication and entertainment"). 

 The current look of the two tablets. It's not common for tablets to have split-screens.
The press release doesn't provide any indication of the lineup of original PlayStation games, only mentioning consumers will have access to "high quality first generation PlayStation titles," but games like Crash Bandicoot have already launched on other PlayStation Certified phones featuring Android.

Based on Google's Android 3.0 operating system, Sony's S1 features a 9.4-inch display, while the S2 sports two 5.5-inch displays. Both can grab onto local Wi-Fi points and access 3G and 4G networks.   

No pricing information is available yet for either tablet.

I'm still trying to figure out how original PlayStation games would be any fun with touch, though.  

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